2021 MN Waterfowl Reports

  • 404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Hopefully not at the casino 🤣

    It’s pheasant opener, I avoid that place like the plague!

    Did ok this morning. Definitely not much for migration going on, but saw a few bigger groups of mallards and some ringers. Scouted for almost 4 hours today and only found 2 promising spots. Hopefully tomorrows duck hunt doesn’t turn into a Coot Shootin’ Boogie.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Today’s duck hunt was much better than yesterday, but still not what I expected. Finished with 6 buffies and a bluebill…saw a few mallards and a couple pintail. But that’s it. Hopefully the migration picks up in a couple weeks, taking next weekend off for the last ATV trip of the season.

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 522

    Solo hunts both days, Had a great saturday morning, the cool temps greeted me with fresh birds down here in southern mn, had my 6 by 8am, including 2 fully plumed out drake mallards. Sunday morning was greeted with less birds as I believe alot of the ones that showed up saturday boogied that night with the even cooler temps. If my shooting would have been on par, I could have been finished by 745. I knew when I missed the first bird at close range (drake pintail) that I was going to go thru the shells. The birds gave me plenty of opportunities to fill out, but the gun decided else wise, finished out with 4. Already seeing a decline in other hunters out as I’m sure some were chasing pheasants or deer. It should only keep getting better.

    Posts: 461

    Was out Tuesday in the heavy wind. More ducks moved in. Most action since opening day. Lots of green winged teal and assortment of divers in the bag. Going to take this weekend off and fish a few more times in the boat before storing it for the winter.

    Posts: 9321

    I have friends out in SD laying the smack down on the ducks and geese. Also the walleyes.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22312

    Where are the birds. Very quiet in my area.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Haven’t been on for a little while. Been hunting South Central MN the last couple weeks. Plenty of Mallards in the area in large numbers and have been doing pretty decent. For some reason, I haven’t been seeing the Divers in the numbers others are reporting. I’ve seen many Buffies, but that’s about it for Divers lately.

    Plan on finishing up the last 2 weeks of the season back on the Mississippi, been hearing reports of good numbers of Divers with Goldeneye’s there in big numbers.

    Then it’s late Goose woot

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Sheesh, 2 weeks of inactivity on this thread.

    Wrapped up the regular duck season on Sunday with a field hunt in the metro area. Didn’t do so hot…

    Planning on hitting the fields until the goose season closes, then hang everything up for the ice auger. The birds are for sure still THICK in the area. I wish the south zone didn’t shift a week early this year, but I can’t control that and does no good to gripe about it.

    The low water on the Mississippi really put a damper on my season. ALL of my water hunting outside of opening weekend is done in the backwaters…the backwaters I could barely get into…Still did decent and had some really good hunts, just not what I’m used to.

    At the end of the day, I don’t duck hunt for the meat, I would deer hunt if that was the case. I hunt to meet new friends, swap stories and have a good time sharing my experiences with other hunters.

    Duck hunting isn’t easy. It’s wet, dirty, smelly and cold. Many people ask why someone wants to wake up at 3am to chase flying liver and it’s a question I’ve never been able to answer that truly explains the passion a waterfowler has.

    PS to the full color Hollywood I whiffed all 3 at…I’ll see ya next year. Ya know, let em’ go, let em’ grow, right? Yeah, that’s it…

    Posts: 461

    Ended season on Saturday in western mn. Lots of mallards but did not decoy well. Geese thick but migrating heavy. Geese worked decoys very well. All field hunting as every body of water is froze tight. Found a feed for Sunday but could not gain permission so called it a wrap.

    Posts: 1806

    At the end of the day, I don’t duck hunt for the meat, I would deer hunt if that was the case. I hunt to meet new friends, swap stories and have a good time sharing my experiences with other hunters.

    Duck hunting isn’t easy. It’s wet, dirty, smelly and cold. Many people ask why someone wants to wake up at 3am to chase flying liver and it’s a question I’ve never been able to answer that truly explains the passion a waterfowler has.

    Nailed it! I can’t say that I have the same level of passion as yourself since I didn’t get out in MN other than opening weekend (but spent a week in ND), but I share your sentiments.

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