2015 Duck Hunting

  • goosehunter
    Posts: 147

    Need some weather soon haven’t seen hardly any Ducks for 3 weeks.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    A new group of ducks did move into OTC mid last week. I didn’t duck hunt at all, sat in the deer stand, but Dad was ale to get a couple decent shoots on northern ringbills late last week and into the weekend.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    I’m in my feet stand in richland county, wi. Snow geese flying over todau

    Posts: 147

    Picked up several hundred mallards a few days ago, the best time of year is finally here

    Posts: 9311

    Went to scout a lake I wanted to hunt in the morning and it was locked up tight. frown

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    …Yes it is.! The water is high on the river now and that makes things a lot EZ-ER for old timers.!

    [quote=1578859]Went to scout a lake I wanted to hunt in the morning and it was locked up tight.  :frown:

    …I Scouted most of the day 2 day, Any where there was NO current Was froze up here also…. Glad I took the bigger boat cause I broke up a LOT of ice.! Hope it stays Open over night.?? … rrr

    Posts: 585

    It’s just getting good. The rest of the season should be awesome. Been smashing geese like crazy but Tim to finish these ducks the next couple weeks.

    Posts: 9311

    Starting Tuesday I will hunt every morning until the season is closed. This is my favorite part of the season.

    Posts: 9243

    Peak numbers here right now and should stay that way until the lakes are locked up.

    Had a fun shoot this afternoon… 8 man limit of greenheads with a few widgeons and green wing teal to fill our bonus ducks.

    1. download_20151122_212006.png

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Our season is over and it ended pretty good. Decent numbers of golden eyes, buffleheads and mallards made for a fun last 2 days. A lot of the lakes were locked up with ice, but we found a few deeper ones to hunt. All in all a pretty good season.

    Posts: 1250

    Hasn’t been the best season for us. Haven’t seen as many birds as past years but that’s hunting!

    Posts: 9311

    All the birds are in town. Will try to get out tomorrow morning to close out the season.

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    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13408

    Dustin was telling me the Lions Levee ramp was full of duck hunter last Wednesday morning. Even ran into a few using 494. Not sure how they are doing but would expect all right as the lakes are starting to freeze up. Plenty of flow on the river right now. It shouldn’t be freezing anytime soon.

    Posts: 9311

    I’m super excited about the morning hunt. Sad that it is the last day of the season but the birds were dumping in tonight where I want to go.

    1. 20151128_160639.jpg

    Posts: 9311

    That is a pic of the same lake but a different group of geese.

    Posts: 147

    went out to a small creek today didn’t have permission to hunt the better part of the creek so i hunted the next property up. things were slow but did manage to get a greenhead in the morning and a black duck in the afternoon.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Here is a picture from the last weekend of duck hunting. Me and Dad on a little deep lake that stays open late and the whistlers usually like it there. Cool picture.

    1. late-season-ducks.jpg

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