2019 Lund Impact changes

  • joel coppolo
    Posts: 21

    Hi everyone,

    I’m new here but have been reading your insights for quite a while. I’m interested in the 2019 Impact. Either the 1775 or the 1875. It really depends on money. Not a lot of Lund dealers here in North Carolina. I’m trying to get information on what changes have been made for 2019 vs 2018. Any help would really be appreciated. Thank you.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    Hi Joel,

    I just bought a 2018 impact 1775. Unfortunately the only thing I know about the 2019 is that Lund is increasing pricing by 8% due to Al tariffs. Painful. I know the 2018’s have improved a few things over 2017, namely the 2018’s have a composite transom so no more wood in there. I’m impressed with my 18 so far but have only used it twice (owned for 3 days now)

    Good luck! One day I’d like to drive mine down to NC and fish for a week, my fiancee’s family lives down there

    joel coppolo
    Posts: 21

    Hey Kyle,

    Thank you. Yeah, I was aware of that increase due to the tariffs. It is unfortunate. I still want the boat, though. Hopefully the ’19 catalog will be out shortly. How did you power your 1775? I believe that’s what I’m going with and hanging a Honda 115 on it. Enjoy that beauty, Kyle!

    Posts: 699

    Look up Waconda Boats on You Tube. They just posted walk throughs of the 2075 and 1875 Impact XS and also 1875 Crossover. They also have walk throughs from previous years models. I’m looking at the same boats. As far as the price increase, There is always a price increase. Will it be 8%? I question that. Lund already has the aluminum in hand pre tariff and is building 2019 boats. If anything tariffs would be a likely scapegoat for a big jump in price.

    BTW I’m leaning towards the 1875 Impact XS, but the Crossover is a nice boat too.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    Oh I agree the tariff is just an excuse, but heard 8% through multiple dealers so it’s what I’m going with. I have the Merc 115 ProXS on mine, love it so far. 43mph with full tank and just me, 40 with 4 passengers and a full tank. Not half bad, and it is so much better on gas than my 97′ 90hp 2 stroke.

    The Honda should be a great motor too, but I only truly shopped (went in, talked, etc.) a few dealerships before buying and they all were merc oriented. I loved my 2-stroke compared to the old 1986 evinrude that gave me nothing but problems on my first boat. I’m not knocking evinrude too much, I know I had an abused motor, but on my 2nd merc now and no problems to speak of.

    manuel larente
    Posts: 8

    i bought 1875 impact xs last year honda 150hp with 9.9hp. very happy with it. cruise around 50 mph 2mans plus gear. great boat

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 436

    Watched the Waconda review of the 1875 sport. The only thing new was an upgraded coating on the trailer now standard. Major changes were made last year. I bought a 2018 1875 this time last year and like the room and storage. I bought the 150 Merc with optional SS prop and am running 42-44 max. Strong winds will blow it around some while trolling but I expected that with so much hull exposed. I would not buy smart gauges. Instead you can get the “vessel view” dongle that mounts on the engine and gives all the info via app on your phone.

    Eric Dulin
    Posts: 1

    New to forum. Just bought a Lund 1775 impact. Anyone know what size tires are on the trailer?

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