2019 Lund 1775 Impact ss

  • joel coppolo
    Posts: 21

    Hey guys,

    I just purchased my boat today. Super stoked! I’ve learned a lot from those of you on here. Thank you, very much. I’ve never owned a Mercury and went with the 115 Pro XS. If anyone has this motor, could you please give me your opinion, both positive and negative? Thank you.

    Posts: 122

    That’s a real nice boat, be sure and show some pics when you get it. How you going to rig it?

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    Bought a 2018 Impact 1775 XS back in July. I also have the 115 pro XS. Absolutely love it so far.

    Break in was weird to me, but only because I’ve never owned a brand new boat before. it’s pretty standard apparently, just follow the directions in the manual. really phenomenal boat and very spacious.

    I may start fiddling with my prop next year but I’m very happy with the performance already. I am getting 44 mph with myself and a small cooler, 40 mph loaded down with 4 people and 2 big coolers.

    Motor is super quiet compared to my previous 97′ merc 2 stroke 90. No smog either )

    Posts: 410

    I own a 2018 lund 1775 Impact ss with a 115 pro XS. I bought mine in July and fishing and played hard in mine for 4 months. Awesome boat. More storage than a person needs. Under console drawers rock. love the bow cargo nets. My favorite though is the flip bench seat.

    The Pro XS was great for me. Ran wonderfully, easy to service: Plugs,lower unit, and oil change.

    Posts: 12

    Good to hear feedback on these boats. Hoping to purchase either an impact or competitor 17 foot with 115 this spring. Did any of you shop both boats? What was the factor that led you to purchase the Lund? Several years ago there was a strand with purchase prices. Several impacts listed were Right around 30000 out the door. Is that price range still ballpark for these boats out the door?

    Posts: 410

    I did compare both boats. I would have been happy to be in a competitor. The lund impact for me was the boat I wanted and the price I wanted. My boat was New/used the original owner took the boat out once realized it was not big enough to fit his needs and the water that he fished and traded it for a Pro V. I took the boat with about two hours on the motor and fully rigged under 30000.

    Posts: 12


    Thank you for the information. Thanks for the insights on the features you like on your boat.


    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    I compared the impact 1775 to the trophy 1775 which may not have been the best comparison, but for the price versus the build quality, and my budget factored in, the I,pact won. Lund jump seats are a lot more comfortable than the others I’ve tested.

    Everyone told me Aluma would be cheaper and I think it’s true if your only metric is HP to length ratio. But quality-wise I think the Impact wins with 8/10 in my opinion. i could have bought a trophy with a 150 at this same price point but there was way too much broken stuff even right at first glance. Also uncomfortable jump seats.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    I compared the impact 1775 to the trophy 1775 which may not have been the best comparison, but for the price versus the build quality, and my budget factored in, the Impact won. Lund jump seats are a lot more comfortable than the others I’ve tested.

    Everyone told me Aluma would be cheaper and I think it’s true if your only metric is HP to length ratio. But quality-wise I think the Impact wins with 8/10 in my opinion. i could have bought a trophy with a 150 at this same price point but there was way too much broken stuff even right at first glance. Also uncomfortable jump seats.

    Posts: 410

    I would also add that the hole shot for this boat and motor is better then I expected. If my family is with or if it is loaded for fishing with full rear livewell. It pops up on plane fast.

