2022 gardens

  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    Gardens Don’t seem to be a big thing here but figured I’d start one anyway.

    Garden gets tilled tomorrow but I pulled these today. Winter onions!

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    Posts: 4790

    took a drive to a local nursery yesterday to get some plants. they still didnt have many of there potted vegetables yet. guess ill have to check again next weekend

    Posts: 583

    Planted blueberries today and trellising apple trees tomorrow. Will wait a week for the garden.

    Becker MN
    Posts: 1023

    Last year when we had the 90 degree week in mid May we planted the entire garden the weekend before Memorial Day, thought we’d be good. These were plants that the gal had started from seed in March and had in our indoor greenhouse. Probably close to 100 plants.

    Hit 30 degrees the Friday Memorial Day weekend and we lost 80% of what we planted. Had to go buy everything.

    Gal said never again. We’ll always wait until after Memorial Day now.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    All ready for seeds. To windy for the small fine seeds. Dill, radishes, onions, lettuce and spinach will go in first!!

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    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717

    I’m turning my garden over by hand right now. Well actually I’m half done and came in to get something to drink and rest my weary arms. But I’ll have it ready to plant by dinner time today. Fresh veggies, can’t wait!


    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    Put onions in this last week, my in laws neighbors gave us some rhubarb bulbs to transplant and I put those in Thursday. Probably try and get pea pods at least in tomorrow before the rain gets here, they dont seem to like the heat if planted too late. We are doing popcorn this year instead of sweet corn (mostly so my son can see the process of making popcorn), green beans, zucchini, carrots, trying out a cucumber that isn’t supposed to take over the garden and probably a squash plant (and the strawberries that are already established).

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17351

    I’m to lazy to do a garden, however these store prices are making me rethink it.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    Dutchy. You eat that stuff straight from a garden, you’d wish you woulda done it years ago!!! Mayhaps you could find an I-Falls cougar devil that be willing to share!! waytogo jester

    Got my onions, radishes, lettuce, spinach and dill in tonight. Ran outta daylight or I woulda got the kalarabi in to.

    Posts: 501

    Switching the subject a little bit here, but, for those of you that plant pole beans, which variety do you like the best for the southern metro area? After planting pole beans last year, I think I’m done with the bush bean Variety. My pole beans produced over a much longer time span and were plentiful, so I’m sticking with them. We don’t do any canning. Fresh or frozen only.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    Garden is all in. Next the fence!!

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    Posts: 1166

    Last year when we had the 90 degree week in mid May we planted the entire garden the weekend before Memorial Day, thought we’d be good. These were plants that the gal had started from seed in March and had in our indoor greenhouse. Probably close to 100 plants.

    Hit 30 degrees the Friday Memorial Day weekend and we lost 80% of what we planted. Had to go buy everything.

    Gal said never again. We’ll always wait until after Memorial Day now.

    Yep, it’s too easy to get get this early hot weather and think we’re good now and no more freezes. But so many years it dives. It’s one thing to cover some planters, but kind of hard to do that with a big tilled garden.

    What I do is plant the things that take the longest to grow in planters, such as peppers. So I can get them in early and either move them to the garage or cover them if the temperatures dip.

    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    Got ours in tonight.
    Took last year off because we had a kid right around this time.
    Looking forward to some BLT’s!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    We have everything started inside. I am going to till it this weekend and then my wife will start the planting. I wanted to do it sooner but have been too busy.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Glenn, I am guessing you have some stuff in cans for watering. What plants do you do that with.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12418

    Hit 30 degrees the Friday Memorial Day weekend and we lost 80% of what we planted. Had to go buy everything.

    Gal said never again. We’ll always wait until after Memorial Day now.

    That’s always been our rule too, which is convenient bc we usually buy all the veggies from a greenhouse by the cabin Memorial Day weekend.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    Glenn, I am guessing you have some stuff in cans for watering. What plants do you do that with.

    yes. Mainly watering and helps protect them from the wind a bit when there young.

    I put them around tomatoes, peppers, celery and cabbage plants. As the plants get bigger and before they get to big I’ll take them off.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4082

    I tilled two gardens the past two nights. One garden was loosening up last year’s garden and the other was creating a new one about the same size, so breaking up existing sod and some weed growth as well. My upper back has never felt so sore as it’s basically like holding onto a small engine vehicle that’s trying to run away from you for 3 hours. Glad to have it done thought!

    I have pumpkin seeds started in egg cartons, did that this past Sunday. I had planned on planting more this weekend (potatoes, watermelon, sweet corn) but after reading through some of the posts here maybe I won’t! Especially since I’ll be gone 4 days around Memorial Day weekend, meaning no watering if it’s needed. Maybe I’ll wait until the rest of you do yours!

