2024 Boat show

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    I know I forgot something rotflol

    Posts: 2853

    I can’t believe you did’nt get the one with the 600.I mean thats a helluva deal to pass on.

    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 891

    Hot damn, a 108 Gallon Fuel tank. There are times I wish my rig had a 55 or so gallon tank, but 108 would be crazy. I’m sure that 600 drinks a bit of fuel but damn you could drive all over hell and back and still have some fuel left. Most people with that toon will likely get a whole season out of a tank of fuel.

    Posts: 3429

    That’s about 3 years of gas for me. Most of the time I’m running the bow mount.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    EPG is that price with or without a trailer?

    Having looked at upgrading, it’s getting annoying when dealers won’t disclose that on their websites.

    I know for us on a 23′ with a 150hp the trailer was another $4500

    Reef W
    Posts: 3192

    Hot damn, a 108 Gallon Fuel tank. There are times I wish my rig had a 55 or so gallon tank, but 108 would be crazy. I’m sure that 600 drinks a bit of fuel but damn you could drive all over hell and back and still have some fuel left. Most people with that toon will likely get a whole season out of a tank of fuel.

    Mercury Goes Boldly With 600-HP V-12 Verado Outboard

    It has “phenomenal” fuel efficiency, only 86 gallons an hour at 4000rpm rotflol

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    Bucky –
    W/O trailer. They said around $4500 for one.
    I can get a trailer in Grand Rapids for around $3500. I only need to drag it a mile or so to and from the landing. So I don’t need anything special.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Just picked this up!
    I needed a new pontoon the X was in the old one

    Hahahaha probably the best reason yet for a new boat! rotflol And it does come with a flag pole, is it BYOSL (Bring your own strobe light)?

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    Nice rig Matt, were gonna have to come up with a time to get me out on that bad boy having some beverages. waytogo

    Posts: 1166

    Nice boat. Curious what made you choose the Barletta over the other brands? Layout, dealer? So many options out there.

    Posts: 583

    I’m still shaking my head at the $240,000 pontoon. 20% down. That’s $48000. Then payments for 20 years!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    Nice boat. Curious what made you choose the Barletta over the other brands? Layout, dealer? So many options out there.

    good question.
    I did a little research and found out the owner of Barletta builds high end campers.
    He was floating on a Bennington one day and said “I can do this better” and he did.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Does it have the pull-out dog dishes and doors with dog windows?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    Does it have the pull-out dog dishes and doors with dog windows?

    Yes it does.
    Walking through the pontoons at the boat show you can definitely see the difference in quality.

    Funny – I have a Mastiff and a Chihuahua and neither likes the pontoon. I can trick the Mastiff in walking down to the lake and when she see’s the water, she bolt’s back to the cabin.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17389

    Considering Belle has ahold of you will you be pulling it to North Carolina or just drop shipping a second one down there?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    @EPG did you get a chance to crawl into any Godfrey or Harris Tritoons? We’ve seen a couple we like online and in person, but finding a Godfrey dealer with any inventory has been tough. Harris is everywhere and has become pretty popular on the river.

    The wife doesn’t want a Bennington to replace the current one. We’ve got a couple we hit the river with regularly that bought a brand new 2022 tritoon at a mid to upper trim level and it’s had more issues than I could list, most notably bad welds and having the center toon replaced within a year of ownership. Our 2018 Cypress Cay has been solid, but she wants more creature comforts in the next one. Looking to stick in the 23′ class but probably jump from the 150 to the 200-225 range to tow kids around some and give the fishing boat a break from that.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    LOL –
    I’ll probably drop ship a second down there. waytogo I’m actually considering a place on Lake Norman in NC. I was doing a little re-con and found out it has Walleye. I can fish 2 lines and keep 8 eyes!!! woot rotflol

    Fish Size and Creel Regulations for Lake Norma

    I did not walk through the Harris toons, I did the Godfrey. Godfrey does a great job and could have gone there. The thing I like (want) in a toon is to have minimal space on the bow.
    fwiw – I have a good friend that was the CEO for the Godfrey corp. I went down to Elkhart IN a couple 4th of July’s ago. Small(er) party lake. He would get a new toon every year and the quality of those boats were top notch.
    Funny side note – everyone cruised counter clockwise he had top of the line Aqua-patio try-toon with a 3 hundo merc.
    We never went faster than 15 mph rotflol

    Posts: 3429

    Funny side note – everyone cruised counter clockwise he

    Just like NASCAR rotflol

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    I went this morning for a couple hours. Some of the prices these days are just outrageous. You better have a lot of disposable income and a big ass garage. Not that impressed with the quantity of fishing boats. There are a lot of pontoons and tritoons this time around which I have no interest in.

    1. IMG_3729.jpg

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    chump change for you fed employees Gim!!!!!!! devil devil wave rotflol rotflol rotflol

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    chump change for you fed employees Gim!!!!!!!


    Good one, wish that were the case.

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    Missed the even bigger tritoon with dual 400’s that was right next to the one that eelpout posted earlier.

    1. IMG_5916-scaled.jpeg

    Wright County
    Posts: 3136

    Missed the even bigger tritoon with dual 400’s that was right next to the one that eelpout posted earlier.

    Only 2,300 a month for 20 years??? Sign me up toast

    Posts: 1065

    was there any really good deals on the fiberglass fishing boats ? warrior or skeeters?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    warrior or skeeters?

    I didn’t see a single warrior or skeeter there. And I covered the whole floor twice.

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    Skeeter had a booth there with most of the boat lineup. Maybe one or two Yarcrafts and I don’t believe I saw any warriors. Talked to the boat center guys both times I was at the show.

    Posts: 1166

    Missed the even bigger tritoon with dual 400’s that was right next to the one that eelpout posted earlier.

    Compare the prices of these maxed out pontoons with the 30 ft Sea Rays, etc bowriders and I’m guessing the prices come pretty close. That’s who these are targeted for. I wouldn’t be surprised is one of these pontoons eventually has a head you access from a raised console that goes down into the pontoon. Just like these big bowriders.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    i’ll keep my 1975 40 horse johnson and 16 ft lund thank you!!!!! paid for and the boat aint helping you catch fish!!!!! devil waytogo whistling

    Posts: 3319

    glenn those pontoons aren’t trying to catch fish! evil
    Don’t know how that emoji showed up????

    South metro
    Posts: 548

    Now you know why it’s called a boat SHOW.

    I get it – they bring the latest and greatest, biggest and best, but my God…

    That 600 is $75k alone!

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