    Posts: 122

    I see you bought the SS and was wondering if they offered the extra storage box that goes in front of the port passengers cubby? It fits right beside the rod locker in that cut-out. Installed one in my 1750 and really adds to the storage.

    joel coppolo
    Posts: 21

    Hey Guys,

    Thank you for your replies. Lot’s of nice boats you have! Don, I’m using mine in salt water occasionally, so I’ve got a Minnkota Riptide trolling motor, 80#. I also have a Hbird Helix 9 DI w/ CHIRP on the console and one at the bow. My dealer actually talked me into the monochromatic white with blackout lettering. I wasn’t sure about that, but I went with it. It looks good in pictures! He says I should have it by the third week of January. That seems a little aggressive since it’s over the holiday season and I’m in North Carolina. Anyway, thank you all for your opinions on the Mercury. I had read so many reviews that were just terrible about them. I was going to go with a Honda again, but it seems Mercury has improved on their reliability and customer service. Fingers crossed. I will post pictures asap. Thanks, guys!

    joel coppolo
    Posts: 21

    Hey Brad,

    Your set up sounds awesome! I was torn about the aft flip up seat and didn’t order it. I have one more week to make changes. I don’t have anyone riding with me except for my fishing partner. Do you still recommend it? I would get it for the extra deck space but didn’t think I would need it. Tough decision.


    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    Hey Brad,

    Your set up sounds awesome! I was torn about the aft flip up seat and didn’t order it. I have one more week to make changes. I don’t have anyone riding with me except for my fishing partner. Do you still recommend it? I would get it for the extra deck space but didn’t think I would need it. Tough decision.


    Just FYI, the flip up seats are phenomenal. When I’m trolling or anchored I usually sit in the driver side flip up seat versus the driver seat itself- it’s way more comfortable than even the pro ride seats! I also like not bringing all 4 pedestal seats on every trip- With the driver and passenger pedestals + the aft seats I always have 4 seats anyway. I basically keep the other two pro rides in storage just in case we damage our main ones some day.

    joel coppolo
    Posts: 21

    Hey Kyle,

    Thank you. I think I may get it. I’m already over budget, but that aft flip seat is really nice. I didn’t realize the seat was that comfortable. I actually wanted it for the expanded deck space. I may have to set up a Go-Fund-Me page for all these extras! grin

    Posts: 333

    Stainless prop ? If you go to the 4 blade aluminum you could probably save enough for a seat upgrade . The stock aluminum pop works well !

    joel coppolo
    Posts: 21

    Hey Cheers,

    Actually, I did go with a stainless prop. I told the dealer that I wanted a 4 blade but he said that Lund recommends a 3. I didn’t believe him, but I took his word for it. Maybe I should just stay with the stock aluminum and add the aft flip up seat. Thanks for helping me reconsider.


    Posts: 333

    I am completely satisfied with my 4 blade . The only thing is the lower unit of 2019 merks is painted silver and the aluminum prop is black . Props can always be changed or upgraded down the road when the bank is more forgiving, seats not so easy

    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    Got the 2018 Impact Sport – 115ProXS and 9.9XS – dual controls. Looked up the 2019 models on Lund site and noticed a couple of differences maybe – no mini front bait well (good), no sport top shown on ad. Suggestion: if you are doing a dual control kicker, get hydraulic steering.
    bestfishes – jim

    joel coppolo
    Posts: 21


    Your rig sounds really nice. I talked with Lund today and they said my boat will arrive in about two weeks. I’m trying to be patient but it sure isn’t easy. Does anyone have the smartcraft gauges? I got them on the recommendation of my dealer. I’m a little confused about them. I guess the vesselview is similar to it. Anyway, I’m a little clueless as to what I just threw all this money at…:) I realize it displays engine hours, detects engine failures etc.. Do you guys think it was worth the coin? No going back now.


    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    Don’t have the gauges.
    I use the vesselview on my tablet or sometimes my phone if I forgot the tablet.
    Monitors the gas usage incredibly accurately (within .2 gallons)
    as opposed to the gauge in the boat which is off by 5 – 7 gallons or so.
    Also like the tach. 10 RPM accuracy there.
    Not sure what features you have on the gauges you had put in.

    joel coppolo
    Posts: 21

    Hey eyeKatcher,

    Thank you for your reply. I actually have no idea what gauges I got. My dealer just said that I should get the smartcraft gauges. Probably not very smart of me to not ask more questions…:) I do have a lot of trust in him and he’s always been fair, so I guess I’ll take his word for it. I’ll post pictures as soon as I take delivery. It should be about two weeks.