    Glenn thanks for starting this. After moving to the country and finally starting a garden last year I enjoy reading everyone’s tips and seeing their final product!

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    Everything that I want to grow is started as seeds, probably a little late but I have a system I use where I can bring them inside quickly if temps are looking bad at night. Hoping for a good yield, but in 2020 I bit off a lot more than I could chew garden-wise. Dialed it back last summer, too far back and didn’t get “enough”. Hoping I found the sweet spot this year.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    Scored these this morning between downpours!!

    I typically start my garden planting especially cool weather seeds shortly after it’s tilled, wait till after or around fishing opener to put plants in. I think with the late start weather wise it’s safe to plant everything this year. Never know though.

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    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    I tilled two gardens the past two nights. One garden was loosening up last year’s garden and the other was creating a new one about the same size, so breaking up existing sod and some weed growth as well. My upper back has never felt so sore as it’s basically like holding onto a small engine vehicle that’s trying to run away from you for 3 hours. Glad to have it done thought!

    I have pumpkin seeds started in egg cartons, did that this past Sunday. I had planned on planting more this weekend (potatoes, watermelon, sweet corn) but after reading through some of the posts here maybe I won’t! Especially since I’ll be gone 4 days around Memorial Day weekend, meaning no watering if it’s needed. Maybe I’ll wait until the rest of you do yours!

    Glenn thanks for starting this. After moving to the country and finally starting a garden last year I enjoy reading everyone’s tips and seeing their final product!

    waytogo I too like to see others garden method and how they go about doing things!👍

    Becker MN
    Posts: 1023

    Pouring rain in sheets here and more expected tonight. Probably looking at 4-5 inches of rain by morning.

    For those that already planted, hopefully it doesn’t wash everything away.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    Got 3 inches yesterday and overnight, got one mater plant not looking healthy but the rest seemed to survive the downpour!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5553

    I haven’t started yet, I seem to wait until the end of May versus mid-May lately. But I’m excited to get some things growing this year! 🍅🥦🌶🥕🥬🍍

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8951

    Too many irons in the fire for now, but I like watching the thread and learning how people do things. We had huge gardens as kids growing up but the how-to part was the least of my worries back then. Once things settle down by next Spring/Summer, we will have our own garden and be looking here for pointers.

    Posts: 1671

    Tilled and planted seeds last weekend. 80’ of carrots, 40’ of cukes, 20’ of beans, 10 hills of squash. Seeds every 6” except carrots every 2”. Bought all my plants, and transplanted them. I will wheel them in and out of the garage daily in the wagon for a couple weeks until I feel comfortable we are out of the frost danger. Monday I wheeled them out before work without checking the radar, and they got urine pounded by rain and small hail. They seem fine and are loving their new pots. Peppers green at least 3” this week!

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    I started from seed four types of hot pepper, cucumbers (slicing and pickle), eleven varieties of tomato, roughly 100 asparagus, basil and rosemary. I know the asparagus won’t be OK to pick for 3-4yrs but you have to start it first. I think I’m going to plant them in a few different areas to see which ones do best. Going to wait a couple more weeks before taking them all outside. I had a 9′ x 18′ space for last year’s garden and tilled open another 12′ x 24′ space for this year. I was planning to direct sow radishes and beets before it hit the 90’s here this week but it should be back to normal 60’s by Mon, so I’m waiting until Sun. I think I’m going to pull up some of the onions tonight that glenn57 sent me last year to see how they’re doing.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    I started from seed four types of hot pepper, cucumbers (slicing and pickle), eleven varieties of tomato, roughly 100 asparagus, basil and rosemary. I know the asparagus won’t be OK to pick for 3-4yrs but you have to start it first. I think I’m going to plant them in a few different areas to see which ones do best. Going to wait a couple more weeks before taking them all outside. I had a 9′ x 18′ space for last year’s garden and tilled open another 12′ x 24′ space for this year. I was planning to direct sow radishes and beets before it hit the 90’s here this week but it should be back to normal 60’s by Mon, so I’m waiting until Sun. I think I’m going to pull up some of the onions tonight that glenn57 sent me last year to see how they’re doing.

    I’ve picked 2 different batches of them onions already!! Mighty fine👍

    NW Iowa
    Posts: 44

    I got about half in northwest Iowa. Redesigned the garden last fall. My ocd got the best of me. I like being able to walk around and have designated spots for each plants. Roughly 24’x48’ not sure on exact planting square feet.

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    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1409

    Started indoors now the broccoli and cauliflower are planted. The rest will be done next week or so have got burnt planting early to many times in the past.

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