Yeah, the deer hate the smell of that stuff. It also works better than anything else I’ve tried. I’ve gotten sick from veggies that were splashed with that stuff by rain. I can’t imagine how sick I’d have gotten if I ate a carrot or onion grown in it. For those of you unfamiliar with Milorgonite, it’s (allegedly)composted sewage sludge from Milwaukee county, aka human waste. Composting it kills most of the bugs, but not all. Think “Montezuma’s revenge” in spades.
milorganite is actually a dead microbe that was heated to about 1200 degrees that has digested organic matter in wastewater. so when or if you buy a bag of it your getting a dried bag of dead microbes.
i’ve used it my garden but its tilled in. never got sick from it. supposedly alot of golf courses use it on there green’s.
there is another form of it called E-conganite or something similiar to that. but you are correct it comes from wasterwater treatment plants!!!!