2021 gardens

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13303

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Randy Wieland wrote:</div>
    We’re upping the scale for this year. Have many plants started and just needed to prep the ground. Picked this spot and finally working on getting it sprayed off. 48’ x 1200’. Be interesting to see how much I share with the critters this year

    wowzer…that’s alot of planting!!!!!!!! waytogo waytogo good luck!!!!!!

    The size is deceiving. Some areas of this will be broadcasted and done. I have NO intent of having a pristine looking garden. Just needed a much larger area for sunflower, pumpkin, cubes, and taters

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 11277

    those sunflowers and pumpkins should invite critters! waytogo i have some leftover cucumber seeds i’m going to plant at the cabin up north……an experiment so to speak. see what the critters do with them, if anything!!!

    Becker MN
    Posts: 913

    How do you control the weeds in your sunflower patch?

    We just planted a 60 x 120 area of sunflowers. Now starting to see weeds, which we expected.

    Just wondering if there is some type of herbicide that can be used that won’t affect the sunflower seeds that are in the ground.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1362

    been at war with squirrels for a few weeks now. They come in, snip off the main stem, and run away. flame

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11750

    I got a little later start than usual–I don’t know what happened, but time just slipped away. Last weekend, we planted snap peas, carrots, broccoli, beans, lettuce, and spinach. Broccoli is up already. I think my parents are coming to a baseball game this upcoming week, so they’ll bring my tomatoe and pepper plants, and I’ll get them in next week.

    I got my “new and improved” raspberries planted a couple of weeks ago, and they’re sprouting nicely.

    We also planted a mammoth variety of sunflowers for the kids. Those are coming up, too.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11750

    been at war with squirrels for a few weeks now. They come in, snip off the main stem, and run away. flame

    I HATE that! (

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 11277

    We have a few tree rodents but it’s the dang waskle wabbits!! doah between them and that new lab, is the reason I put up a fence.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11750

    We have a few tree rodents but it’s the dang waskle wabbits!!

    I have a rabbitt fence around my main garden. It isn’t the prettiest, but it keeps them out. Deer are my main problem. And mice once the veggies start producing.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13303

    How do you control the weeds in your sunflower patch?

    I don’t. Pick the battles you can win

    Posts: 4222

    I killed 4 gophers last night that like eating the stuff in my garden lol

    Posts: 1671

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>stout93 wrote:</div>
    How do you control the weeds in your sunflower patch?

    I don’t. Pick the battles you can win

    rotflol I love how you never sugar coat things! rotflol

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13303

    Mndfrifter – specialty weed tool just for you

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    North branch, mn
    Posts: 19327

    We have a few tree rodents but it’s the dang waskle wabbits!! doah between them and that new lab, is the reason I put up a fence.

    Out door cats destroy every rabbit in the area.
    The 2 simese I have. Kill every gopher rabbit, possum in the neighborhood. I was worried about the big rats. Now that we e have 3 confirmed kills on the door step I know they are the cats we were looking for.

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 11277

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>glenn57 wrote:</div>
    We have a few tree rodents but it’s the dang waskle wabbits!! doah between them and that new lab, is the reason I put up a fence.

    Out door cats destroy every rabbit in the area.
    The 2 simese I have. Kill every gopher rabbit, possum in the neighborhood. I was worried about the big rats. Now that we e have 3 confirmed kills on the door step I know they are the cats we were looking for.

    I see a cat roaming in the back yard, that’s as close to owning one I’m getting waytogo waytogo

    Becker MN
    Posts: 913

    We planted about 20 tomato and 15 pepper plants last week.

    We’ll cover some of them tonight, but thinking we’re going to lose the majority of them.

    Central MN. Low is supposed to be 34 degrees tonight, but where we’re at out in the country usually drops another 5 degrees from what the forecast calls for in town.

