2015 TPro 185 Sport

  • BP
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 48

    Looking at a used TPro 185 Sport with a 150hp 4-stroke Mercury with stainless steel prop. I think the boat is rated for a max. 175hp. I have two questions….1. Will I regret no maxing out the hp on this boat? 2. If I toss a drift sock out the front will it go slow enough to troll cranks?

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    I had a 195 with a 150. It was decent. Mid 40s with 2 guys and gear.

    Posts: 96

    Looking at a used TPro 185 Sport with a 150hp 4-stroke Mercury with stainless steel prop. I think the boat is rated for a max. 175hp. I have two questions….1. Will I regret no maxing out the hp on this boat? 2. If I toss a drift sock out the front will it go slow enough to troll cranks?[

    Not the exact same boat but a 185 edge 150 merc 4s 44 mph, also rated max hp 175.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8945

    I’d say you will be able to get down to 2mph with a large sock out without issue. Keep in mind, the wind will grab that boat like a kite. If you fish rough water and can choose your spots to face the wind, it will really slow down.

    I can get to 2mph on a 17’ fiberglass with a 115hp Optimax without throwing out any kind of sock. I pull most of my cranks from 2.0 – 2.6 so it works perfectly.

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1210

    I have a 185 edge with a 175 Suzuki, I can get it down to 2.7 on a calm day

    Posts: 24542

    You will not be disappointed with a 150 of that boat IMO. Should get in to the mid even upper 40’s on top end depending on prop. If you want better trolling speed, look at going down in prop size, it will cost you on top end, but you will have better trolling speeds.

    Posts: 81

    Off topic but same boat.. my speedometer needle hopped below the little pin it rests on? Not sure how it happened but when I unscrewed the 4 screws to take the instrument panel off I still could not get inside the gauge. Must be factory sealed? Anyone run into this with the Tpro? Any suggestions on fixing it?

    Back on topic.. I have a 17 Pitch Tempest on 150 Merq on my 185 Tpro and I get to about 48 top end and can troll down to 2.7 in calm water before I need to throw a sock out

    Posts: 749

    I’ve thought about trying a Tempest to see if it will get a little more bow lift without sacrificing stern lift. Is that 17P on a 4S or a 2 stroke motor?

    I’m running a Merc 150 4S on an older TPro (rated for 175hp) that weighs about the same, 50lbs less, and a couple inches shorter, than the 2015. Running the Vengeance 19P and get 46-48 depending on load and conditions.
    Cruises sweet in the mid-30’s sippin’ gas.

    Trolls about the same, 2.7-ish range.

    The 150hp should be find in my book.

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