Nice job on the buck!

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IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Deer Hunting » 2015 live from the treestand
Day 2 of 9. Saw 11 deer last night. Little buck hounding a doe. No big boys yet. Nice cool calm morning.
Just passed a beautiful 2.5 year old 8 chasing a doe. Going to be a stud next year.
Evening hunt of day 4. Warm Temps have caused little deer movement during day light. Trail cams show mature bucks still on their own, only moving at night. Some young bucks moving at first light.
Been a tough week, seeing deer, just not the right ones. Cold front came in last night, had a buck chasing and grunting just after shooting time. One last sit tonight with the bow, then the .270 comes out tomorrow. Sitting mid day now over a scrape.
Back in MN this weekend trying to kill a doe. I wasn’t in the stand 20 seconds and had a 2.5 9 pt that I passed come cruising by at 25 yards
Active morning so far for me this morning. 3 does and 2 smaller bucks. I planned on moving my stand closer since I left my rifle at home. I take a look at my phone pictures when I get in and post them if they are good
I shot a fox this morning. If the hide is as perfect as I think it is it might be a full body mount. Otherwise I’ll just do the hide.
Pretty quiet here in Jackson Co Wi. Onlt one small 8pt and a doe yesterday. Nothing but turkeys today. South wind stinks but its a nice morning. 22 degrees when I left the truck.
Sitting in a flooded crp field in the ground blind today. The deer leave their bedding area, cross the crp and then enter the next section of woods that leads to my food plot.
They were chasing hard yesterday afternoon. Got a 4 year old nine point. Wish I had brought the bow. Had him broadside at 20 yards. Pretty quiet this morning.
This is 2 feet from my ground blind. It wasn’t there three weeks ago when I set the blind up.
Been hearing a lot of 3 to 5 shot volleys. Shoot you guns before the season people! Rant over and back to hunting.
If you need 5 shots to hit a deer you need to stop shooting at that one because you don’t have an ethical shot.
If you need 5 shots to hit a deer you need to stop shooting at that one because you don’t have an ethical shot.
EXACTLY! I Can’t believe how many times I hear the multiple shot volleys. Typically, if you need to shoot more than twice you probably are taking a shot you shouldn’t.
I agree, running shots are not ethical.
I agree, running shots are not ethical.
I wouldn’t be so quick to judge. Only unethical for those that don’t practice moving targets.
I think we can all agree that if you need 5 shots you shouldn’t be taking the shot.
Now back to “live from the tree”….
What if u hit him on the first shot and he keeps going? Just asking to make sure my ethics are up to par enough for all u ethical judges.
Have an 8 pointer that has been chasing does around my plot and grunting for the last 30 minutes. Hope he calls in the big boy for me.
Another buck just showed up and they’re fighting. 10 minutes of light left.
99% of the deer i’ve shot with a bow have ran. Does that mean I should keep shooting arrows too?
I bet u would if u could fast enough. Just funny to me everybody so quick to judge people on ethics. Everybody has their own thoughts of what ethical is. Just stay to true to yours and don’t worry about others if it were not OK to do then they would make a one bullet rule. If some one hits a deer on their first shot and it takes off wouldn’t u rather they just keep shooting to try to drop it rather then it run off wounded for days before it dies.
Have u ever wounded a deer and not found it? I would guess yes most have that have been doing this sport any period of time. So sir for doing that u are unethical because u should have practice more so u never make anything less then a perfect shot. But anyway good debate will agree to disagree and get this back to a from the tree discussion.
Day 3 of 9 is about to start. In more of an evening spot but we have seen multiple bucks chasing does so you never know. Based on what I have seen the does aren’t receptive to it yet but when the buck bumps them they just run a circle and go back to eating clover.
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