2022 Live From The Tree

  • weedis
    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    Good luck DT!

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Well I hope your sits were better than mine. Not one deer seen. I have never walked more buck throne in my life. Still have faith in that spot though. Just too many fresh tracks.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    It was quiet for me. Any action DT? Buckthorn sucks and have a ton of it on one of the properties I hunt but it’s thick and deer love it.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Yeah its a good way to get away from people on public too. Not many guys will walk it.

    Posts: 1182

    All the does and fawns are aware of the stand location and wouldn’t pop out of the buck thorn for me. Spooky SOB’s. However the bucks on the other hand… fun to see. Ditching the stand and going on the ground tomorrow to punch one last antlerless tag.

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    SE MN
    Posts: 1081

    Good luck to you guys still hunting! I’m still undecided whether or not I’ll be back out for the CWD hunt next weekend. Careful dragging those end of season bucks out of the woods.

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    Posts: 9311

    Had something really weird happen…

    Was hunting out of a ground blind tonight. It was in some of the above mentioned buck thorn so it didn’t sit tight to the ground. It was dead calm tonight so the blind was fine not being secured to the ground. About 20 minutes before dark I hear something behind me. I look back and see a really nice doe about 30 yards away. It picked the ground blind out right away so it was bobbing its head looking at the blind. As I was slowly lifting my gun, a random breeze picked up. It got under the blind and started to lift it up. I had to reach over to hold it down. Three does ended up running away. As they were running away, the breeze disappeared. Like I said, it had been dead calm all night. It was actually kind of freaky. Wonder if the hunting gods were telling me 3 deer are enough for me this season.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22128

    I was in the wma by my house 2 nights ago and seen a guy walking right to me, I assumed some one trying to kick up some birds. He ended up being the land owner to the neighboring 180 acres. Asking me if I was out on his the the night prior. I told him no but I seen a guy walking from the land after shooting hours and in to the lot I had parked in. Here the guy trespassed and had the balls to sit in the land owners box blind. After talking back and forth I told him the truck description and I actually probably had it on my dash cam. Well I sent him the dudes license plate # and now have been invited to hunt his corn field swamp edge for the rest of muzzy season and bow. And he told me sin e I live close and watch his land I will be invited back next season..
    All and all I might be able to get closer to the swamp buck I’ve seen 2 times that disappeared in to his land.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Dang that is sweet!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22128

    Now I’m just hoping the good deeds God will rain down on me this morning and I can get it done. It’s been a long season, passed on lot of nice shootable bucks in hunt for the one who is smart and old.
    The wind is perfect for my morning sit. Hope some puzzle pieces get put together today

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18816

    I saw a massive 10 point buck today while pheasant hunting. Biggest buck I’ve ever seen in almost 30 years.

    It was laying in a patch of red willows and ran out right in front of me. Seeing that buck was better than the roosters I got.

    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 477

    I saw a massive 10 point buck today while pheasant hunting. Biggest buck I’ve ever seen in almost 30 years.

    It was laying in a patch of red willows and ran out right in front of me. Seeing that buck was better than the roosters I got.

    Cool story bro

    Posts: 9311

    Well, I think I called it for the season. At least the muzzy season. I shot it tonight to empty it. I want to fish tomorrow. May still get out with the bow.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22128

    It was laying in a patch of red willows and ran out right in front of me. Seeing that buck was better than the roosters I got.

    That’s called not sitting in a stand for 11 days and actually covering a little ground. Surprisingly you see more then you think is around. Even if the land is 10 or 50 acres

    Wayzata, MN
    Posts: 296

    First sit of the last day for us…make a few slow pushes throughout the day…

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    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18816

    Surprisingly you see more then you think is around. Even if the land is 10 or 50 acres

    I really should hit some of these smaller patches that I hunt for birds during deer season. It would be all shots at running deer though. I’m sure the dog scares a fair amount of them up. It’s possible that buck yesterday may have just stayed put as I walked past if the dog wasn’t with.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22128

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    Surprisingly you see more then you think is around. Even if the land is 10 or 50 acres

    I really should hit some of these smaller patches that I hunt for birds during deer season. It would be all shots at running deer though. I’m sure the dog scares a fair amount of them up. It’s possible that buck yesterday may have just stayed put as I walked past if the dog wasn’t with.

