I probably took my last trip of the season yesterday.
My MIL lives in west central MN, so I generally plan on hunting when we visit her. Sunday evening brought snow, ice, and intense wind, but I figured I would sneak out for a bit on Monday morning, regardless of the weather.
Well, the morning started off real interesting. As my truck was covered with ice, I remote-started it to get it warmed up and thawing. I put Ripley in his crate and without thinking just tossed the keys on the console while I brushed/scraped. Well, it has an aftermarket remote start, and as I was scraping, it hit the 10-minute shutoff time, and I heard the locks click. OH $HIT! You’ve got to be kidding me. So, Ripley was locked in the back (SUV thankfully), and my only spare set of keys were in the Cities–probably about 4 hours round trip. Well, thankfully, the local mechanic swung over and was able to fish the keys off the console and then hit the unlock button. I was so grateful!!!
At this point, it was now 10:00, 10 F, and 30 mph winds, and I needed to be back by noon, but I figured, lets give it a go.
I found a nearby WMA near some corn stubble with a nice stand of cattails–and no sign of other hunters. Perfect. We spent about 1.5 hours working the area, flushed two roosters out (they were pretty far, and I couldn’t drop them), and saw a decent amount of tracks. At that point, my face was pretty cold and we needed to get back, so we called it a day.
Everything was covered in a thin layer of ice. Surely not great for wildlife, but it was really pretty. I was also grateful that I found a pair of ski goggles at my MIL’s house. I think I read that tip here once–it really helped with the wind!



