2022 Mille Lacs regs

  • gim
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18633

    Here you go. Very similar to last season with a planned 2 week closure in July.


    Not effective until May 14, 2022
    Mille Lacs Lake including all tributaries from the mouth upstream to posted boundaries.

    May 14-May 31:
    Possession limit is 1.
    All walleye less than 21 inches or greater than 23 inches in length must be immediately released, except one walleye 28 inches or greater may be kept.
    June 1-June 30:
    All walleye must be immediately released.
    July 1-July 15:
    Walleye fishing is closed.
    Walleye may not be targeted.
    July 16-Aug. 31:
    All walleye must be immediately released.
    Sept. 1-Nov. 30:
    Possession limit is 1.
    All walleye less than 21 inches or greater than 23 inches in length must be immediately released, except one walleye 28 inches or greater may be kept.
    Northern pike: For angling and spearing, all greater than 30 inches must be immediately released. Limit of three from Saturday, May 14, through Friday, March 31, 2023. Spearing season coincides with the statewide spearing season.
    Smallmouth and largemouth bass: All bass greater than 17 inches must be immediately released during the harvest season. Limit of three in combination. Angling seasons follow statewide fishing seasons.
    Night closure
    May 16-June 3: No fishing for any species from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
    June 4-Aug. 31: 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., no fishing allowed. See exemptions.
    Sept. 1-Nov. 30: Midnight (12 a.m.) to 6 a.m., no fishing allowed. See exemptions.
    Muskellunge and northern pike: Beginning June 4, these species may be targeted with artificial lures longer than 8 inches or sucker minnows longer than 8 inches. While fishing during the night closure, you may not possess or target any species other than muskellunge or northern pike.
    Bowfishing for non-game fish: You may not possess angling equipment while bowfishing and only non-game fish may be in possession.
    Bait restrictions
    July 1-July 15: Anglers targeting northern pike and muskellunge can use sucker minnows longer than 8 inches. But anglers targeting all other fish species may not use live, dead, preserved or parts of minnows, night crawlers, worms, leeches or crayfish.

    Posts: 12553

    Closure is really dumb state has been under each of the last three years and way under this past season.
    Good negotiation State of MN.. waytogo

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1210

    Should be easy to get one in slot…if they bite because they’re full of perch, or wait no food in lake

    Posts: 4501

    Seems like the years we have late ice and they can not net, that’s the years we have bumper crop year classes. Just saying. Let them net but after spawn.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6115

    Pinning for easy reference this season.


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