2022 Live From The Tree

  • deertracker
    Posts: 9325

    Here is the annual live from the tree thread. Always fun to see who is seeing what. Use this thread to post live updates/pictures from your stand or blind. Also, it makes it really nice if you post your state and general area so we can see deer movements.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    My favorite thread of the year woot

    Full draw
    Posts: 1666

    2 sits in the books down in Ne. The first two days have been scorchers.
    Cooler temps through the weekend. Hopefully that is enough to get that one chance a person is looking for.

    Unfortunately my best early season spot needs a southerly wind. Winds are going to switch to the north tonight for the next couple of days.

    The view for the last 2 nights.

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    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1601

    Up in the middle of the night after knee replacement surgery. My fall seasons are shot so I’ll be living vicariously through all of you. Please keep the stories coming, it’s not as good as smelling the woods in the morning or looking at the rear end of my Springer but it’s better than reading the news.

    Thanks all!

    Full draw
    Posts: 1666

    My early season set up in Nebraska.
    The north fields are beans.
    The fields SE and SW of my are standing corn.
    The 2 bedding areas are west of me and SE of me.

    With the low dipping down to 50 last night here. I thought I would try a morning sit.
    No dice this morning.

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    Full draw
    Posts: 1666

    Couldn’t post from the tree tonight. Had terrible cell signal.
    A little warm but seen a dozen deer including this doe that came by at 15 yards.

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    Posts: 176

    Hot in SE MN. South wind, 76F. No good. Saw some nice Tom’s dragging around the oats. And had 7 does/fawns pin me long after shooting hours. Bucks gotta be here somewhere!

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    Full draw
    Posts: 1666

    I kind of thought the bigger bucks would be belly up till after dark this weekend with the warm temps.

    Seen a good buck last night glassing so they all are not waiting till dark to move.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1526

    First sit this morning, two does and a couple yearling so far

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    Posts: 1250

    First sit tonight. About 2 hours before dark, had a nice buck, looked to be about a 10 pointer, walk through the brush about 40 yards away. A minute later a Coyote came shooting down a deer trail. I stopped him in an open lane* and shot. Looked low. Seems like I shot just under his armpit. Sure enough, I could see the fletchings sticking out of the dirt, and no blood. Looked closer and saw fur all over. So yes I trimmed a coyotes armpit hair.

    Couldn’t believe I missed until I was walking to grab the arrow and saw a super small stick that was dangling right where I shot and happened to have a piece freshly shaved off. It’s crazy the things you can look past when you have your sights set on something!

    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    Opening morning I saw one smaller buck and a couple does. That sunday saw 4 does and even had a couple at 5 yards. Couldnt take them in the unit I was in sadly. Last night with that rain coming through ruined my wind. Still had a couple skirt me but it is what it is. Will be in WI this weekend so pumped for that!

    SE MN
    Posts: 1094

    I finally get to make my first sit of the season! More to come soon with next week off work. Let the season begin!

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    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Bear stand counts right? Hopefully the rain stays away.

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    Full draw
    Posts: 1666

    Tonight’s view.
    With it being waterfowl opening weekend and the slough being hunted this weekend the deer should be pushed into the timber right? We will see I guess.

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    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Passed a nice 8 that has hanging around. Seems like the fawns are wanting to hang out with me that last 2 nights

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    SE MN
    Posts: 1094

    Beautiful night time be in stand!

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    SE MN
    Posts: 1094

    Same stand tonight as the first post. Last night I had a smaller buck and a doe come in right at last light. They both turned and went across the road never getting inside of 60 yards. I’d really love to fill a doe tag in the next few days!

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    SE MN
    Posts: 1094

    That doe is lucky the wind swirled. A few more steps would’ve put her in range, and an arrow would have flew.

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    Justin riegel
    Posts: 980

    That doe is lucky the wind swirled. A few more steps would’ve put her in range, and an arrow would have flew.

    I feel like this is the statement of my season so far. Seems like everyday I can get out the winds are light and variable.

    Posts: 9325

    Thanks for keeping the thread going, I have not been out and not sure when I will. doah

    My son is in Bemidji for school. He shot a doe last night and his broadhead didn’t open. They found bright red blood and eventually lost it. Looked for a few hours in the dark. Going back to look after class today.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Not a pic from the tree but got a cool shot of a fork out basket on the horizon this morning.

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    Posts: 25044

    He shot a doe last night and his broadhead didn’t open. They found bright red blood and eventually lost it. Looked for a few hours in the dark. Going back to look after class today.

    If you go to Youtube look up The Hunting Public. They have a video where several guys talk about WHY they stopped using mechanical broadheads. You son’s experience is one of many they talked about. Hopefully he is able to later find the animal. Bummer.

    Posts: 9325

    He actually already has new fixed blade broad-heads. This was his last one. He figured he would use it up because we have had such good luck with them. doah

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1027

    How did he know the broadhead didn’t open up? Pass through and found arrow?

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1894

    Sucks to hear deertracker, I hope you find the deer. I never went to mechanical broadheads, I just don’t want to risk the broadhead not opening to garner a 1″ bigger cutting diameter. I also noticed that I don’t see many pass throughs with the mechanicals, which I never liked. The more and faster the blood comes out, the quicker the kill I feel. Have shot Muzzy broadheads since I started hunting and have never lost a deer that I hit well.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1094

    Sorry to hear about your son’s deer. Same thing happened to friend, and I vowed to never make the switch after that.

    I had 11 deer on the field when I climbed down last night. I definitely think the wind, or lack of, hurt me. The does were all on edge and kept pushing the fawns around. I gave that spot a break, and moved over to the pond for tonight.

    Its another beautiful night to be in a tree. Now I just need the deer cooperate!

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    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1526

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Red Eye wrote:</div>
    How did he know the broadhead didn’t open up? Pass through and found arrow?


    Do you know what type of mechanical he was using?

    I got a doe this morning, put some meat in the freezer!

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1526

    Bear stand counts right? Hopefully the rain stays away.

    You going to try again this weekend BW?

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