2022 take a vet fishing day!

  • Nick Dennison
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 324

    The Walleye Searchers Of Minnesota will once again be holding our annual Take A Vet Fishing Day on August 20th 2022.
    This is a great day where we get veterans out for a day of fishing on pool 4 of the mississippi river.
    The event launches from colvill park in red wing and food will be fed to everyone after the day of fishing!
    If you are a veteran or would be interested in helping out by being a boater please reach out to Nick Dennison at (507-358-1764). any questions can also be sent to myself via text or a phone call. This event has grown each yr and its with the help of boaters and the people that help this go off without a hitch! thanks for your time and hope to see you there!

    Nick Dennison
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 324

    Still looking for veterans and boaters for this year’s event. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    spring valley mn
    Posts: 756

    Sign me up Nick would be pleased to do it again this year, thanks

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5553

    I remember being out on the river fishing during this last year and it was great to see all the participants taking vets fishing! I hope it’s a good turn out this year too! waytogo

    Posts: 3403

    I will be there again. Great event that is really well run.

    Nick Dennison
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 324

    Gotya on the list boyd! If would like to be a boater or are a veteran and wanna get out in a boat fishing for the day please contact me via text or phone call 507-358-1764 it’s shaping up to be a great event again this year!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Bump for Paul

    Posts: 542

    I’ll be there Nick! Excited and hoping for the same amazing weather we had last year!

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5993

    Nick, would love to help but am back at school, a earlier date in the summer would work for me an any other teachers. Good luck, God bless our vets.

    Posts: 1250

    I’m doing a take a vet fishing event on Mille lacs the weekend before! Such satisfying events to partake in!

    Nick Dennison
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 324

    Event is shaping up to be a good one! Sitting around 60 veterans so far! If you would like to partake and be a boater or know a vet that would like to join in make sure to contact me and get on the list…my number is 507-358-1764 text or call is fine… But it is mandatory to be on the list so I can keep my numbers for food boats etc all in order! August 20 colville park in red wing should be a great day!

    Nick Dennison
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 324

    Small hiccup with scheduling and the city of red wing did not mark is down for the pavilion….no problem the city of lake city is helping us out with the new location and just wanted to give an update ..roschen park in lake city will be the location this yr if you have not heard from Nick you will as long as u are on my list…if you haven’t heard from me please reach out and I can update everyone on the details thank you! 507-358-1764 still have room for boats and veterans as well

    Nick Dennison
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 324

    Lining up to be a great day! Could use a few more boaters if you are available…contact me at 507-358-1764 if you would like to help out and take a veteran fishing on the Mississippi river!

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