2022 MN Waterfowl Reports

  • lindyrig79
    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6313

    Count me as one of the guys not happy with the early season teal. I have been hunting for 30 years and I can guarantee you I shot less teal last year on opener because of it.

    Having said that I’m looking forward to Opener this weekend and exchanging some reports as the season progresses.

    What are you guys seeing for water levels, bird numbers, and wild rice?

    Posts: 461

    Water levels down significantly,lots of bigger ducks seen. Could not tell you about wild rice except it’s good in soup with pheasant.

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 522

    Water level is about the same as last year, not sure on bird numbers, no rice in my area..
    With that said I am looking forward to Saturday morning. Start out Friday evening at my buddies place on the lake we hunt and go scout the area, and then have some adult beverages around a campfire, and make bets on who will end up with the most birds.
    Most likely be in the blind by 0330, there are guys that come in off the public access and spend the night out in the boat. Always look forward to duck opener weekend!! Good luck to everyone venturing out.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6313

    A small lake I hunt in north central MN had water on it when I checked two weeks ago (last year was dry). I didn’t see any rice though.

    This weekend will be heading to SW MN which is our tradition.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12627

    My anecdotal experience looks to be a decent year for duck #’s. Quite a few in the ponds by my house, and have seen more this year by the cabin in Hubbard county than usual. Wild Rice seems to be all over the place, more than usual on the Crow Wing chain of lakes, but heard reports of a lot less further south.

    Posts: 4476

    The lake at my dads in Sibley County has had no ducks or geese on it for a few weeks. Dont remember it ever been so bad.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18989

    I have seen a lot of ducks when I’m fishing lately. Unfortunately that is all within city limits so hunting them there would not be an option. Still a good sign to see so many ducks around.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6791

    I am sitting this opener out for the first time in a long time. Just loosing my interest in it although reading this is making me regret my choice a little. I feel like at least with geese there are so many in town birds that they don’t need to go anywhere. I know most of the best hunting can be later season when we get the push of birds coming down from Canada, but it seems like the last few years opener has been less and less birds.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Teal season was a huge success for me this year.

    For this coming weekend, I will be in Western MN like we are every year. Water levels are a little low, but not as low as south central/southeast MN. Expecting another great opener, regardless of harvest numbers.

    As Matthew Huff says, It’s about more than dogs and trucks, Setting decoys and killing ducks…

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6313

    Yep getting excited boys. My dog Macy is 5 years old and this will be her 6th season. (Her first season she was 9 mos old)

    She’s pretty much in her prime and that is a big part of the fun for me.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Opening day was pretty nuts for us. 6 man limit in just under 2 hours. Big mixed bag. Mallards, Gadwall, Pintails, Woodies, Redhead, Bluebill and Teal.

    Decided with the wind in western MN on Sunday that the same spot would be best, not so much. 12 birds, about the same mix as the day before.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18989

    I had a couple friends go and the pothole they normally go to was completely dry. Lmao

    Those clowns didn’t bother scouting it ahead of time. Total back fire.

    Posts: 9321

    Our opener was a bust. I never see other hunters on the lake I hunted. Maybe 6 groups in the last 10 years. On opener, there was 3 other groups. One group hunted the spot I normally hunt as I didn’t bring my boat. The way the birds usually work the lake, the shot the ducks that would have come to us. I’m so unprepared this year, my boat isn’t even ready yet and hasn’t run in 2 years. doah

    Posts: 1205

    Having lived in ND for 8 years living and breathing waterfowl, I just can’t get the same feeling back in MN. Just a different world. Did get out for a casual goose shoot, locals on Saturday, saw some molts moving today. A little jewelry today too. Hope everybody shot straight. Heard positive reports all over

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    Posts: 88

    I had a good opener, same nonsense with sky busters as every year but shot a two-man limit of ducks, mostly BWT and wood ducks, and 4 geese.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13432

    Saturday morning was a bust for us on the pond behind the farm so decided to go fish the river. Found ducks flying all over on the river so we switched up and hunted that Sunday morning. Good shooting Sunday followed up with a smack down on some hungry Smallies and a few walleyes.

