2024 gardens

    Posts: 4163

    Finally between rain storms I got my broccoli, brussel sprouts and cauliflower transplanted wednesday night. Last night planted 100 sweetcorn seeds in my in town garden mainly as a germination test before I plant my big patch. Gonna get cages in this weekend. Wanna transplant some tomatoes and peppers just seems early. Ground temp was 62 degrees at 8pm. I have plenty extra so may put a few in just because.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12538


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    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18370

    Haha. That’s a good one Glenn.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3982

    Hahahaha Glenn I’m still chuckling over that, that’s hilarious.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1768

    Glenn- I suggest putting a jar of Miracle Whip next to your garden. When Satan appears for his favorite condiment, the fire and brimstone should dry it instantly. devil devil devil devil

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12538

    hot diggity dawg…….garden is tilled. not nearly as bad as i thought it be. probably not gonna stick anything in the ground today…..all bets are off tomorrow though!!!!!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12538

    Dill, onions, radishes, lettuce and spinach hit the dirt today.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1768

    Took off work yesterday to catch up. Got the asparagus beds weeded. Some of them are over 2′ tall now and already ferning out. Potted up fifty something tomato plants. Planted some sunflower and wild flower mix seeds around the garden. Tucked some dill seeds in one of the asparagus beds. Got some carrot and bunching onion seeds planted in the raised beds. Snap peas are about 3″ tall now. My two potato beds started coming up on Fri and now all of them are about an inch high. Supposed to rain today, and it’s pretty windy, so I’ll get back out there tomorrow.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18838

    Got mine tilled and fertilized. Probably plant next week with a favorable forecast. Remember those rear tine tillers for $190 at Home a depot last August? I just assembled it and the darn this started first pull and did a great job. Now if it will just last a few years!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12538

    Except for tomatoes I need to get from my brother that don’t seem to be sold in greenhouses my garden is all in.

    The lucky tiger and campori tomatoes.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1768

    I seeded one of my raised beds with two types of lettuce and arugula. It might be too early but I put a few basil seeds in each bed, too. I sowed a 12′ row each of turnip and beet seeds along the edge of one of my tomato beds.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2209

    Container potatoes getting started this weekend. Just had a frost warning here this morning but I think container potatoes can survive a minor frost.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1768

    My three year old seed started asparagus bed has lots of tall skinny spears. No picking from there this year. In my 20′ row of 2yo crowns I planted deep last year, there’s one 12″ spear almost as thick as a pencil and another one as thick as my pinky just poking up. I’m hoping the dose of 5-1-1 fish emulsion I gave them all beefs everyone up.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12538

    Scored a worth while bunch today.

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    Central WI
    Posts: 1768

    Nice! Coworker has been sending me morel pics the last couple days. I think I’m going to walk around tonight. Wife’s on the way to the airport, flying down to Biloxi for a few days. I won’t even have to share.

    Posts: 23932

    I have several baby peppers already starting!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12538

    yesterday afternoon while drinking a few beers and having a fire i noticed my radishes broke ground!!! waytogo waytogo

    i put in the stakes for my fence to keep bunnies out…….just need to get the fence up
    kinda a PITA though!!!!!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10829

    Glenn do you plant carrots under the radishes?
    I heard that the early radishes help the carrots break ground.

    BTW – Nothing better than sliced radishes on tater salad.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12538

    nope…..never heard that though……usually dont have issues with the carrots coming up, but i dont put carrots in deeper then 1/2 inch deep!!!

    love radishes…… especially on a salad. i plant lettuce and spinach also. nuttin like a salad with radish, cukes, onions and maters!!!!! i need a bigger bowl most times!!! rotflol rotflol

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 1650

    radishes are always good!!! even a sandwich!!!

    Posts: 4163

    Time to start squirrel hunting again. Planted about 100 sweetcorn seeds in my town garden. Saturday about 60 were up. Looked yesterday and about 25 little holes dug and seeds gone. Replanted them. Looked this morning and about 20 of the 2 inch plants were plucked out with the seed removed from the bottom. Put a few rat traps in there before work with some peanut butter to help secure the corn seed. Fingers crossed.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1768

    I have lettuce, carrots and arugula coming up in one raised bed. Snap peas reached the bottom of their trellis and are starting to hold on. Potato beds are looking promising. Plants are a good 3-4″ tall and it seems that all of them sprouted. I have two levels planted in both 40gal troughs, about 10-12 seed potatoes in each. The two 12′ rows of turnip and beets I sowed on Thu are coming up already. I moved the two 40gal troughs inside the garden fence this year and scattered some wildflower mix on the bare spots sometime last week. Seeing some germination this morning. I laid some rabbit fence over them to keep the birds off, but realized I’ll have to extend the garden fence around it or the snapping turtles are going to dig nests in them.

    Must have pushed it too hard on Sat. Was putting socks on yesterday morning and popped something in my lower back. Having a hard time sitting, standing, walking, and I was hoping to get my tomatoes in the ground at the end of the week. Going to be a challenge but there’s no choice but to get it done.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1538

    The kid (30 year old) planted my vegetables yesterday. Mild heart attack a month ago, I’m on a 10 pound lifting restriction. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, green beans, spinach, lettuce and snap peas are in. Potatoes go in tomorrow, letting the sliced up seed potatoes cure before planting. Looking forward to a good yield this year.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1768

    Hope you have a speedy recovery, Brad.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1322

    We took advantage of the nice weather & transplanted our peppers, maters, and beans in the garden. I usually plant the weekend after fishing opener but the weather looks warm enough all week. Cukes, zucchini, & pumpkins will go in this week as well.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1768

    I’ll be in Canada 1st week of June, so I plan to get my peppers in before the 1st. I’m going to plant cukes in 3-4 week waves this year. I have two new varieties to try out, County Fair Improved Hybrid pickler and Early Fortune dual purpose. I got schooled on cucumbers via YouTube this spring because I’ve had two poor years in a row, and any idiot is supposed to be able to grow cucumbers. The hybrid is parthenocarpic, which means it doesn’t need to be pollenated to bear fruit. The other is monoecious, which is the typical type that has male and female flowers. There are also gynoecious types that have male and female flowers but mostly grow female flowers so you get a better yield.

    My first issue was planting in the wrong location. I’d dug up a spot three years ago that pumped them out all summer, approx. 60qts of pickles from 6-8 plants. The next year, I tried a different spot and they all got leaf spot and died after about a month. Not enough sun, I think. I went back to the first spot last year and a baby rabbit had chewed off most of the tops early on. They made it through that but never got taller than 3′. I dug into that bed this year and found that grass, grapes, horsetail and henbit had snaked in roots from all sides and about the top 4″ was a mesh of roots. Dug it all out and amended it with granular fertilizer and composted horse manure a couple weeks ago.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12538

    watered the garden a bit ago…all the onions are out as well as some kalarabi!!! waytogo

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3982

    Hoping for a speedy recovery to both Mr. Dimond and Mr. Pickle.

    Posts: 4163

    Finally caught a chipmunk in the garden yesterday hope he was the culprit. Got some shmitty seeds again apparently. 14 zucchini seeds watered everyday for 2 weeks dug up yesterday not even a sprout. Whole pack of spinach seeds 1 came up. The store in town said they return their unsold seeds so you know they are repackaged and dated.

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