    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    I wouldn’t believe Lund recommends a 3 blade unless I saw it in writing. My 4 blade aluminum is great, and I won’t be switching to a stainless personally because I spend so much time on the mississippi river south of prescott, especially shallow backwaters.

    If the majority of my time was spent in deeper open water I would go stainless, but my risk of breaking is too high in the river (granted, I made it the first season with no harm done).

    My main upgrade for the 2019 season is going to be the “stairs” on the front of the trailer, or at least a platform. With a trolling motor mounted this boat is difficult to reach the crank and I’m 6’2 with longer arms.

    joel coppolo
    Posts: 21

    Hey guys,

    Update on my boat. I just found out that it was completed a month ago. I tried calling Lund to get information on a delivery date. I spoke with one woman and also left a voicemail with another. They wouldn’t even return my call. My dealer hasn’t been able to get any shipping information, either. I realize that they don’t like to deliver just one boat at a time, and I’m in North Carolina, but one month and not even the courtesy of a return phone call is a little difficult to accept. I would never have expected this. In fact, when I was in the market and ready to buy they called me, constantly! I was always available for them. It’s always about customer service after the sale. Sorry to vent, just really frustrated.

    Posts: 122

    Be patient, I know how you feel.
    About that 4 blade.. My motor came with a 4 blade spitfire aluminum 19 pitch which was too much for the motor.. rpms low. Went to a 4 blade spitfire x7 Stainless and that was the ticket. You’ll also find out that motor sips gas and runs so quiet.. puurrrrrrr..

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    Be patient, I know how you feel.
    About that 4 blade.. My motor came with a 4 blade spitfire aluminum 19 pitch which was too much for the motor.. rpms low. Went to a 4 blade spitfire x7 Stainless and that was the ticket. You’ll also find out that motor sips gas and runs so quiet.. puurrrrrrr..

    I’m running a 4 blade 17p aluminum and I agree, I think 4B 17p is the best for this boat/ motor combo. I doubt I’d gain anything running stainless, maybe half an mph at top end, blades and pitch are more important.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    Looks like there’s only 1 Lund dealer in NC, so I forwarded this thread to my contact. She’s not part of that department, but maybe she can get a status.


    joel coppolo
    Posts: 21

    Hey HRG,

    Thank you very much. I didn’t mean to involve you or create a problem. I’m just excited to get it and am being as patient as I can. It was the lack of a return phone call that really got to me. Anyway, thank you HRG. Very nice of you.


    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    Hey HRG,

    Thank you very much. I didn’t mean to involve you or create a problem. I’m just excited to get it and am being as patient as I can. It was the lack of a return phone call that really got to me. Anyway, thank you HRG. Very nice of you.


    I’m pretty sure that the response will be that you’ll need to get an update from your dealer, but maybe if they contact them, and express the need to be transparent, you’ll get some kind of answer. Otherwise, we’ll just have to organize an IDO daisy-chain of tow vehicles, with everybody pitching-in to do a couple of hundred miles, until it gets to you,,,,,,,


    Joel, as I expected, Lund will ONLY give delivery information the their customer, which is the dealer. Not sure when the order was placed, but Lund was shut down from 12/19 thru 1/2/2019, so they have been back to business for 2 weeks now. If the boat was ready a “month” ago, it was finished pre-break, and probably shipped.
    Honestly, you need to sit down with your dealer, and request to see his order paperwork. Maybe he didn’t order it as soon as you think he did?

    joel coppolo
    Posts: 21


    Thank you. Yeah, I did visit with him and we talked about everything. It was finished December 14th. He told me it was shrink wrapped and waiting to be delivered. I’ve done all I can. And you’re right, Lund will not speak to me without going through my dealer. I appreciate you looking into it, HRG. Have a great weekend.


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