a week ago thursday i left to head to my brothers for my first ever Wisconsin deer hunt. he lives a bit south of Wausau near Mosinee. friiday we went and looked around, mainly for me, the place we where hunting, a place called the MEAD!!! its a big huge public wildlife area, i mean huge!!!!
sat morning arrives, we are in the stands. by noon i already was “BUSTED” twice!!
about 7;30 i had a smaller 6 pter come to my right, within 10 yards…..then we played who’s gonna move first. i did get 2 shots!!! but no dice.
about 11;30 my brother shoots and gets a really nice 11 pter, about the same time off to my left all of a sudden theres about a 10 pter within 15 yards, and yea we played the same game. shot 4 times and no dice!!
realized somehow my scope is way off
from then on 1 seen 1 deer running like mad on wed, other then that 2 guys seen no deer.
we then found a new place to hunt, and ended up with 2 deer. a nice big doe and a ssmaller buck. the horns on that buck got damaged or deformed early in the year.
but good gawd driving out and back i seen more dead deer on 94 and 29 then i think northern minnesota has.