IF Rossi centers 97 and 36, Who is doing the dirty work to retrieve pucks, to prolong possessions? THAT is what a center needs to do on that line and Marco has not proven he can do that yet, not even close. They want Kirill shooting not wasting all his energy winning wall nd puck battles.
No, what you just described is exactly NOT what Goudreau or Steel have in their games…Yes, Hartman does to a degree… and this argument goes out the window with the centers used having a terrible faceoff %, so Kirill and Zuccy are mostly spending the first 1/2 of their shift just trying to get possesion back…
My issue is strickly with them NOT giving Rossi at least a sniff at 1C (not the 1 meaningless preason game he got) just to see what it looks like, who knows perhaps he would take off and we have a 1C solution, we just don’t know… Obviously the team is desparate for anything by having a player the F’ing Ducks didn’t want as our 1C…