    Posts: 3067

    My friend’s parents never planted their garden until after “Decoration Day” or Memorial Day as it is more commonly known due to potential frost. Even with the early spring this year, frosts can still happen in late May. I was going to get my garden in yesterday before this rain but it didn’t happen. Now I need to wait for it to dry out several days. Was too busy fishing the past week and a half. whistling

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18387

    Just got mine in yesterday. What a relief.

    Becker MN
    Posts: 913

    My friend’s parents never planted their garden until after “Decoration Day” or Memorial Day as it is more commonly known due to potential frost. Even with the early spring this year, frosts can still happen in late May. I was going to get my garden in yesterday before this rain but it didn’t happen. Now I need to wait for it to dry out several days. Was too busy fishing the past week and a half. whistling

    Yup, my gal now says ‘never again’ will we plant before Memorial Day.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11750

    Just got mine in yesterday. What a relief.

    Same here! Very glad I got my tomatoes and peppers in yesterday afternoon.

    My friend’s parents never planted their garden until after “Decoration Day” or Memorial Day as it is more commonly known due to potential frost.

    That’s my folks’ rule, too, at least for the tender stuff. I usually follow it, but we’re about 60 miles south of them, and we’re generally a bit warmer. I saw the forecasted rain for today and decided to go for it!

    SW Metro
    Posts: 11051

    My friend’s parents never planted their garden until after “Decoration Day” or Memorial Day

    That’s when we always planted too, mainly due to loading up on plants Up Nort Memorial Weekend. We moved and don’t have any garden space (yet), so it will be pretty basic and in pots this year for us.

    Posts: 3560

    Forecast says 38 degrees by me but im more worried about mine drowning. 10 days ago couldnt squeeze out a drop of rain now the faucet wont turn off. Pretty sandy soil by me but its gotten to wet its looking a little rough already and dont look like the rain is gonna stop all day today.

    Posts: 6259

    Put the garden in today! The cool temps have made for a bug free experience. 19 Tomatoe plants 6 varieties. 4 Colirabi 4 jalapeno 4 mild pepper 4 rows of sweet peach corn 4 cukes 3 lines of various peas, green beans 4 spaghetti squash.

    Frost last night but that looks to be it for awhile!

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    Becker MN
    Posts: 913

    We planted about 20 tomato and 15 pepper plants last week.

    We’ll cover some of them tonight, but thinking we’re going to lose the majority of them.

    Central MN. Low is supposed to be 34 degrees tonight, but where we’re at out in the country usually drops another 5 degrees from what the forecast calls for in town.

    Lost all of our tomato, pepper and potatoes on Friday night. I thought Thursday night was going to be the coldest but only got down to 35 and everything made it. Friday night was the killer, got down to 32, maybe 31. Lot of work down the drain…

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 11277

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>stout93 wrote:</div>
    We planted about 20 tomato and 15 pepper plants last week.

    We’ll cover some of them tonight, but thinking we’re going to lose the majority of them.

    Central MN. Low is supposed to be 34 degrees tonight, but where we’re at out in the country usually drops another 5 degrees from what the forecast calls for in town.

    Lost all of our tomato, pepper and potatoes on Friday night. I thought Thursday night was going to be the coldest but only got down to 35 and everything made it. Friday night was the killer, got down to 32, maybe 31. Lot of work down the drain…

    well that bites… Think I have a few plants that bit it too

    Posts: 6259

    Well the rules around here is dont plant before Memorial day weekend. This year those rules played hard!

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 11277

    First of the year. waytogo

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    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18387

    Got home from the weekend today and all my peppers were gone and part of two tomatoes. Baby rabbit must have squeezed through my fence. I just installed 2 feet of chicken wire on the bottom and plan to re-plant tomorrow. flame my fault.

    Posts: 3560

    Not sure what happened but i found 2 dead bunnies by my garden. Both had little holes in their head.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1309

    I put out Irish Spring soap bars around my garden and it does a great job keeping the the rabbits and deer away. I just put them on stakes on the corners of the garden.

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