I own a 2015 Ice Castle. It’s a custom Grand Castle. I’ve been having problems with the ground. The bad ground causes the exterior lights to not work, included issues are the LED lights used to see around the house at night, running lights, and brake/tail lights. Called the dealer whom told me there is a bolt on the bottom of the frame located on the rear drivers side of the house. The bolt is on the bottom of the frame. The resolution they provided was to spin the bolt at a high RMP to break away the corrosion and rust. This has worked several times. Temporary fix as the issue presents itself after a couple of weeks again. It defiantly fixes it but after the house sits for a few weeks same problem occurs. The bolt cannot be tightened as the nut is behind the diamond plate and only accessible by removing the diamond plate and digging through the spray foam. I Removed the diamond plate, noticed the bolt appears to go up into the subfloor of the house. I’d like to replace it and or tighten it, however without removing everything it seems like it’ll be a real pain in the butt. Anyone else had this problem and if so what did the dealer do or say to resolve it more long term. My suspicion is having to remove the diamond plate, remove the sprayfoam and hopefully locate the nut and replace or tighten. It isn’t accessible from inside the house. Seems like a difficult design. Thanks all!

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