2017 40hp Evinrude Etec??

  • Jason
    Posts: 890

    I’m looking at a used jon boat with this tiller motor on it. I don’t know the engine hrs but was told not too many and that it runs great.
    Anyone have any feedback on this year and model that they can share with me?

    North Metro
    Posts: 1004

    I don’t know anything good about them and I would not buy one without a serious discount as you are buying a 6 year old motor that is out of warranty and soon to likely have no parts support as Evinrude does not exist anymore. You are at the risk of what you can find for parts and in my opinion would be better off with an older less complex two stroke or a 4 stroke from anyone else, or for practical means almost anything other than an e-tec…

    Posts: 890

    Edit – I forgot to mention that I am looking to buy the combo and sell the Evinrude right away and am looking for feedback on the saleability of it.

    I have a 3 year old Suzuki 30hp that I would be putting on the boat.

    Posts: 3950

    Jason, dont be afraid of that E-tec, sure, right now a lot of parts are hard to find for them and will continue to get worse as time goes by but that motor is a good one if it has had any kind of care.
    The E-Tecs above a hundred horses were trouble prone and you wanted to avoid those.
    As far as any value, because of the issues with the larger motors there is still bad juju surrounding any of the E-tec line and you might end up giving it away, but if it starts and runs good and no noises from the motor or lower unit, run it till it quits if it ever does.

    Couple of tips, run a high quality two stroke oil in it, non oxy gas, and it wont hurt to run a high quality injector cleaner through it once in a while.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    Those smaller e tecs are awesome motors. I wouldn’t hesitate buying one. I ran a 60 for 8 years and lots of hours with no real hicups. Hallberg had every part ever needed when I needed them.

    Red Reno
    Posts: 133

    What are you looking to get out of the Motor?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    E-Tecs are the devil and should be avoided at all costs. Resale is terrible. They all burn up. They are so loud that the wildlife hate them. They have too much torque and are a rough ride.

    …I’d take that outboard off your hands for $1500 to rid you of your issues.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    I love 2 strokes and I really like 90hp and under e tecs I would run one all day long. I can’t wait till they are cheaper I’ll be upgrading my 75 to a 90

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