2018 Sturgeon Photos

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Post them when you catchem!

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    Sorry if this is a duplicate… I tried to post just now but did not appear

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    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You haven’t lost it have you Joe! WOW! What was the measurement for length?

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    No good measurment to be honest. Forgot a tape so measured old school and would say low 60 fish. Was long but skinny. Looked old but was still a strong and health fish

    south metro
    Posts: 636

    Beautiful fish!

    IGH, MN
    Posts: 161

    60+” tonight.

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    IGH, MN
    Posts: 161

    Windy after the sun went down

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    Rod Bent
    Posts: 360

    Sharptailer with nice fish. We had a 3 fish night on the Croix.

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    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    My first on the Croix thru the ice. My guide was very patient with me whistling Not a giant but very fun way to break the ice yay

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    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I like it better starting smaller a getting bigger.

    Nice fish Sticker!!

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I like it better starting smaller a getting bigger.

    Nice fish Sticker!!

    Problem is Evan has one bigger so I had to hear that the rest of the night doah

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    Problem is Evan has one bigger so I had to hear that the rest of the night


    It was fun Sticker. The sandwiches were good, but its tough to beat BKs smoked asain carp and barbel soup lol

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    I guess… since Tim brought it up here are a couple from the last week of fishing the croix. Biggest was 59″ and came up a 8″ hole. It was the only hole that wasn’t drilled douple or triple as I had been jigging sauger through it. It was definitely a tight fit ha.

    EDIT: I hate uploading photos from my phone to this site!!!!!!!!!

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    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    So were’s the sideways Mudpuppy photos?

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    So were’s the sideways Mudpuppy photos?

    They are not worthy…and my phone memory can’t handle taking 40 pics every trip ha.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    So were’s the sideways Mudpuppy photos?

    how about a upside down double…..

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    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    huh, it actually corrected this time. it was upside down in my file but what the heck. I wont complain.

    Here is a nice sturg from last night

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    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    Here is a nice sturg from last night

    Busch! Nice fish! did you get a tape on it? I love the long rod! Oh wait did I just say that?

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    No, I did not tape it but would say upper 50’s

    44 inch TUCR Lake trout pro and love it. I have a couple others for sturgeon and don’t even use them. Spares. I just run one Sturgeon rod myself. I don’t see a need for anymore than that. So stick with LTP when I am soaking a sturgeon rod.

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    No, I did not tape it but would say upper 50’s

    That fish is all of upper 50s, I would guess 60-61″

    I also debate whether to have more rods down or not.

    I have had two down and caught them and had 6 down (with more people) and not caught them so who knows.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Went out this last Friday. Only got 1 and it was in the mid-30’s, so no picture to show off…

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    I also debate whether to have more rods down or not.

    1 rod per person.. Any more than that is just another rod that has to be reeled up when a fish is on and another hole that your cell phone can fall in that is not needed.

    Rod Bent
    Posts: 360

    Nice fish, Andy! That was an epic battle for sure.

    Posts: 6687

    I’m still giggles about it Gregg.
    For those that don’t know.
    I caught that fish on my medium rippin lips 7’6″ rod and 30 pound mono, big game solar. My absolute favorite channel cat fishing setup hands down. You will bring more channel cats to the boat with this setup, do your best not to horse them as many channel catfish are actually skin hooked-but can be landed.
    So I was Catfishing and a big sturgeon bit.
    Not moments after I hooked up I realized it was a large fish, then it jumped for me and all I could say was holy shtt! I knew I was in for an epic battle with this gear.

    Fish immediately runs upstream.

    Now, I’m fishing spotlocked in the main channel sand dunes, with my kicker supporting my trolling motor to hold position and fish this spot.

    So seeing fish run upstream I immediately turn my attention to my other two rods, wanting to quickly reel them in… Except one of the two has a fish on it. I literally was disappointed! Mostly because this sturgeon might best me. The sturgeon didn’t give me time and I had to drop spotlocked, set it to jackrabbit and crank the boat 90 degrees to save the sturgeon. All I can think is I have a kicker running, two lines out the back and one of those has a fish too.

