2024 BBD

  • bendvoracek
    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 131

    It was an amazing early season success with this buck we named G2. He has bladed G2’s with a kicker on his right side. I have had trail cam pics of this buck starting in August. He was consistently on our farm and have been trying to figure out a game plan to target this buck for opener. Due to the high temps I decided to not go opening weekend, which turned out to be a mistake for me. For the next 4 days in a row, Sat, Sun, Mon, and Tuesday he showed up at one of our stand locations daily. I was kicking myself for not going as hunting in 80 plus degree weather is not always that much fun and typically deer move at night when it gets colder, but not this buck. He showed up in day light all 4 days both morning and evening.

    I was determined to hunt the 2nd weekend and took Friday Sept 20th – Tuesday Sept 24th off to hunt. The weather forecast was still calling for warmer temps, but there was a cold front in the forecast for Sunday. Eagerly anticipating the weekend, when I checked my cameras on Wed and Thursday, he had disappeared and was not on camera. My heart sunk as I thought I may have missed my opportunity.

    Friday came around and I was off to Wisconsin to my parents farm. When it came time to hunt, the wind was out of the West and was not good for the stand that I wanted to hunt that I knew he was frequenting earlier in the week. So I went to another spot and did see 6 doe and 1 small buck so overall was a successful evening. Saturday morning, I got up and planned to get in the stand early as the wind was right. I showered and got ready, and when I got outside and started walking heard thunder and saw lightening. Checking the radar, it was going to downpour so I headed back to the house and called it for the morning.

    Saturday evening I thought was going to be the night, as the storm pushed through and the cold front was coming for Sunday morning. I got into the stand location early and did a 4 hour sit. Around 6pm I had 3 small bucks in a bachelor group around me eating acorns for almost an hour. That was fun. AS soon as they left it I had about 3o minutes of daylight left and thought he might come out. He never did and I was happy about seeing deer, but a little disappointed that he did not show.

    Fast forward to Sunday evening. The cold front pushed through Sunday morning and deer were active that morning. SO back to the stand I went at around 3pm. At 5:15pm, I had a small 8 pointer under my tree eating acorns. At 5:25pm I saw movement in a thicket and started to get ready. As he came closer and got to an opening, I could tell it was G2 one of my target bucks.

    He came broad side at 28 yards. I pulled up my bow and put the pin right behind his shoulder and squeezed the trigger. In an instant, the bolt made a complete pass through and stuck in the ground on the other side. He made a jump and took off to the east up the hill into the woods out of site. I was pumped, and called my brothers and Dad that were back at the farm house to come out and help with recovery.

    When they got there, I got down from my tree and we went over to where the arrow was to check out the hit. I looked over in the direction of travel and saw a white belly about 30 yards away. He didn’t go very far and recovery was instant. I t=finally got my hands on him and was thrilled as he is my biggest bow buck to date.

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    SW Metro
    Posts: 11156

    Nice one, good work!

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 927

    congrats and very nice buck!!!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 19492

    Nice work.
    Those bucks will move in the day light even in 100 degree weather, you just need to know where they are bedding. Finding the bed is the trick to hunting the warmth. He’s not going to travel far on those high heat days but he will be in and out of his bed multiple times through the day. Biggest mistake I see is guys not willing to move a stand location and thinking that buck is only nocturnal. When 99 percent of the time that is not the case.
    Good job on the kill.

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