November 26th.
Launch out of Everts
7:00AM to 3:00PM
Weigh in, food and prizes at The Bluff’s immediately following.
Weigh 3 walleyes and 3 saugers only!
We will have a livewell running to place all big fish in and return them to the river at the Bluffs.
Something new this year. We will have a Calcutta auction at The Bluffs at 7:00PM on Friday 11/25. Teams will be auctioned to the highest bidder. Minimum bid $25/team. You can bid on your team or any other team. You do not have to be fishing the Combo to purchase team(s). You do not have to be present at the auction to fish the tourney. 100% payback top 3 teams (50%, 30%, 20%).
Entry Fee is $60/team with optional big walleye and big sauger side pot of $10 each.
Payback is 90% (remaining 10% to The Bluffs for food) Payback will be approximately 1 in 5.
Please have the proper amount of cash for entry fee. Pay me at The Bluffs on Friday night or at Everts on Saturday prior to take off.
Questions, shoot me a facebook message.
Jason Pitts