2021 Live From The Tree

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Guessing I’ve been sitting in the wrong spot. Rebuilding a pole barn and glancing out the window into a small wooded strip between road and barn. Yesterday was 4 bucks from 11 to noon. 3 so far today including a huge non typical with junk in every direction. Sucks filling a tag so soon

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    One in our party did fill a doe tag. Got grilled for being a bow hunter for some reason too. Over all good weekend.

    Posts: 9311

    Just had a spike make a rub on a power pole 26 yards from my stand. rotflol

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Just had a spike make a rub on a power pole 26 yards from my stand. rotflol

    We have Dipstick runners ng around here. 3pnt. He’s rubbing steel pole from bird houses, started to climb up in one of my stands, and stood off against the 10pnt I shot. He’s walked into our barn and has bedded in the flowers along side our house

    Posts: 6631

    Took the kids out last night for their first time really deer hunting.

    We set up in a ground blind on the edge of a hay field, and the deer didn’t disappoint.

    We were bowhunting in Wisconsin. At one time there were 16 deer in the field, including a bruiser that never got close.

    It was a great first experience for the boys, and by far the best sit of the year for me toast

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    Justin riegel
    Posts: 978

    First bow buck, crazy cool hunt and saw two bigger than him. Had a hot doe help me out.

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    Posts: 9311

    Last night had a bunch of does munching in the brassica plot. A decent 8 came out about 5 minutes before shooting time. It was a nice deer but was getting a pass. After dark a big boy came out. Was too dark to tell how big, but made the 8 look small. So now I’m trapped in my stand with a bunch of deer in my plot. I was going to have my buddy come clear the field with his wheeler but he was also pinned down by a shooter that came in after dark. I decided to rattle to try and clear clear field. The big boy comes in on a string from 100 yards to within 12 of my stand. doah He ripped up a few trees and wondered to the river. I ended up sneaking out without turning on my head lamp.

    Posts: 9311

    Another beautiful morning.

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    Posts: 516

    Congrats Justin on your first bow buck. It’s thing to remember

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    Got yelled at twice by the new neighbor this weekend. Once for shooting with 20 minutes to go, and then going to look for it at dark, and then again for someone in our party shooting a deer at 9 am and us tracking it near the border. Apparently both of these things screwed up his adult son with Aaron Rodgers hair’s hunt. The same son that didn’t see the wounded deer walk by on the property line at about 50 yards. I don’t do confrontation when people have guns in their hands, I just walk away and wish them luck, but this still pisses me off and have a number of things I’d like to tell that jackwagon.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Got yelled at twice by the new neighbor this weekend. Once for shooting with 20 minutes to go, and then going to look for it at dark, and then again for someone in our party shooting a deer at 9 am and us tracking it near the border. Apparently both of these things screwed up his adult son with Aaron Rodgers hair’s hunt. The same son that didn’t see the wounded deer walk by on the property line at about 50 yards. I don’t do confrontation when people have guns in their hands, I just walk away and wish them luck, but this still pisses me off and have a number of things I’d like to tell that jackwagon.

    Probably the type that run atvs to the base of their stand in the morning jester

    Alex Fox
    Posts: 458

    B-man that picture of your son ranging and you smiling should be framed forever. That is an awesome shot of the two of you.

    Justin congrats on the first archery buck.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>BigWerm wrote:</div>
    Got yelled at twice by the new neighbor this weekend. Once for shooting with 20 minutes to go, and then going to look for it at dark, and then again for someone in our party shooting a deer at 9 am and us tracking it near the border. Apparently both of these things screwed up his adult son with Aaron Rodgers hair’s hunt. The same son that didn’t see the wounded deer walk by on the property line at about 50 yards. I don’t do confrontation when people have guns in their hands, I just walk away and wish them luck, but this still pisses me off and have a number of things I’d like to tell that jackwagon.

    Probably the type that run atvs to the base of their stand in the morning jester

    They paid someone a whole lot of money for about 80-100 acres of land, then to come in and clear cut a lot of it, and put in a football field sized food plot that they drive the truck out to their stands on. But it’s the neighbors on the next 40 acres over for why they don’t shoot da tirty pointer! lol

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    They paid someone a whole lot of money for about 80-100 acres of land, then to come in and clear cut a lot of it, and put in a football field sized food plot that they drive the truck out to their stands on. But it’s the neighbors on the next 40 acres over for why they don’t shoot da tirty pointer! lol

    Probably have it in their head they paid for success at this point so its the neighbors fault coffee

    Posts: 9311

    Day 4. We have a snow storm moving in Thursday.

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    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    Been a little slow out the office window this year, so I went on a little walk and found decent 8 pointer absolutely locked onto a doe. I was within 20 yards multiple times and saw 3 other does.

    Posts: 6631

    Good morning fellas

    Still trying to get it done in Wisconsin

    Sitting in my favorite funnel today. My buddy hunted yesterday nearby and said it was his slowest day yet, didn’t see a thing. Hoping they’re wanting to stretch their legs today and not totally locked down.

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    Posts: 6631

    Just had two does and a fawn walk by. Nothing better than fresh doe tracks to sit on waytogo

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    Posts: 6631

    Saw a doe sprinting at the edge of my sight (thick woods) right after the noon siren went off in town a few miles away.

    Didn’t catch a glimpse of what was behind her though smash

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    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Had a shooter buck go by this morning but only as close as 150yds. Maybe he’ll get closer tonight.

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    Posts: 9311

    Lots of snow in NW MN.

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    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Well killed my first buck! Bow on public. Pretty stoked!

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    Well killed my first buck! Bow on public. Pretty stoked!

    Attaboy Carter! Looking forward to the pics!

    Reef W
    Posts: 3192

    Well, my time is up. Besides the red squirrels this rabbit was my buddy a couple nights lol

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    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18814

    I harvested this 9 point buck on Wed, Nov 10 about 10:30am. I had seen it chasing a doe and 2 fawns earlier around 8am behind me in the brush but I could not get a shot at it. About 10:30am it came trotting out to my right and presented an easy broad side shot at 40 yards.

    I sat for 7 days of the 9 day season and the best activity was easily on Tuesday and Wednesday before that weather system moved in. I had the opportunity to watch a big 8 pointer with nearly pure white antlers tend to a doe and chase off 4 smaller bucks for an almost an hour. I have never really seen this type of peak rut behavior up close in person while hunting so it was fascinating to watch about 400 yards off. Every time a smaller buck would near that doe, that big one would drop his head and chase it off. Thurs and Fri kind of sucked because of the high winds but overall I had fantastic season. I saw more deer activity this season than I have in years too. Also saw a fair amount of pheasants so I’ll start hunting those next week.

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    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    Congrats gimruis, sounds like a fun season!

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4335

    Congrats gimruis! That’s a nice buck. Way to stick it out and connect.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Heck of a buck gimruis!

Viewing 30 posts - 211 through 240 (of 291 total)

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