2024 Grouse

  • Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    How’s everyone’s seasons been going so far? The unusually warm temps and dry weather have made for a weird season thus far. Been needing short sleeves and bug spray for my hunts as opposed to warm layers. This week the weather seems to have finally taken a turn towards colder and more fall like temps, so thats a plus. The big wind a few days ago knocked down a lot of leaves and opened some shooting lanes, but its still abnormally green for the first week of Oct.

    Overall, the general consensus is numbers are down significantly from last year. Trails where I’d flush 10 birds on last year, I’m lucky to flush 3. I have found some pockets that seem to have much better numbers, but its pretty hard to deny the abnormally wet spring did a number on the grouse broods this year. I’ve seen very few young of the year birds this year. Everything I’ve shot so far have been old mature birds.

    Here’s what I’ve found in the crop of 2 birds I’ve knocked down this week.

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    Reef W
    Posts: 3194

    Overall, the general consensus is numbers are down significantly from last year. Trails where I’d flush 10 birds on last year, I’m lucky to flush 3.

    Huh, I thought there was a good amount but I’ve only done 4 (I think) very short walks so far. Saw birds every time which might just be luck but usually I wouldn’t expect to see birds at every spot I try.

    On my own property there is always a lot of grouse so it’s hard to say but there was an awful lot of drumming this spring. I don’t actually hunt there but I took the dogs on a walk of the trails last weekend and flushed 5 in about half a mile. I even flush them going to the edge of the yard to take a whizz lol Been seeing them pretty regularly from the deck too.

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    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    there was an awful lot of drumming this spring

    you’re spot on about that. drumming was off the charts this spring. but then during brood season, [in the area I hunt] we got record rainfall, flooding, washouts, etc, which generally does not bode well for the broods.

    there’s definitely pockets of better numbers, but in general, numbers seem lower than last year. I put on more miles than a lot of people but not everyone is hunting the same areas, so it will vary widely throughout the state.

    glad to hear you’re seeing good numbers! I’m definitely off pace from the last couple years. I’ve harvested 10 birds so far this year whereas last year at this point I was at 17 and the year before that, 16.

    Posts: 24964

    Gitchi you shot them all last year no wonder you arent seeing as many LOL

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Touche lol. I try to be conscience of not pressuring any one area too much. My spots are spread across roughly 200,000 acres.. Thats the beauty of the superior national forest’s roughly 4 million acres. You can hunt a new spot everyday and never run out of new spots.

    Posts: 24964

    Yeah that is definitely GOd’s country for sure. You can walk for hours and hours. Very cool!

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    you been out at all Capt’n?

    Suzuki – if you read this, hows your dog doing? I tried finding the thread about your dogs health issues but couldn’t find it so am posting here instead.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1884

    Does more drumming mean more grouse? Or less grouse, therfore causing the male to drum more to find a mate?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18993

    Very cool hot

    Fixed it for ya since he’s hunting in short sleeves and sandals. jester

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Does more drumming mean more grouse? Or less grouse, therfore causing the male to drum more to find a mate?

    To me, more drumming means more grouse looking to pair up to breed. But maybe I’m over simplifying it.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1944

    I been out 4 times. Hunting’s been really good. Plenty of action every day.

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    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1884

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>grubson wrote:</div>
    Does more drumming mean more grouse? Or less grouse, therfore causing the male to drum more to find a mate?

    To me, more drumming means more grouse looking to pair up to breed. But maybe I’m over simplifying it.

    That’s my thoughts too. A friend of mine who’s a dedicated grouse hunter thinks it’s the opposite. More drumming in spring generally means less birds come fall in his experience. So far it seems that most are noting less birds than last year yet drumming counts were up this spring from last year. I’m sure there’s many variables. The super wet spring has to have been hard on broods too.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    I been out 4 times. Hunting’s been really good. Plenty of action every day.

    Very cool! I’ve never hunted sharpies before but it’s on my to do list. Seems like a lot of fun compared to the grouse woods.

    Grubson, your friends theory just doesn’t make sense. I just don’t see any logic too it. It’s like saying the more walleye that spawn, the less fish will be around.

    Lots of drumming does not guarantee a successful hatch. [In my neck of the woods] we got a 100 year rain storm during the brooding season which will wipe out any brood that can’t fly. This happened in mid June which is when grouse broods are most vulnerable.

    I will also say that the last 2 years have been incredible grouse numbers. Like best I’ve seen in my life. When I say numbers are down, it’s compared to last year. Numbers are still way up compared to the long term average.

    Posts: 2873

    I never start grouse hunting until the leaves are changing, temps are down, and undergrowth has died back at least some. Just doesn’t seem enjoyable to me before that, plus it’s harder on the dog. And I don’t hunt without her anymore.

    Because of the weather I’m only going to have a couple outings this fall before deer season starts(I don’t deer hunt anymore and will not grouse hunt during it) and then it’s on to Iowa pheasants.

