2017 Trail Cam Pictures

  • junior
    Posts: 39

    Here’s a few pics from home, I haven’t had the best luck with my cams this year it might be time to do a all out upgrade..

    1. IMG_20170803_134736269.jpg

    2. 20150803_152928.jpg

    3. 20121030_195659.jpg

    4. 20121030_195601.jpg

    5. IMG_20170801_132207061_HDR.jpg

    6. IMG_20170801_132305708_HDR.jpg

    7. IMG_20170801_132242476.jpg

    Posts: 64

    hope they aren’t sideways. I’m excited

    1. brow.jpg

    2. brow8.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Couple decent ones from this last week at home

    1. big-10-2.jpg

    2. eagle-beans-1.jpg

    3. tall-8-2.jpg

    4. big-10.jpg

    Jeff Schomaker
    Posts: 422

    These are the only two decent bucks I have on camera so far. They’ve been on camera once a week for the last month and a half. Neat to see them grow.

    1. IMG_0686.jpg

    2. IMG_0685.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Latest pic of the big 10 eating Eagle soybeans

    1. EK000085.jpg

    Jeff Schomaker
    Posts: 422

    Gonna be hard to pass this one but I think he’s only 3.5

    1. IMG_0695.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Would be really hard for me to pass him, he’s a dandy!!

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    I realize this buck isn’t special. I think the 2013 & 2014 fawns in my hunting area were hit pretty hard. Nice to see one that represents a little older deer.

    Saw same buck a couple more times plus a different 10pt. Seems to be the antler growth starts at the brow tines and works out. Had one more pic of the 9pt about 10 days later and the G3s were about the same length as the G2s.

    1. 9pt-080217.jpg

    2. 9pt-080217-with-8pt.jpg

    3. 10pt-080117.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Nice of him to give you a angle view of the rack in that 2nd pic, what a ham grin

    Both very nice bucks, they look so heavy with that velvet on.

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Couple from July around the farm!!

    1. WGI_0168.jpg

    2. WGI_0102.jpg

    3. WGI_0086.jpg

    4. WGI_0076.jpg

    5. WGI_0038.jpg

    6. WGI_0033.jpg

    7. IMG_0209.jpg

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    One more set of pics from the same card pull

    1. WGI_0287.jpg

    2. WGI_0278.jpg

    3. WGI_0273.jpg

    4. WGI_0210.jpg

    5. WGI_0207.jpg

    6. WGI_0100.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    some great pics there!!! toast

    Posts: 53

    Here are some we’ve been seeing so far. A few are from the DSLR on evening scouts

    1. Untitled.png

    2. IMG_0336.jpg

    3. big-10-1.jpg

    4. big-10-2-1.jpg

    5. big-8.png

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    I’m finally getting some up and comers after some really tough winters set us back.

    I’m now absolutely sold on keeping up a solid mineral feeding program. I had long suspected that our area was mineral deficient. I’ve been feeding supplement for 6 years now and I’ve never had so many bucks with nicely formed racks and on the young bucks, the racks are getting much taller than anything we’ve seen before. Obviously if you have natural minerals in water and soil like guys in the SE of MN, WI, IL, IN, etc it’s of little value, but up in the acid soil country I’m sold on it.

    Will be interesting to see what the racks look like at velvet shed.

    Edit: Small buck pic is not one I wanted, but hopefully he’ll improve with age.


    1. 08100227.jpg

    2. EK000012.jpg

    3. 08090219.jpg

    4. 08060194.jpg

    Posts: 727

    Love that picture of the bachelor group of bucks.. Pretty impressive to see that camera catch them all on the run like that. Eric your view from your treestands is better than mine.. I love that bluff country and the big valleys.. reminds me when I used to hunt down in Houston County MN. Beautiful country that is for sure.

    Rogers / Grand Rapids
    Posts: 561

    I’m now absolutely sold on keeping up a solid mineral feeding program. I had long suspected that our area was mineral deficient. I’ve been feeding supplement for 6 years now and I’ve never had so many bucks with nicely formed racks and on the young bucks, the racks are getting much taller than anything we’ve seen before. Obviously if you have natural minerals in water and soil like guys in the SE of MN, WI, IL, IN, etc it’s of little value, but up in the acid soil country I’m sold on it.

    Well said Grouse and I can’t agree more. We are on year #3 and I can’t say enough about the growth we have seen from our pets in the MN north woods. We have 7 locations (maybe more) and they hit hard every year. In the past we were happy to see one 6 pt basket on camera now we have at least 3 that are that big bigger just coming into the back field. Been having bad luck on other cameras so hopefully now that I have them all set up (as long as I can find them) I’ll have more pictures to dream about.

    1. MFDC3296.jpg

    2. MFDC7573.jpg

    3. MFDC5126.jpg

    Posts: 189

    So far I’ve only had my cameras up for a couple of weeks this year, I now have 10 different bucks. It seems that the same 3 are always together, and others are alone or with does/fawns. Nothing over 8 points but they have a little growing time left, there is a very unique one that has a damaged right side. The area I hunt is right outside of a city limit, right now I have zero night time pictures and at all times of the day.

    1. 00000095.jpg

    2. 00000050.jpg

    3. Even-8.jpg

    4. Almost-9.jpg

    Jeff Schomaker
    Posts: 422

    Another quality up and comer. Guessing him to be 3.5 and he will definitely get a pass from me. Would love to see him in 2-3 years!

    1. IMG_0704.jpg

    2. IMG_0703.jpg

    Posts: 118

    This camera just hangs on one of my Apple Trees near my driveway…I call him tilty-rack.

    tilty rack

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    This is the biggest buck I’ve got so far. I’ll probably never see him in the stand but its nice knowing he’s in the woods!

    I hope you don’t see him in the stand, it would get pretty crowded with both of you up there jester
    That is a dandy for sure. Good luck with him…you just never know once the rut comes smash

    Cordova, IL
    Posts: 373

    My trio that hangs together here in IL. Yogi and boo boo are at a friend’s place (also an IDO’er) in MN.

    1. three-boys.jpg

    2. IMG_0188.jpg

    3. IMG_0181-1.jpg

    SE MN
    Posts: 1077

    A couple pics of two of the regulars.

    1. MFDC4870.jpg

    2. MFDC4871.jpg

    3. MFDC5013.jpg

    4. MFDC5002.jpg

    Posts: 53

    He stood and watched us from about 350 yards away the other night. Can’t believe the body on this deer, it’s like a bull with antlers

    1. IMG_20170825_092449.jpg

    SE MN
    Posts: 1077

    The brow tines are impressive! I believe he is only a 3 year old, so I hope he can make it through one or two more seasons. He could really turn into something special!

    bbuch, that deer looks huge head to tail!

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    a few from this weekend at the farm

    1. I__00124.jpg

    2. I__00113.jpg

    3. I__00109.jpg

    4. I__00064.jpg

Viewing 30 posts - 31 through 60 (of 93 total)

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