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    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Saturday morning was a bust for us on the pond behind the farm so decided to go fish the river. Found ducks flying all over on the river so we switched up and hunted that Sunday morning. Good shooting Sunday followed up with a smack down on some hungry Smallies and a few walleyes.

    Can’t complain about that! Sounds like an excellent weekend.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6313

    Had an awesome weekend with a good buddy of mine. Hunted the same spot I have been going to for 33 years. Spread my Dads ashes 3 years ago on the slew so lots of special memories.

    Saw a good number of ducks on Saturday morning. We had our 2 man limit by 8 am. Then we stayed a little longer and shot 3 geese. Went back to camp and fired up some ribs and wings and Bloody Mary bar. Played 18 holes of golf and then grilled some big steaks for dinner.

    Sunday was less ducks but still came just one shy of our limit again. Good times.

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    Posts: 588

    Having lived in ND for 8 years living and breathing waterfowl, I just can’t get the same feeling back in MN. Just a different world. Did get out for a casual goose shoot, locals on Saturday, saw some molts moving today. A little jewelry today too. Hope everybody shot straight. Heard positive reports all over

    I have the same problem as you. Chasing birds in ND and shooting limits of mallards field hunting has ruined most of MN hunting for me. Drove me to bow hunt more now. Sure miss it though

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6313

    Can anyone confirm you can hunt until sunset now? I read the regulations but want to be sure. I thought it was 4pm and then switched to sunset at some point during the season.

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 522

    Can anyone confirm you can hunt until sunset now? I read the regulations but want to be sure. I thought it was 4pm and then switched to sunset at some point during the season.

    Yes till sunset the entire season now, pg 12 in waterfowl sup. You are correct it used to be only till 4pm for the first 2 weeks of the season, but they changed that probably 3-5yrs ago.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6313

    Anyone know if Northern birds are on the move yet? I’ve gotten a couple second hand reports of good numbers up near Roseau and also teal still in North Dakota as of last weekend. I’m going up to Leech this weekend so can give a report soon.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6313

    Hunted a small lake in north central MN last night and was surprised at how many ducks I saw. Some huge flocks of ring-bills. Mallards and even some teal too. Other divers mixed in. Geese and swans. I only had a couple hours but shot 4. Went out this morning thinking it would be great and hardly anything flying. Headed further north to Leech tomorrow. Kinda a cool pic of my dog jumping in the boat.

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    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13432

    Gotv5 last Monday morning on the farm pothole north of Mille lacs. Should of limited out each day but my shooting skills are a little rusty. Sure hope they are in there again this weekend.

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    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13432

    Got 5 last Monday morning on the farm pothole north of Mille lacs. Should of limited out each day but my shooting skills are a little rusty. Sure hope they are in there again this weekend.

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    Posts: 9321

    Saw a bunch right before shooting and the first 30 minutes. Beautiful morning.

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    Posts: 9321

    In the Alexandria area the last few mornings, we have had skim ice on quite a few sloughs and small lakes. Good amount of birds in the area. I just need the time to get out. doah

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Went to a small lake last weekend in south central MN and saw quite a few Mallards and a lot of Ringers. Only managed to come home with 2 Mallards. Birds are on the move!

    I’ll be in the field this weekend. Corn is finally starting to be pulled in most of the fields in my area and I’m eagerly waiting! The warm temps this weekend is gonna suck…but oh well.

    Wayzata, MN
    Posts: 302

    More ice than I would have guessed this morning in West Central Minnesota…broke one paddle immediately…had fun with my newly waterfowl addicted son…

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    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6313

    Nice reports guys. Love seeing some of the full color drakes. Forgot to post my Leech report from last weekend. We shot 5 and missed quite a few. Some really high winds and steel shot leads to some poor shooting in my experience. It was a fun hunt though.

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