2021 Morgans

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11084

    The US mint released the 100 year anniversary 2021 Morgan Silver dollar Monday at 11:00 am. I logged on at 11:05 and the Carson City mint was sold out so I clicked on the Philly mint. I ordered 3 and by the time I entered my CC # they were sold out. flame flame flame

    Btw they are $85 each. I went onto Ebay and they are selling for $350 evil evil evil

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17419

    Thats part of the problem with credit cards. These guys have time to flip before needing to pay their bill. Don’t feel to bad, they likely pre-sold all but a handful and you had almost no chance of getting any anyway.

    Welcome to 2021.

    I’ve got some rocks up here I’m going to sell as crypto currency, just waiting until I come up with a fancy name for them. Once I do I’ll let you know and you can hop in and be a early investor and make millions or billions. grin

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22144

    Thats part of the problem with credit cards. These guys have time to flip before needing to pay their bill. Don’t feel to bad, they likely pre-sold all but a handful and you had almost no chance of getting any anyway.

    Welcome to 2021.

    I’ve got some rocks up here I’m going to sell as crypto currency, just waiting until I come up with a fancy name for them. Once I do I’ll let you know and you can hop in and be a early investor and make millions or billions. grin

    Boulder Coin. ” it’s solid as a rock ”
    Or ” the world’s most rock solid crypto”

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11084

    they likely pre-sold all but a handful and you had almost no chance of getting any anyway.

    That’s what really yanks my chain. They were not available for “pre-selling”.
    The big guys must be using the same software as ticket scalpers.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17419

    It’s been alleged that for years the Chicago Cubs have been “selling” game tickets to a secondary ticket company they actually own.

    There is no honor among thieves.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m going with Dutchcoin Brian. Has a nice ring to it.

    steve k
    buffalo co. wi.
    Posts: 219

    I’m going with Dutchcoin Brian. Has a nice ring to it.

    hmmm perhaps not a ring you hear just a ding a ling

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19007

    Would have been nice owning one. I have a 1921 on display in my living room. It was my Dad’s and in near perfect condition.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11084

    Just received this from the Feds – Didn’t know we had a global silver shortage.

    Dear Valued Customer,

    The United States Mint is committed to providing the best possible online experience to its customers. The global silver shortage has driven demand for many of our bullion and numismatic products to record heights. This level of demand is felt most acutely by the Mint during the initial product release of numismatic items. Most recently in the pre-order window for 2021 Morgan Dollar with Carson City privy mark (21XC) and New Orleans privy mark (21XD), the extraordinary volume of web traffic caused significant numbers of Mint customers to experience website anomalies that resulted in their inability to complete transactions.

    In the interest of properly rectifying the situation, the Mint is postponing the pre-order windows for the remaining 2021 Morgan and Peace silver dollars that were originally scheduled for June 1 (Morgan Dollars struck at Denver (21XG) and San Francisco (21XF)) and June 7 (Morgan Dollar struck at Philadelphia (21XE) and the Peace Dollar (21XH)). While inconvenient to many, this deliberate delay will give the Mint the time necessary to obtain web traffic management tools to enhance the user experience. As the demand for silver remains greater than the supply, the reality is such that not everyone will be able to purchase a coin. However, we are confident that during the postponement, we will be able to greatly improve on our ability to deliver the utmost positive U.S. Mint experience that our customers deserve. We will announce revised pre-order launch dates as soon as possible.

    Thank you for a being a United States Mint customer.

    Posts: 589

    If there’s such a global shortage of silver, I’d be glad to sell them some so they can make more coins. They will need to up the ante a bit. Silver is trading for less than $30 per ounce and people are paying $85 for coins and can’t get enough.

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