2021 Live From The Tree

  • deertracker
    Posts: 9311

    Deer season is almost upon us.
    Our annual post. Please post live updates and pictures from the stand or blind. Adding in a general area and state is nice to figure out deer movements.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Been taking care of my father and spending a lot more time on my farm. Spent a few nights in my tower to relax. Got a few decent bucks around , ver few does

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    Posts: 9311

    I have zero cameras out. Haven’t been to the hunting land since last gun season. This year will be a surprise I guess. Lol

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3216

    I have zero cameras out. Haven’t been to the hunting land since last gun season. This year will be a surprise I guess. Lol

    Is the new girlfriend really worth it? whistling jester

    Posts: 9311

    It’s not actually her. Lol. We both had seniors this year, new position at work and normal life stuff.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Was pretty dumbfounded tonight. Just strange. Deer are spooky as can be. Few does/fawns came out grazed grass for 15ish minutes and back in woods. Little later a doe and fawn came out for maybe 5 minutes. Nothing grazing corn. Two giant bucks walked in my plot at 45 yrds. Barely grazed and slipped off into trees.

    Then all hell broke loose. Snort-wheezes all over the place. Deer running all over through corn, woods and then it appears to be a big buck chasing a doe down my plot. Then down a field line I see a small 8 making a scrape – A SCRAPE on sept 10. This little guy started walking into the field with his nose to the ground. After about 30-40 yrds, he bolted after a doe and chased her all over god’s creation. It’s common to see little tiny bucks sparring early, but actual rut activity- hhhhmmm climate change????

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12936

    Not sure if this is the right place but here it is.
    My granddaughter shot this with her bow somewhere around Fargo. Her first gun or bow.

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    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3216

    Holy crap Glenn!!! shock shock shock

    That’s outstanding! Congrats to her! I wish I could give her a high five and a hand shake! Pass one on for me! applause applause

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12936

    Holy crap Glenn!!! shock shock shock

    That’s outstanding! Congrats to her! I wish I could give her a high five and a hand shake! Pass one on for me! applause applause

    thanks!!! i will. she has become quite the tomboy, hunter and fishergal!!!!!! she has a really good fiancee she does alot of outdoor stuff with. i think its awesome.

    none of my kids or other grandkids ever really got into it which bums me out.

    problem with that one, is its going to be pretty tough to beat that one!!!!!! also looks to be bigger then the one ole gramps got!!!! roll doah jester

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18812

    That’s a dandy. I didn’t even realize that the archery season was already open in North Dakota.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12936

    That’s a dandy. I didn’t even realize that the archery season was already open in North Dakota.

    me either.

    then i remembered my former boss lives out by Mandan, and he always was bow hunting earlier then minnesota.

    they got some wierd and odd seasons and rules out there. even the residents arent gaurenteed they can deer hunt every year…….unless your a property owner. they need to go through a drawing to get selected to deer hunt!!!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18812

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>gimruis wrote:</div>
    That’s a dandy. I didn’t even realize that the archery season was already open in North Dakota.

    me either.

    then i remembered my former boss lives out by Mandan, and he always was bow hunting earlier then minnesota.

    they got some wierd and odd seasons and rules out there. even the residents arent gaurenteed they can deer hunt every year…….unless your a property owner. they need to go through a drawing to get selected to deer hunt!!!

    Ya I knew about the lottery tag system thing there. That applies for both whitetail and muleys. They don’t have enough deer for everyone to hunt. The habitat can’t support it. Obviously they can still grow nice bucks though.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    That’s a brute, congrats to your Granddaughter Glenn! That will be a tough one to beat, but they are all trophy’s with stick and string.

    Posts: 9311

    It’s almost go time! Have my alarm set for 515. doah

    Posts: 9311

    Good morning everyone. I’ve seen 1 fawn so far at 635.

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    SE MN
    Posts: 1081

    First sit of the season. Got in early to enjoy the nice afternoon. At the farm tonight sitting on the edge of a draw that leads up to ag and scattered oaks. Let the opener vacation begin!

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    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Sitting right on a good edge that a few deer highways come to. First hunt for the season!

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    Posts: 9311

    Getting blanked tonight which is rare for this property.

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    Posts: 9311

    Well. I had 4 hours of absolutely nothing and then the last 10 minutes, 5 bucks came out into the beans. Not sure where they entered but they came towards the corner but were still about 80 yards from me. My stand is set off the corner about 30 yards. One for sure was at least in the 130s. 2 were probably lower 120s and then a spike and a fork. Going to hit a different stand in the morning.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    I sat yesterday evening on the family farm west of little falls. Saw a doe and two bucks. I couldnt get a good read on bucks, too dark but one of them looked descent. A little action anyway on first sit of year.

    Posts: 9311

    My morning so far:
    Flock of turkeys

    The wind is cranking this morning.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Had one deer spook down wind of me that i never saw in some thick stuff. Had one start working towards me as soon as I got out of the tree last night. Tuesday has a sweet cold front coming waytogo

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3216

    Way to get her rolling this year guys! I’m not quite sure when my first sit will be. Currently overwhelmed with work and family schedules!
    Good luck!!! I’ll join you as soon as possible!

    Posts: 9311

    I forgot to add that I was in NW MN.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18812

    The wind is cranking this morning.

    I bet it was a little warm out there too. Felt more like July yesterday than mid September.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1081

    What a afternoon! I hiked back into a big oak flat on public. Big creek bottom below and beans up top. I bumped a young 8 on the way in and a doe and fawn just walked by as I got settled in. Fingers crossed the action continues.

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    Wright County
    Posts: 3144

    Had a few does hang around my set for awhile tonight. Pretty fun hunt.

    Justin riegel
    Posts: 978

    Shot a doe last night after watching her feed on apples for 20 minutes. She went down in 40 yards, good way to start the season.

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    SE MN
    Posts: 1081

    Last night was a bust after the first 5 mins of the sit. Back at the farm tonight for the first sit at one of my new “food plots” the farmer planted. Its some sort of native plant mix with clover added. Sadly I think the drought got the best of the clover but the deer are still keeping some areas mowed down pretty good.

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