2021 Live From The Tree

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    A bit late. It happened in slow motion and dam am I pizzed at myself. With the heat, I knew the deer would be on the move just before this storm rolling in. Timing was perfect with storm and end of shooting time

    Like a bad dream missed the biggest whitetail I ever shot at. Been practicing out to 80yrds every day and he walks in at 58. Wind swirled and he knew something was wrong. Put my 60 pin on a high double lung shot. Gentle touch on the trigger and I watched him crouch and the blaze orange laminated nock went about a inch over his back.
    Had I went with my first instinct for heart/low lung he would have pierced lungs. Still feel like crap for second guessing myself. 6×7 with junk and easily 24+” spread. I have a 185 white and this buck was huge compared to him.
    Two months of patterns and I blew it. Back to the drawing board

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    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Had a super good set tonight over tons of sign. Ended up having some squirrel hunters shooting of 10 rounds right at prime about 50 yards down wind of me. Tore down and got out after that.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3216

    Way to go Justin! applause toast

    Dang Randy!!! You have my sympathy! He’s not wounded, just spooked. Maybe another chance….

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Way to go Justin! applause toast

    Dang Randy!!! You have my sympathy! He’s not wounded, just spooked. Maybe another chance….

    Sure hope so. He’s a smart old guy. Didn’t get this big by accident. I currently have 14 cameras out on just under 100 acres. Not one clear pic of him. He just knows how to sneak around and never the same spot twice in a row. I have his bedding area pinned down to about 6 acres and he’s completely random on his travel in/out. Going to be a game of patience for him to slip up again

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    Bummer Randy, hope you get another crack at him.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1081

    Hope he comes back through for you Randy! I had a handful of does and fawns, a couple yearling bucks, and a nice young 8 come through during the last hour.

    I’m on the other side of the farm tonight to avoid the dreaded thermals. Beans behind me and clover and apples in front. I wouldn’t be upset if a nice big doe came through tonight since it would be an easy drag.

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    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4335

    Tough luck Randy. Be patient and send us pictures when you drop him.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    This cold front will have them on the hoof. woot

    SE MN
    Posts: 1081

    Fingers crossed you’re right Carter! Getting ready to make the drive out to the farm now.

    Posts: 9311

    Good luck this weekend everyone. I won’t be back to the farm for a couple weeks.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1081

    Yes! good luck to everyone! Parking at the public was full this afternoon, so apparently a few other people are thinking the deer might move tonight.

    The farmer started picking beans last night which kept the deer well away from me. Im back on the east side tonight with high hopes the deer will get on their feet after the rain.

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    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Well been in the spot for about 30mins now. Parking lot was full but no one went my way. Raining acorns.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Been steady light rain rain here. Chores around the house instead of the blind for me

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Saw one monster buck. Hes was no way going to hit dry land before dark. Someone must have hunted that spot on a bad wind before i got there.

    Posts: 1250

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Pailofperch wrote:</div>
    Way to go Justin! applause toast

    Dang Randy!!! You have my sympathy! He’s not wounded, just spooked. Maybe another chance….

    Sure hope so. He’s a smart old guy. Didn’t get this big by accident. I currently have 14 cameras out on just under 100 acres. Not one clear pic of him. He just knows how to sneak around and never the same spot twice in a row. I have his bedding area pinned down to about 6 acres and he’s completely random on his travel in/out. Going to be a game of patience for him to slip up again

    That’s how bucks around me are. 0 pattern. Here for a day or two then into the swamp for a week or so. Just have to put in the hours in the stand to get a chance to see them!

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Well had a decent sit this morning. Had one blow at me while i setup and had two come through before legal light. Even had some hunters come through and spook a few tight to the private. I always forget to include my area but I’m in the metro.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1081

    Another nice night in the stand!

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    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Wishful thinking

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    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Loggers just finished cutting last week, a semi load was hauled out about an hour ago. Going to be a rough year trying to figure things out but still nice to be out here.

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    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Well all set for the night. Hiked a pretty good way through swamp. If i get lucky enough to have to drag one out it will really test who my real friends are…

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4335

    Well all set for the night. Hiked a pretty good way through swamp. If i get lucky enough to have to drag one out it will really test who my real friends are…

    You want to find out who your friends are, send a bulk text and tell them your moving. The ones that show up are your REAL friends. wink

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    send a bulk text and tell them your moving. The ones that show up are your REAL friends.

    To find out who your best friend is, send a text that you need help packing out an elk. It’s only 300# + of meat/cape for 4 miles over 2 mountains. whistling

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Been sitting for the last hour glassing an area I’m thinking for this evening. Moonlight is perfect. Have two nice bucks fighting and another on a scrape line. Surprised at the early rut activity. Short sit this morning scouting. Hopefully tonight I score

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Carter Johnson wrote:</div>
    Well all set for the night. Hiked a pretty good way through swamp. If i get lucky enough to have to drag one out it will really test who my real friends are…

    You want to find out who your friends are, send a bulk text and tell them your moving. The ones that show up are your REAL friends. wink

    Haha this will be on the list soon too! Anywho last night was a really fun sit. Saw 7 does and a pretty small buck. Nothing that made me want to drag it through a half mile of swamp though.

    Posts: 6687

    No tree involved, just sat in the grass to get the opportunity on this big tasty doe.
    Friday after the rain. 45yd shot. 75yd drop.

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    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    You want to find out who your friends are, send a bulk text and tell them your moving.

    I assume all of you with trucks get the same treatment I do: “hey, I bought a recliner, can you bring your truck and help me get it from the store?” And of course, “can we use your truck to help move?”

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    No tree involved, just sat in the grass to get the opportunity on this big tasty doe.
    Friday after the rain. 45yd shot. 75yd drop.

    Congrats! Where did you shoot it? Looks like you just said to the doe you’re FBRM and you’ll be coming home with me, like Bill Brasky at a singles bar. jester toast

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Nice doe FBRM!

    Posts: 6687

    Congrats! Where did you shoot it? Looks like you just said to the doe you’re FBRM and you’ll be coming home with me, like Bill Brasky at a singles bar.


    Her fawn busted me at 25yds and got her attention. She walked curiously to the fawn right into my kill zone.
    Quartering to shot. Aimed up front leg slightly below mid body. During flight she twisted in the direction to present broadsid, dipping slightly. Arrow hit about 5″ back from where I aimed and exited about 5″ before hind quarter, and slightly higher than aim. Destroyed the liver. She got out of sight and dropped.
    Could see broadhead sticking out about 5″ when she left. Never found that darn arrow $$.

    Played the wind since I’m a stinky bugger and they played along.

    18.5# jerky marinating and trim in freezer.
    Was a big doe that’s for sure.

    Felt good to close that deal.
    For some reason I’m more comfortable hunting on the ground next to sign. Probably comes from growing up hunting without trees around.

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