2019 Rainy River Reports

  • lindyrig79
    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    Does anyone have any reports?

    I heard there was open water 14 miles East of Birchdale. And they are starting to plow out some of the landings?

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1739

    I saw on FB that Granrud and his team of guides opened up the one at Pelland??? I think that is the one that is upstream of the two rivers that dump in to Rainy… Hoping to maybe get up there this year for either the walleye deal or maybe even the sturgeon run following.


    Alex, MN
    Posts: 1

    Rainy River Update – 3/24/2019

    Sounds like it’s making good progress. Open channel 3 miles east of birchdale at franz jevne as of sunday

    John Miller
    Posts: 10

    Birchdale is open as of this morning. Open water 3 miles from frontier. Let the fork watch begin.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Buddy launched from Pelland on Monday. It’s opening up fast up there.

    Posts: 1279

    Buddy launched from Pelland on Monday. It’s opening up fast up there.

    Heard any report on catching? We are headed up there tomorrow for the day. Too anxious to try out the new boat to wait for open lakes around here…..lol.

    Posts: 2687

    Birchdale is open as of this morning. Open water 3 miles from frontier. Let the fork watch begin.


    Anyone have a crystal ball?

    With the Mississippi out of the equation, man, bet it will be nuts on the rainy the last 2 weekends. That’s all predicated on the forks not busting loose at less than an ideal time frame.

    For the rainy river vets, do they typically bust loose fairly close to each other or are there times they are multiple days apart?

    John Miller
    Posts: 10

    I’m pretty sure they typically will go out relatively close to one another. It really doesn’t matter though because all it takes is one and it can become unfishable for a week or longer. For walleyes anyways. Im going up the 10th and I’m feeling cautiously optimistic. Watch the usgs gauges they usually pop loose in the 10-16 foot range. It will be a zoo, that is a gaurantee. Hopefully the golf cart kids are still working!

    Posts: 2687


    Appreciate it, good luck up there.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Also know that a day or two before they go the fishing usually goes south because the rainy is very muddy by that point. Found that out in 2017. From the time the fish quit biting til the time it got good again, it was about 12-13 days.

    The little fork has been rising steadily for the past week or so.

    1. F3BDD8B3-2175-4D4F-B59E-EA83C7F2B5D5.png

    Posts: 2687

    Also know that a day or two before they go the fishing usually goes south because the rainy is very muddy by that point. Found that out in 2017. From the time the fish quit biting til the time it got good again, it was about 12-13 days.

    The little fork has been rising steadily for the past week or so.

    Great info, thanks!

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    We are going up April 11-14. Is anybody else going?

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    I’m posting this simply as a reminder, DO NOT DISCONNECT THE BOAT FROM THE TRAILER UNTIL THE BOAT IS IN THE WATER WHEN UP ON THE RAINY RIVER. Doesn’t matter if you have bunks or rollers, don’t do it. I was unfortunate enough to witness this one Saturday and it is what nightmares are made of.

    1. 2407343C-0EAA-452A-A2F9-C16C2D2D271E.jpeg

    Tom Albrecht
    Eau Claire
    Posts: 547

    I’m posting this simply as a reminder, DO NOT DISCONNECT THE BOAT FROM THE TRAILER UTIL THE BOAT IS IN THE WATER WHEN UP ON THE RAINY RIVER. Doesn’t matter if you have bunks or rollers, don’t do it. I was unfortunate enough to witness this one Saturday and it is what nightmares are made of.

    That has to be a terrible feeling. Out of curiosity, what benefit is there to unhook before the boat is in the water? Just doesn’t seem worth it to me for the reason shown above.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Out of curiosity, what benefit is there to unhook before the boat is in the water?

    You become famous! cool

    Or infamous. I forget which one. doah

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    That has to be a terrible feeling. Out of curiosity, what benefit is there to unhook before the boat is in the water? Just doesn’t seem worth it to me for the reason shown above.

    A closer relationship with your insurance agent and lighter wallet…

    Posts: 158

    Guys rushing and feeling the pressure of 100 trucks waiting in line behind them.

    Posts: 1065

    are the lines that bad?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    Looking at the picture it looks like more money then common sense.
    To bad when you see those things happen. Hope it was a quick clean up.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    I will be back up Thursday.cant wait

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I’m posting this simply as a reminder, DO NOT DISCONNECT THE BOAT FROM THE TRAILER UNTIL THE BOAT IS IN THE WATER WHEN UP ON THE RAINY RIVER. Doesn’t matter if you have bunks or rollers, don’t do it. I was unfortunate enough to witness this one Saturday and it is what nightmares are made of.

    Hey Chris, how was the fishing? Heading up a week from today.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107


    Hey Chris, how was the fishing? Heading up a week from today.

    I’m headed up tommorrow. And I’m excited as all heck right now. Conditions look great.

    Central MN
    Posts: 184

    Eye will be on the river Wed – Fri. Green 16′ Smokercraft. If we’re grinding on the same piece of real estate say hi!

    Posts: 1279

    Also know that a day or two before they go the fishing usually goes south because the rainy is very muddy by that point. Found that out in 2017. From the time the fish quit biting til the time it got good again, it was about 12-13 days.

    The little fork has been rising steadily for the past week or so.

    I have never followed the gage height graph. I see it peaked on 3/31 and is slowly lowering now. What is that telling us? What would the graph be showing to indicate when it is breaking up?

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