My veggie garden is planted! Now to wait for those first few veggies to pick! 😋 🍅🥕🫑🌶🥬
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2022 gardens
May 29, 2022 at 8:23 am #2127180
after being away for a week, garden is coming along nicely!!!!
i had some worries after that deludge of rain a few weeks ago of stuff drowning out but seems ok.
i did have to replant a row of kalarabi, that ground go so hard i dont think it could break through. the recent rains and added heat should really motivate things!!
Posts: 2242May 30, 2022 at 9:31 am #2127295Despite dog patrol. Many a rabbit has died in our yard …
bunnies ate all the broccoli plants in our rather small garden.
strawberry patch looks pretty good.
Posts: 2242May 30, 2022 at 9:34 am #2127296We grow more for fun and focus on a few things we like to eat hand picked and/or preserve. Tomatoes, strawberries, rhubarb and carrots is about it.
The proliferation of farmer’s markets in the metro have really made availability of fresh produce at rather low cost (will be interesting to see 2022 pricing) …
potatoes, peppers (including hot), green beans, corn, and even honey all come at pretty reasonable price points.
May 30, 2022 at 10:12 am #2127305I had to replant some beans and cucumber. It rained so hard the ground was hard as a rock. Everything slowed down when it was cool. The strawberries and asparagus are going nuts. This rain is very timely things were getting dry.
June 1, 2022 at 7:41 pm #2127687Not sure why the picture isn’t very good but….. Spent the afternoon weeding 👍
June 2, 2022 at 6:23 am #2127713Glenn, looks like your garden post got more interest than you thought it would😊. I’m down to a raspberry patch now but it got weeded and staked yesterday. Body just won’t do what it used too so Farmers Markets fill my needs.
June 2, 2022 at 7:58 am #2127724Baseball and softball have kept me busy, and the weather hasn’t been the greatest, but I finally got everything in this weekend.
I planted snap peas, carrots, and broccoli about a week and a half ago. Peas and broccoli are up. Still waiting on the carrots, but they usually take longer to sprout.
I planted bush beans on Monday as well as put in a grape tomato, super tasty tomatoes, salsa tomatoes, bell peppers, and a Fresno pepper. I need to go get another tomato cage as I am one short.
Last spring, I put in Encore raspberries to replace the previous berries that I wasn’t too happy with. They’re coming along nicely.
I’ve got plans to install a DIY drip irrigation system. I’ve got all the parts here. I just need a couple hours to set it up. I’m really looking forward to that.
Good luck to all!
Posts: 756June 2, 2022 at 8:08 am #2127728Replanting nearly everything in our garden on Sunday afternoon. 2 rounds of hail and 4″ of rain destroyed pretty much everything that was out of the ground last weekend.
June 2, 2022 at 8:51 am #2127740Despite the moisture, seems like seeds have really struggled to germinate with the cool weather.
June 2, 2022 at 10:29 am #2127758Weeds seeds are having no issue. Im having trouble trying to get zucchinis to sprout. They usually come up in a few days.
June 2, 2022 at 11:37 am #2127777I haven’t had any germination issues, but mine gets pretty intense sun for most of the day.
June 2, 2022 at 12:04 pm #2127782I built a couple 3′ x 6′ x 18″ tall raised beds this year to get a garden going again, and bought started plants up north last weekend, so just need to get em in the ground. Between $140 in cedar and $30 in plants, I can’t wait to get $8.36 of tomatoes and peppers!
June 2, 2022 at 12:43 pm #2127788Glenn, looks like your garden post got more interest than you thought it would😊. I’m down to a raspberry patch now but it got weeded and staked yesterday. Body just won’t do what it used too so Farmers Markets fill my needs.
i’m happy……keep it up!!!!!
even a picture of your rasberry patch!!!!!!!
Posts: 25048June 2, 2022 at 1:53 pm #2127805I can’t wait to get $8.36 of tomatoes and peppers!
At the rate inflation is going by the time those are ready to harvest they will be $32 worth.
June 3, 2022 at 10:07 am #2127950My seeds took longer to get to a decent size under the grow lights this year but I’ll hopefully get all of them into the ground after work tonight and tomorrow. I have six plants for each of 11 varieties of tomatoes that I’m trying out this year. The only one I’ve grown before is Amish Paste and I started them from seeds I saved last year. Cukes, basil, asparagus, Hungarian wax, jalapeno, serrano and tabasco peppers. Got radishes coming up in the garden now and seeded some turnips, wax beans, and a couple yellow squash the other day. I definitely need more canning jars and I’m hoping my back holds out.