    If you know how to stalk a deer then none should be running. I’m not trying to drive deer lol I’m trying to hunt and stalk a deer. He should never hear or see me coming

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3221

    If you know how to stalk a deer then none should be running. I’m not trying to drive deer lol I’m trying to hunt and stalk a deer. He should never hear or see me coming

    LOL Apparently you’re still learning the fine art of deer stalking or that big bruiser you’ve been referring to would not still be on the hoof teasing you.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18816

    If you know how to stalk a deer then none should be running. I’m not trying to drive deer lol I’m trying to hunt and stalk a deer. He should never hear or see me coming

    Like a spot and stalk thing out west? I’ve never really done that. I’ve been a part of a lot of deer drives (although none recently) and they are awesome but we don’t have near enough hunters to do that sort of thing anymore.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3221

    I think bearcat is referring more to still hunting/stalking. Takes a patient person to do this and get good at it. Years ago, all I did was walk standing corn and got pretty darned successful doing it.

    Party hunting/deer drives suck unless a person doesn’t mind deer all shot to crap.

    Posts: 3433

    My uncle taught me how to hunt standing corn. Walk slowly cross row and peek into each row and look both ways before you step quietly into that row. My buddy got one of his bigger bucks this way. Walked right up on him. Lifted his head up and my buddy shot him in the neck. Never knew what hit him. Good way to hunt midday when off the morning and evening stands.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3221

    With the right wind, hunting standing corn is a deadly way to hunt deer. Gotta have a ton of patience. I can’t begin to guess at how many deer I’ve shot at less than 10 feet in standing corn.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22128

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    If you know how to stalk a deer then none should be running. I’m not trying to drive deer lol I’m trying to hunt and stalk a deer. He should never hear or see me coming

    Like a spot and stalk thing out west? I’ve never really done that. I’ve been a part of a lot of deer drives (although none recently) and they are awesome but we don’t have near enough hunters to do that sort of thing anymore.

    No deer drives. I’m just a solo hunter. More still hunting and being mobile on the ground. Moving around slowly I have had great success doing this. Including 2 of the nicer bucks that I have shot. I try to sit in a stand but my patience is non existent, I get to bored after a hour. I have also bumped deer away that I hadn’t seen in bedding areas. So it takes some practice to get good at it.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22128

    My uncle taught me how to hunt standing corn. Walk slowly cross row and peek into each row and look both ways before you step quietly into that row. My buddy got one of his bigger bucks this way. Walked right up on him. Lifted his head up and my buddy shot him in the neck. Never knew what hit him. Good way to hunt midday when off the morning and evening stands.

    One of my favorite ways to spend a afternoon

    Wayzata, MN
    Posts: 296

    I think it’s funny how people assume all things are terrible when the word “drives” comes up…we have been doing it for decades and it’s fun and effective…if you do it right, deer don’t know they are being pushed and there is no such thing as a terrible shot and ruined meat…I do plenty of solo sits mixed in too which I really enjoy…don’t knock people who party hunt and do drives effectively..not good for any of us…

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18816

    My uncle taught me how to hunt standing corn. Walk slowly cross row and peek into each row and look both ways before you step quietly into that row.

    This sounds interesting. I sometimes have access to standing corn. Are you gun, archery, or muzzle loader hunting them?

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3221

    I know some archers who will team up and push corn in the late season, like now. They don’t pound it like a gun hunters driving corn would do, but they carefully, slowly walk the corn and get the deer to move to the outside where a couple standers are placed. They have some success. By this time of the year the corn can be super tough to hunt the interior with a bow. A solo gun hunter can have super good success if he can play the wind and terrain. Not all corn will lend itself to successful hunting.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12474

    we have been doing it for decades and it’s fun and effective…if you do it right, deer don’t know they are being pushed and there is no such thing as a terrible shot and ruined meat…don’t knock people who party hunt and do drives effectively..not good for any of us…

    Agreed, we used to exclusively do deer drives when we hunted around Mahnomen, where there was barely a hill or tree in the county. Tons of fun, very successful and rarely had deer shot up.

    I also solo hunt from the ground, and have had a lot of success in previous years, but I don’t stay on the move. I’m usually setting up on trails into or out of bedding areas, and playing the wind. Bearcat I’d love to hear more of how you operate ground hunting?

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