    I do, however, have a big bundle of birch I cut up and split last fall that is in prime burning condition. Hopefully we get a miracle of moisture in the next couple weeks so there aren’t any burn restrictions when I do go up north finally smash

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1884

    Grubson, your friends theory just doesn’t make sense. I just don’t see any logic too it. It’s like saying the more walleye that spawn, the less fish will be around.

    I’m not sure that comparing to walleyes in that way makes any sense at all either…… we’re not discussing mating, just the amount of drumming in relation to the actual population.
    I think it makes sense in a way and is possible. If there is less females a male in theory would have to drum and look more to find a mate. Without knowing how many different grouse they’re hearing, the drum counts are a very vague estimate on population. On the other hand, if the population is high and the male doesn’t have to search hard for a mate they may drum less or none at all. One could assume that means there’s less birds in when in reality there’s more.
    Not sure if either theory is right or wrong necessarily, or if it has any relation to the current population. just an interesting conversation I thought I’d share.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18993

    Hopefully we get a miracle of moisture in the next couple weeks so there aren’t any burn restrictions when I do go up north finally

    Don’t hold your breath. There is no moisture in the forecast from what I can see. I think that burn pile might just rot all winter…

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19017

    you been out at all Capt’n?

    Suzuki – if you read this, hows your dog doing? I tried finding the thread about your dogs health issues but couldn’t find it so am posting here instead.

    Not good. Doing all we can and hoping for the best. Thanks for asking.
    I dont want to ruin this thread. I hope to hunt a little this weekend at the cabin. Not a ton of birds in my area but I have a spot or two. May even take the old girl out. I thought last year was the last for my old puddlepointer but she’s like the energizer bunny and just keeps going. Picking up my old Grouse killer from the gunsmith today. That gun has killed more Grouse than,,,well, A LOT!
    20ga Rem 1100 LT. It had an issue cycling. Its fixed but now I have my new Grouse gun which I used last weekend and love it. Benelli Monti 20ga. Maybe I can walk down the Grouse trail and shoot one in each hand?! )

    Posts: 24964

    you been out at all Capt’n?

    I havent been grouse hunting in years which is sad. Its just a far drive for me wherever I would go that would have good bird numbers. ALthough one buddy said he was getting and seeing numbers of birds around motley last year.

    Posts: 24964

    20ga Rem 1100 LT. It had an issue cycling.

    How old is it? My dad had one and if he ever shot low base shells it wouldnt cycle or if the o-ring wore out. Simple fix either way.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    I made Buffalo grouse mac and cheese last night and it was an absolute hit. 12 out of 10. The cheese sauce was made from scratch starting with a roux.

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    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1386

    Flushed 25 or so this morning in a few hours. First calm day in a few so they were moving.

    Lots of old birds carrying over from last year but plenty of this year’s too. Not as many as last year in general but the few times I’ve been out have been good to me.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Totally agree Charlie. I went out last Friday morning and it was perfect conditions. Cold, zero wind, clear skies, and crisp air. First time I’ve been out in cool weather and no gail force winds this year. Safe to say, I no longer think numbers are down. )

    Posts: 1902

    We hit the north shore last weekend in the wind and managed to find birds both days but definitely not like most years.

    mark Mason
    Posts: 123

    Last weekend I found that I am out shape and my shotgun seems much heavier than it did before.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19017

    Last weekend I found that I am out shape and my shotgun seems much heavier than it did before.

    Do what I did this season. Buy a lighter shotgun. “Its a miracle!!!!!” grin

    Posts: 2232

    Hunted my old ruffed grouse stomping grounds on the westside of their MN range. Picture perfect start … cool, almost calm start to the morning.

    I would say based on the fact that I only saw a half dozen birds this morning on three walks and the fact that I did not see another vehicle parked at any trail heads suggests bird counts are down a bit.

    Made my three shots count. Dog had a fun morning. Warmed up quick. Leaves are still hanging on.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19017

    what’d you get suzuki?

    Benelli Montifeltro 20ga. Its fun to carry. And shoots great.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    My buddy in my hunting group has a 20 ga montifeltro and its an awesome gun. If I was going to get anything other than an O/U, I’d get a montifeltro.

    The purists will say its too light. But then again, I don’t think those guys are the ones walking 10 miles a day when upland hunting and know how exhausting it can be carrying a heavy gun thru that nasty cover for all those miles

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19017

    My buddy in my hunting group has a 20 ga montifeltro and its an awesome gun. If I was going to get anything other than an O/U, I’d get a montifeltro.

    The purists will say its too light. But then again, I don’t think those guys are the ones walking 10 miles a day when upland hunting and know how exhausting it can be carrying a heavy gun thru that nasty cover for all those miles

    With 5 rounds loaded I dont find it too light. I was worried about that since I have been using a heavier Rem 1100 for 30 years (and of course larger guns for pheasant) but Im not as strong as I was 30 years ago so maybe that’s why it doesn’t appear to be an issue?

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