I know it may be a little early but its easier to keep them organized this way. I don’t have any cameras out yet but will be putting a few out next week.

Posts: 9311
April 29, 2016 at 7:50 pm
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Deer Hunting » 2016 Trail Cam Pictures
I know it may be a little early but its easier to keep them organized this way. I don’t have any cameras out yet but will be putting a few out next week.
Here are a few bucks I have using the mineral and enjoying the bean plots at home. The one buck has a nasty growth on his front lower jaw. Not sure if it’s and abscessed tooth or what, but he seems to be dealing with it ok.
Whoa…only July and he’s got an awesome rack already.
Looks to be an 8 pt so far? and WIDE!
That’s gotta get your blood going!
I’m going to have to get my cams out soon and see if I have anything close to that roaming around!
Northern Mn. We just purchased 17 acres behind the cabin. I doubt I will hunt it but cool to know there are some lurking back there!
The big 9 is back at home. He didn’t grow much from last year, might have even lost a little. I am pretty sure he is 6, maybe 7 years old this year. I have a bunch of history with this deer, but he has always been able to escape me in the fall. Glad to see him back, maybe this year is the year I out smart him…
He isn’t a giant by any means, but a darn nice buck and one I would be happy to harvest.
Switched out one of my cams at home last night and put a new one out for testing before I bring it to the farm. The buck with the short tines looks older to me, at least 3.5 years old. Tough to tell in the summer, but his body doesn’t look like a 2 year old to me. Don’t think he will ever amount to much. What do you guys think? Also got another shot of the big 9.
Here’s a couple of bucks from a month ago… They are pretty regular to check in. The wide one comes only every few weeks, and the other buck comes about every couple days.
The wide one (aka KICKS)I had on camera last year and saw on the hoof a couple of times, he was really visible during the late season.
The other buck (aka Turkey Foot) I haven’t had on camera before.
I think my favorite part of running cameras is to see if you can connect the dots on individual bucks year to year to see the change in the rack.
Some awesome deer you guys have showing up so far!
This one was sent to me by my cousin from the family farm (I haven’t found the time to get my cameras out). Can’t decide if he is a really big buck, or if it’s a weird angle making him look much larger…
Some nice pics. I’m so far behind this year, don’t even have cameras out yet and have a new rest being installed today so need to get that dialed in yet too. Season just around the corner. Hope to get some scouting done this weekend and get some cameras out.
Not real uncommon to see a deer with one antler, usually cause from an injury the year before. Later in the year they will break one off while fighting, but not this early in the year.
Pulled some cards, now I can’t sleep… And guess on what these two might score?
Yah they would score a spot on the wall those are awesome bucks. there maybe a few to many deductions sometimes scores have nothing to do with how great a buck is. Its tough to see the one in the backround but he would probably score better than the other, but i would take the one in the front. I would say they would be from 135 to 150. Its tough to judge mass when velvet is still on it seems like it takes away a lot of mass.
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