June 3, 2022 at 5:18 pm #2128028My seeds took longer to get to a decent size under the grow lights this year but I’ll hopefully get all of them into the ground after work tonight and tomorrow. I have six plants for each of 11 varieties of tomatoes that I’m trying out this year. The only one I’ve grown before is Amish Paste and I started them from seeds I saved last year. Cukes, basil, asparagus, Hungarian wax, jalapeno, serrano and tabasco peppers. Got radishes coming up in the garden now and seeded some turnips, wax beans, and a couple yellow squash the other day. I definitely need more canning jars and I’m hoping my back holds out.
oh yeah you got some work to do!!
June 3, 2022 at 6:44 pm #2128033Got all the peppers in 6gal fabric grow bags, 2-3 per bag. Time for some beer. I found out last year that they benefited from warmer roots and lower moisture being in those bags. The ones I put in the ground produced less than half the number of peppers. I ended up with three flushes of peppers from the bags and only one from the in ground plants. I also discovered that hot peppers just need to be put in a freezer bag and they’re still good for cooking and making hot sauce nine months later. Back at it after coffee tomorrow.
June 6, 2022 at 9:51 am #2128310Finally got the new garden setup and planted this weekend, we had a nice 12×20 garden at our old house, and downsized to these 3’x 6′ raised Cedar beds. Went with Cherry Tomatoes, Heirloom, Big Boy, Better Boy, and Grape tomatoes. Couldn’t find jalapeno seed or plants, so Cayenne, Ghost and Sweet Peppers. 2 kinds of Cukes, and hopefully they are not too full.
June 6, 2022 at 2:15 pm #2128371Spent most of Sat and Sun getting everything in the ground. Just finished as the light rain turned to a steady shower at about 4PM. It just stopped raining now so I didn’t have to water anything in yesterday. As a bonus, the citywide rummage sale was on Sat. Dragged some crap out of the house and garage and made about $200 while we worked.
June 6, 2022 at 2:16 pm #2128373June 6, 2022 at 2:29 pm #2128382Back garden. Nothing but tomatoes in the front one.
all so you can ruin the good taste of garden tomatoes on BLT’s NOT using miracle whip!!
June 6, 2022 at 2:35 pm #2128385<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>picklerick wrote:</div>
Back garden. Nothing but tomatoes in the front one.all so you can ruin the good taste of garden tomatoes on BLT’s NOT using miracle whip!!
Good one!
June 9, 2022 at 12:38 pm #2128988It really depends on the weather, type of plant, and how much moisture is retained by your soil. Any kind of mulch helps. Peppers need a lot less than tomatoes and cucumbers. I try to do a deep watering of about 8-10 seconds at the base of each plant at least once a week this time of year and 2-3x when it gets hot and the plants are larger. My hot peppers are in fabric pots and they prefer a lot less water. They get watered maybe once a week. I stick my finger in the potting mix and if it feels moist I don’t water.
June 9, 2022 at 1:01 pm #2129000How often do you water your gardens?
Mine got 3 hours last night when I forgot about the sprinkler.
Mine suffered because I didn’t water enough last year. Mine is a long ways from the house and up a fairly large hill, so I hate dragging the hose up there.
I’m working on a PVC drip irrigation system right now. I hope to have it all wrapped up this weekend. Fingers crossed that it’s the ticket!
Mike Otis
Posts: 73June 9, 2022 at 3:55 pm #2129039I’m a big fan of soaker hoses and the 4 spigot timers. It allows me to tailor the amount water for the type of veggie, and keeps my watering consistent.
If we have a lot of rain the forecast, I simply turn off the timer until things dry out.
I grow peppers in pots (not well), and water those by hand. I agree with picklerick, they need much less water than most.
I try to stick with once a week, deep watering, unless the weather tells me otherwise. I mulch heavy with a combination of leaves and straw.
Mike Otis
Posts: 73June 9, 2022 at 4:04 pm #2129041Also, is anyone else in the Twin Cities metro seeing any progress with their tomatoes and peppers?
A few friends and myself aren’t seeing much growth, and I can only assume it’s because of these cooler temps. Plants are healthy, just not growing much.
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