2023 gardens

  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Does anyone have a recipe they are willing to share for Canned Dill Green Beans? The beans are coming like mad and I love good Dill Green Beans. Unfortunately the recipes I have tried haven’t been up to snuff. Thanks.

    back when I did them I used the same recipe as my dill pickles. Add the same ingredients, dill, onion and garlic.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1594

    back when I did them I used the same recipe as my dill pickles. Add the same ingredients, dill, onion and garlic.

    Thanks. I have tried with these ingredients, just can’t seem to get the proportions right. Was hoping for a shortcut to prevent further experimantation.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1594

    back when I did them I used the same recipe as my dill pickles. Add the same ingredients, dill, onion and garlic.

    Thanks. I have tried with these ingredients, just can’t seem to get the proportions right. Was hoping for a shortcut to prevent further experimentation.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Did up sweet corn for the winter. Don’t do canned vegetables. That was 2 dozen, 12 meals/ bags. I did 15 more ears today should be set

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    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    Nice Glenn, I love stocking the freezer for winter meals!

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    brad, try the mrs. wages seasoning mix. we use them for pickles and salsa and i have seen packages for dilly green beans

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Nice Glenn, I love stocking the freezer for winter meals!

    same here……and tastes sooo good when there’s snow on the ground!!!!! waytogo

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1428

    Does anyone have a recipe they are willing to share for Canned Dill Green Beans? The beans are coming like mad and I love good Dill Green Beans. Unfortunately the recipes I have tried haven’t been up to snuff. Thanks.

    Here’s one

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    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Brad, when i did the beans my brine was not boiled, it was cold. i never heated anything and it was basically a fridge. i never sealed the jars either.

    i came to the conclusion yesterday if I dont get a decent rain here real soon, and seeing what i have for cukes or lack of on the vines……..i’ll be pulling them soon. same with my green peppers. doah doah

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    waytogo 15 pints salsa done today.

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    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Harvested my first Okra. woot
    Don’t got a clue as to what to do with it. doah

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    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1594

    Thanks for the responses regarding pickled beans. I think I’ll give Bearcat’s recipe a crack with the addition of some mustard seed. I can my beans in a hot water bath for storage in a basement pantry. Beans and asparagus are the only pickled products I really like other than dill pickles made by a guy I know from deer hunting who won’t give me his Grandma’s recipe. He feeds me all the pickles I can eat but won’t share the recipe…

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Thanks for the responses regarding pickled beans. I think I’ll give Bearcat’s recipe a crack with the addition of some mustard seed. I can my beans in a hot water bath for storage in a basement pantry. Beans and asparagus are the only pickled products I really like other than dill pickles made by a guy I know from deer hunting who won’t give me his Grandma’s recipe. He feeds me all the pickles I can eat but won’t share the recipe…

    that stinks when that happens. I don’t see the point??? doah

    Posts: 1719

    This is the second picking from my first peach tree. Got over 35 dozen in 3 pickings. Not counting pulling over a hundred a few weeks ago to keep limbs from breaking. Still 5 dozen hanging. Amazing with 3” of rain he last 8 weeks. Still have two more trees different variety that are supposed to ripen 2 weeks apart. They are also loaded but peaches are smaller. We bought a case of Georgia peaches a month ago and threw most of them away.

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    Posts: 4362

    The one in the green bucket must have cross pollinated.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18794

    Got over 35 dozen in 3 pickings.

    That is a lot of peaches. Nice haul.

    Posts: 9311

    I can go through this whole thread and last years thread later, but has anyone posted a good salsa recipe?

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    Harvested my first Okra.

    Eat it. They’re not as slimy if eaten raw, but I don’t mind them any way. Chunk ’em up and give ’em the fish fry treatment if you want them cooked. Frozen ones get a sauté in butter, bacon grease, duck fat or whatever and make a nice side for me. My wife won’t eat them.

    Posts: 4362

    I can go through this whole thread and last years thread later, but has anyone posted a good salsa recipe?

    Whatever recipe you pick dont ruin it with a bunch of cilantro.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    Ahh, cilantro. The love it or hate it herb. Personally, I love it, but not the first time I ate it. Nothing else tastes like that.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Here ya go DT. let me explain celery is optional, I grow my own .

    The ICBINB.,Is the I can’t believe it’s not butter containers.

    The rectangle thing is about as equivalent to the butter containers.

    The Garlic container is equivalent to about 3/4 cup garlic.

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    Posts: 9311

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>deertracker wrote:</div>
    I can go through this whole thread and last years thread later, but has anyone posted a good salsa recipe?

    Whatever recipe you pick dont ruin it with a bunch of cilantro.

    I HATE cilantro with a passion. waytogo

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    That recipe generally gets me 13-15 pinti

    Posts: 1719

    The one in the green bucket must have cross pollinated.

    That was the lone cuke for the day. First year struggling with them. Maybe 3 or 4 a week. Neighbor is throwing in the cornfield behind the house. I moved my garden 50′ farther from the farm field due to it being sprayed 3 to 5x’s a year. Think the soil in the new spot needs some work.

    Posts: 1719

    Whatever recipe you pick dont ruin it with a bunch of cilantro.

    Cilantro is a powerful herb, esp fresh. Our salsa is loaded with it. Then I sprinkle it over the top of everything fresh from the bed outside the back door. We ate at a Mexican restaurant a while back. On the menu it was an added charge for cilantro.

    Posts: 4362

    Im not a big fan of peaches but one year my dads tree produced like that and they were delicious. They were so delicate when picked ripe you know the stuff in the store ripens in the truck. Tree died the following year.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Thanks Glenn. waytogo

    waytogo waytogo i had about a third of a pint left over. tasted tested it this moring……..yum……yummy!!!!!!!!

    Posts: 9311

    Cross pollination,
    My pumpkins got into my spaghetti squash and are one big mess. Some of my pumpkins have taken on the shape of a squash. Is this from cross pollination or just misshaped pumpkins? A few of my pumpkins from the same plant that are away from the squash are perfectly round.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    Picked up a cooler (48 or 54qt) full of cut and washed green beans from my wife’s connection at a popular brand name vegetable canning operation. The two bags take up the entire bottom shelf of my fridge. Traded for a pint of cherry tomatoes and three beefsteaks. Not a bad deal. Got my work cut out for me blanching and freezing, pressure canning some. and my favorite, dilly beans.

    Here are the tomatoes we picked this morning. The big yellow one is #1.1 and is a beefsteak variety called Dr. Wyche’s Yellow. Creative, huh?

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Viewing 30 posts - 331 through 360 (of 505 total)

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