    I get a moment where the Sturgeon is yanking line upstream so I set it in a rod holders, last thing I want to do, and I tend to the back rod. Quickly reel in the empty rod, hook in keeper, set on floor. Then grab the rod with a fish on it and reel as hard as I can, successfully the hook came out of the fish, so well in fact that it flew at me and ended up hooking the wires behind one of my depthfinders. Oh man this sturgeon has got my stinkin number I’m thinking, and I was pretty sure this sturgeon could go 70″ of course. Quickly I save the humminbird and put the hook in the rod keeper and on the floor. I knew it was going to be 20+ minutes.

    That was a lot to write but I did it fast fast. Back on the sturgeon just in time for her to start to work my skill.

    Ended up being a 25 minute fight from start to finish and the last 20 minutes I did my darndest to stay right on top of her and wear her down!

    I eventually started thinking about how I’m going to land her and decided half way through the fight, the first time I got her 10′ off the bottom that I’m going to have to land her on one side of the boat or I’ll end of breaking at least one of the 12 rods laying on the other side.

    This fish was smart I tell ya. She would run the line toward my trolling motor or to my kicker.

    I shut my kicker off and started it two times during the fight to chase this fish. It’s a pull start ) but I’ll tell you when it was off she didn’t run the line that way.

    Because I knew I needed to be on one side of the boat I really had to do the 90 degree jackrabbit to keep out of trouble. It was insane I tell ya. So much darn fun.

    She started to take me shallow, when she got me into 15′ I knew if I didn’t do something I’d lose her so I charged at the main channel hoping and begging that I could convince her to follow me, since she had been doing that every other time I didn’t want her to but this time she cooperated and I got back to the middle of the river with her.

    It wasn’t too long after that she came UP! When she got the surface she was pooped! The thing I worried most about the whole fight was about to happen, I grabbed the line with one hand, threw down the rod and when for the nose grab.

    Guys, I’ve broken line many times grabbing it by hand and the 34 fish I had caught earlier that same day and the 30 the day before had me do gosh dang nervous to grab that line. But what do you do…

    Grab her big honkin nose, lift her a little and try for a belly cradle and I lose her!!
    Grab the rod, lift up only a moment and she was there laying, rested on the surface for a tail grab.
    I cradle her belly and up with her I go. Lay her down nicely and take a breath!

    Turns out it isn’t my biggest sturgeon I don’t think. I estimate at 60-61″ and 60-65#.

    This fish was exhausted. Normally I would work that fish in 5-7 minutes. Everytime. Took me 25. Swam away healthy, but I could tell she was tired!
    I emphasise big rods when targeting for this reason.

    Two guys in a nearby boat kindly pictures which I am grateful. I would’ve taken less than a minute before I had pictures and released this sturgeon but they sure enjoyed seeing a fish and it seemed to have really made their day. That part of the catch I wasn’t expecting. I’ve been wanting a boat side picture for a while and this was the fight, and the fish, that’ll live with me for a long time thanks to the photo.

    Good luck and be prepared to land that fish of a lifetime for a safe release to be another fisherman’s fish of a lifetime. This sturgeon, she’s been around the block. One smart cookie that kept me busy for 25 minutes.

    Edit: I forgot to mention I ended up 1/2 mile from where I started… I guess she just didn’t want anybody to know lol

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    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I knew it was going to be a great story…you had me at “holy shtt!”!!

    Posts: 6687

    The walleye fishermen have been picking on this fish quite a bit, but this sturgeon found their weak spots.

    Pulled a 1/2 oz jig from fin and Lindy rig hook from Gill plate before releasing for another day.

    Ben enjoyed the fight!!

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    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


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    Francis K
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 840

    Found some nice ones on the Rainy last week

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