2022 Live From The Tree

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11095

    I looked at the thermometer this morning, then rolled over and fluffed up my pillow.

    Ya, I’m getting soft in my old age. crazy redface

    Good luck – go get em!
    Stay warm out there.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13912

    How many bucks do you guys shoot in a season ?
    My hunt ended early when I had to loose a pair of underwear due to a fart that came out wet lol.

    In wi, 1 buck bow, 1 buck gun. During our 9 day gun season, group hunting is still legal. I can shoot a buck and someone else can tag it as long as they meet the criteria if in contact according to dnr rules. My gun buck tag is not filled, so I can hunt muzzle loader with it

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22146

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    How many bucks do you guys shoot in a season ?
    My hunt ended early when I had to loose a pair of underwear due to a fart that came out wet lol.

    In wi, 1 buck bow, 1 buck gun. During our 9 day gun season, group hunting is still legal. I can shoot a buck and someone else can tag it as long as they meet the criteria if in contact according to dnr rules. My gun buck tag is not filled, so I can hunt muzzle loader with it

    That’s awesome I am 100 percent jealous

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22146

    Seen him again tonight but he popped out to far down. Also had a bunch of doe again within shooting range.

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    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    I ground sat on edge of swamp on property with cattle trails coming out of it this evening, had two doe within 20 yards but couldn’t get a clean shot as they saw me turn my head and had me pinned. We stared at each other for what seemed like 15 min. They slowly walked back into the swamp with not much care. Cool but was hoping to get a crack. A fair amount of shots this evening, deer were moving.

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    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13912

    Well, I totally screwed up today. Had a buck buck I’ve wanted all fall make his way past me. As easy as it could ever happen. He popped into the woods and walked right up to me. Not a twig in the way at what felt like point blank range. Flipped the switch to fire and touched the trigger……..and nothing happened. Some how in the 4-5 minutes it took for him to walk up to me, it never crossed my mind to cock the hammer back. Needless to say, he saw me moved and he hauled azz to the next county. What a dumb azz move

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    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    That’s bummer Randy, sorry to hear that. Sh!t happens, maybe get another chance at him yet this year.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22146

    She was a chiller today with the wind. Did have this herd to entertain me for a bit. (Plus watched US and Argentina)

    Sorry to hear you had to watch the soccer match lol. Just kidding. I’ve been seeing a heard of 6 to 18 every night.

    Posts: 24686

    Heartbreaking Randy, I remember making mistakes like that when I first started hunting too LOL

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13912

    when I first started hunting too LOL

    Ouch, that stings. Just so used to my longguns that cocking a hammer isn’t normal

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18834

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    when I first started hunting too LOL

    Ouch, that stings. Just so used to my longguns that cocking a hammer isn’t normal

    I assume you were hunting with a muzzle loader which is why you need to cock a hammer?

    Posts: 24686

    Ouch, that stings. Just so used to my longguns that cocking a hammer isn’t normal

    sorry man! You’re probably one of the more accomplished hunters here I just couldn’t resist.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13912

    Ya, muzzle loader. He was close enough for a slingshot

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12493

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>BigWerm wrote:</div>
    This snow is awesome! I’m going to put some miles on tonight and/or tomorrow morning to try and pin down some current bedding areas.

    Doing the same. But I’ll wait till tomorrow evening

    Well a new, unannounced until about 4 am, sleep schedule for the 2 year old, changed my plans up a bit. I didn’t make it out until Sunday morning and was very disappointed on a few fronts. First I didn’t see anything. Second, I didn’t find one big buck track anywhere, let alone where I thought I had a big boy narrowed down to. And finally some jackwagon dumped a bunch of corn a few hundred yards from where I had been hunting the weeks prior. Thankfully I hadn’t hunted that spot recently, and I’m not sure if it was a poacher or just a neighborhood “environmentalist” “helping” out the deer herd. The area was all tore up and most of the corn gone, but I won’t be hunting anywhere near there the rest of the season, if I get out at all. At this point I think I’m done or maybe going out another time or two to try to take a doe and calling it a season. Such is life hunting metro public land for big bucks!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22146

    Well a new, unannounced until about 4 am, sleep schedule for the 2 year old, changed my plans up a bit. I didn’t make it out until Sunday morning and was very disappointed on a few fronts. First I didn’t see anything. Second, I didn’t find one big buck track anywhere, let alone where I thought I had a big boy narrowed down to. And finally some jackwagon dumped a bunch of corn a few hundred yards from where I had been hunting the weeks prior. Thankfully I hadn’t hunted that spot recently, and I’m not sure if it was a poacher or just a neighborhood “environmentalist” “helping” out the deer herd. The area was all tore up and most of the corn gone, but I won’t be hunting anywhere near there the rest of the season, if I get out at all. At this point I think I’m done or maybe going out another time or two to try to take a doe and calling it a season. Such is life hunting metro public land for big bucks!

    I hid a climber along the swamp edge last night and to my surprise I found different foot prints to it this evening. Walking in I could s.ell cigarettes smoke. And low and behold a old man was up in my stand. I waved to him and went back to a different spot. I guess the snow is good and bad.
    I new better but I wanted to save a little time tonight

    Wright County
    Posts: 3148

    Well a new, unannounced until about 4 am, sleep schedule for the 2 year old, changed my plans up a bit. I didn’t make it out until Sunday morning and was very disappointed on a few fronts.

