Bought a brand new Jeep just over 2 years ago and some lights came on 2 weeks ago, made a appointment for service and before the appointment jeep started to act weirdlast Saturday am, so I loaded onto the rollback and delivered it to the dealership. As I was gonna unload it surprisingly it did not start, acted like a dead battery. They jump started it and away I went for home, now fast forward to Tuesday they called and said 1 of the 2 batteries was completely dead. 315.00 bucks for a battery and installation charge, wow I was pretty upset this battery only lasted 2.5 years, any similar anyone else have a junk battery on a new Jeep?
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2020 jeep dead battery
Posts: 3319September 22, 2022 at 9:03 pm #2148273As much as I’d hate to pay $630 I would not replace just 1 of them.
Posts: 1719September 23, 2022 at 6:21 am #2148298Guy I shoot withs wife bought a new Honda. Battery went bad the first month they had it. Yes, they don’t make them like they used to. Now don’t you want a car fully dependent on batteries? Batteries and tires should be replaced in sets for the best luck, I think. Be glad it’s not a BMW. Mechanic buddy of mine had a customer come in with a dealer quote almost $900. For a new battery, and “programing it to the car”. The battery cost about $230, only available from BMW at the time. It took 15 minutes to reset the computer with a program he found on the internet.
Posts: 3950September 23, 2022 at 6:51 am #2148299We have seen several of these come into the shop, the batteries are junk from the factory.
Depending on accessories and their load on the electrical system they will have AGM batteries in them that are pricey and at times can be hard to find around here.
Another issue is the tires they come with, we have had three of them come in with tires worn out with less than thirty thousand miles on them.
From what I understand from the tire manufacturer Jeep didnt give them the full scoop on the vehicle and the tires are not built for the load imposed on them.September 23, 2022 at 7:04 am #2148300The second battery is for the start stop system. Does not always need to be replaced with the main battery. That sucks you only got a couple years out of it Scratcher. We have not seen a lot of them but are seeing some earlier than expected. There is just a lot of draw going on and communication between the many modules on board.
September 23, 2022 at 7:45 am #2148302Theres a price to be paid for all these gadgets vehicles have today that they didn’t have 40 years ago.
September 23, 2022 at 8:10 am #2148308Is the Jeep over 36,000 miles…? 2 years old should be warranty.
September 23, 2022 at 8:14 am #21483102016 Silverado, battery is dated 2015. Still works great. Just replaced the wife’s 2015 battery, assuming because she has push button start and doesn’t drive much there’s always a draw from the battery and it needs to be driven more jto stay alive. But 7 years+ on a battery I’m not upset. Sounds like either this jeep has some kind of constant draw or you just had a bad battery from the get go. it happens.
September 23, 2022 at 8:55 am #2148326My wife drives a 2018 Grand Cherokee Overland…tons of gadgets that I wouldn’t need but it’s never given her the slightest issue. She’s got the original batteries ~5 years after it was manufactured and they show no signs of not going at least a few more years.
I’m with the others that think you may have gotten a bad battery right from Day 1.
September 23, 2022 at 9:47 am #21483392015 Silverado purchased in November of 2015. I usually replace batteries after 5 years no matter what, but this one started going bad in winter of 2019-2020. A low battery indicator came on when I arrived at Sportsmans Lodge on a LOW trip in December 2019. Pucker factor went up quite a bit. Had it tested when I got home and the guy said it’s not bad yet but getting close. I replaced it.
An independent mechanic I go to said 4-5 years is normal now.
7 years on a battery, you’re playing with house $$.
About a year ago the intersate battery in my daughter’s Corolla dumped just out of full replacement. Since I bought it at the same store that tested it, they honored the full replacement.mojogunter
Posts: 3432September 23, 2022 at 9:52 am #2148345I have had two new vehicles have bad batteries at less than a year old. One was on a 2021 Acura RDX that was bad at 4 months old, and a 2020 Ram 3500 (one of two was bad) 10 months old. Both were replaced under warranty.
anyone else have a junk battery on a new Jeep?
September 23, 2022 at 5:05 pm #2148484Thanks for the info John dealership said they don’t have to be replaced at same time cuz I asked but thanks, and jeep has 50 k on it already
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