2024 canning…

  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12876

    Has began waytogo

    23 qts garlic dill pickles.

    1. 20240621_154933-scaled.jpg

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    Love me them garlic dills. Did you buy the cukes? My cucumber plants are only about 6″ tall.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12876

    Love me them garlic dills. Did you buy the cukes? My cucumber plants are only about 6″ tall.

    yes, I always buy the small 3-4 inch pickles for canning.

    Becks in elk river. Lot of people aren’t ready to do that yet… even Becks didn’t have dill. I grow my own and freeze it.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    That’s so weird. Do they grow them in a greenhouse or truck them in? I’m a little SW of Green Bay and it’s just started to be warm enough for cucumber plants to get going.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12876

    Yes they grow there own. Also bought strawberries from them. woot there small but dang tasty.

    There a big time garden center. You can get about anything from them that grows to eat.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3167

    So what does a 24 batch of dill Vikes cost?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12876

    So what does a 24 batch of dill Vikes cost?


    they went up a bit in price from last year by about 4 bucks…..i paid $50.00 for a 1/2 bushel………. with what i still currently had on hand plus these i wont need to do it next year!!!!!!

    i believe the smaller sized pickles are more spendy dur to more of a demand!!! is what i was told when i first started.

    thing is, i’ve tried about every store brand out there……nothing compares to the ones i make!!!!!!

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    Looks good Glenn! I love homemade pickles.

    I’ve been able to can salsa which has been very good and I’ve done “fresh” Pickles before. But I haven’t done preserved pickles. In part, because I didn’t know where to get the little ones in bulk.

    If I can get the time (new puppy and two kids) I might have to get over to Becks and then PM you for your recipe!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12876

    Looks good Glenn! I love homemade pickles.

    I’ve been able to can salsa which has been very good and I’ve done “fresh” Pickles before. But I haven’t done preserved pickles. In part, because I didn’t know where to get the little ones in bulk.

    If I can get the time (new puppy and two kids) I might have to get over to Becks and then PM you for your recipe!

    anytime!!!!!!!1 waytogo

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1586

    yes, I always buy the small 3-4 inch pickles for canning.

    Becks in elk river. Lot of people aren’t ready to do that yet… even Becks didn’t have dill. I grow my own and freeze it.
    [/quote]I have volunteer dill along the periphery of the garden, already over three feet tall. Most herbs are weeds. Chives and mint were tough to get rid of.

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