    I feel this right now. My wife and I welcomed our first almost two weeks ago. Had to kiss hunting good bye for awhile. Hoping to sneak out a couple days this week/weekend. I will do whatever it takes to get back out toast going to focus on edges of very thick clear cuts/little islands inside those.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    Nice fresh coat of snow, see if the deer move this evening. Had deer on camera mid day. Nice evening out

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    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    I feel this right now. My wife and I welcomed our first almost two weeks ago. Had to kiss hunting good bye for awhile.

    Congrats Carter! That’s awesome! I hear ya, in a blur my kids are already 4 1/2 and 2 1/2. It’s tough to get much time devoted to hunting/fishing with young ones, but you’ll sure enjoy the time you do get!

    Wright County
    Posts: 3148

    Congrats Carter! That’s awesome! I hear ya, in a blur my kids are already 4 1/2 and 2 1/2. It’s tough to get much time devoted to hunting/fishing with young ones, but you’ll sure enjoy the time you do get!

    Thanks Dan! My wife is pretty understanding of it. I’m hoping by September its a little easier to get away for some sits. Maybe you have some tricks to get out easier??

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1602

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dan wrote:</div>
    Congrats Carter! That’s awesome! I hear ya, in a blur my kids are already 4 1/2 and 2 1/2. It’s tough to get much time devoted to hunting/fishing with young ones, but you’ll sure enjoy the time you do get!

    Thanks Dan! My wife is pretty understanding of it. I’m hoping by September its a little easier to get away for some sits. Maybe you have some tricks to get out easier??

    Every minute you spend with your child is an investment in happiness. Change diapers, feed them, read to them, take them outdoors, be involved in activities (even if they don’t especially interest you!). The payback is tremendous.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22146

    Every minute you spend with your child is an investment in happiness. Change diapers, feed them, read to them, take them outdoors, be involved in activities (even if they don’t especially interest you!). The payback is tremendous.

    I agree with this x100. My son turns 12 in April, it breaks my heart that he is so big already because I miss him being small. But it is so fun watching him grow. When he was 2ish I used to put his pack and play or jumper in my boat and fish a couple hours a evening. Probably why the kid is a great fisherman now and a pretty solid hunter.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    Every minute you spend with your child is an investment in happiness. Change diapers, feed them, read to them, take them outdoors, be involved in activities (even if they don’t especially interest you!). The payback is tremendous.

    Awesome to hear a guy say this. There are still plenty of men out there who think feeding a baby a bottle and changing diapers is the woman’s responsibility. I remember a guy at work proudly declaring he could count on one hand the amount of his kids’ diapers he’d changed in his entire life. Be a part of it, it goes so damn fast.

    Like Bearcat said, get them in a boat if you can. Everything will slow down and change because you’ve got to help someone else and make sure they’re safe, but it’s a blast and it’s worth it. I barely get out fishing anymore but my 4.5 and 2.5 year old boys have had plenty of boat time. Just my own preference, but I never wanted to use “kid rods” so they learned to use ice rods (just because they’re smaller) with spinning reels from the start. My 4.5 year old still talks about catching his first northern this past September. They’re both extremely interested in watching me clean fish too.

    Hunting is a little harder because you obviously just have to flat out leave the family at home to do so, so I try and make up for it by making extra efforts to make sure the wife gets some alone time, even if it means taking my little cowboys to town and grocery shopping with me. I do get them out shed hunting and walking in the woods with me.

    Kids are the best, it’s my one soft spot. I’d get a lot more done and fish and hunt more if they weren’t around, but it’s more than worth it.

    Posts: 24686

    Well said Brad! My kids are now 21, 16 and 13. Seems to have happened in a blink of an eye. I dont forget ANY of the moments we have shared together though. It has been a blast, tough at times yes, but no regrets.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12493

    . I’m hoping by September its a little easier to get away for some sits. Maybe you have some tricks to get out easier??

    My advice is to just involve them in what you are doing. I have a 5 and 2 year old, and the 5 year old is crazy about fishing and came with on a couple bow hunts this year. The 2 year old is already picking out deer and naming walleye when he see’s them, which is from some early mornings watching THP and IDO with me. On the Favorite Wife side of things, be a good partner as Brad and Dan pointed out, and also encourage her to do her things as well. Girls night, shopping, brunch, hanging with her family or whatever she likes to do for fun, encourage her to take a few days/nights off and enjoy that too. She needs to for her mental well being, and she will be more understanding when you need to do your thing in the fall.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3148

    Well I appreciate all of the tips! Trying to do as much as I can around the house/change diaper etc. lucky enough to get the green light to sit tonight so I am setup on the island that was hot. Still has good sign.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18834

    Trying to do as much as I can around the house/change diaper etc. lucky enough to get the green light to sit tonight

    Good to hear you can still do what you enjoy doing. Just try to make life as easy as you can for your spouse. I was never very good at dealing with the baby or young kids, so I did everything else that I could so my wife could focus on that. I’m just more of a dog person too.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3148

    Well last night was a bust. Sitting 75-100yards off of a monster bedding area where two fresh trails come together. I will be extremely surprised if I see nothing tonight.

    Posts: 9311

    Not really happy with how I’m set up but I’m committed at this point. Sitting on a major four way intersection but it’s so thick I ended up only 8 yards away from one of the trails. Better stay off my phone tonight and have the gun ready.

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    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    Back out myself with what is probably my last smoke pole sit, daughters have basketball tournaments all weekend. Would like to get one more deer on the season.

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