2015 Boat Registration-w/trailer decal notice

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    This is going to be interesting!

    I wonder if all 49 other states are adding this MN Notice to their boat registration cards?

    Click on photo to read.

    1. 2015-Trailer-Renewal.jpg

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17577

    Sense I would need to use several of “George Carlin’s 7 words you can’t use on TV” to express my feeling I’ll pass. grin

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    I hear you Dutch…

    I can’t believe this is still on the trailers.mndnr.gov website!

    I’m just traveling through MN from another state with my boat and trailer. Do I still need a decal?

    Yes, Minnesota law states that anyone transporting watercraft or water-related equipment in Minnesota needs to complete training and display the decal on their trailer.

    Remember this name: Representative John Ward.

    Evansville MN
    Posts: 278

    Is this the same regulation that requires an online test that I have been hearing about?
    I am starting to think all of the invasive species reside in all of our state capitals!

    Posts: 3

    This sounds like another program to increase revenue and a make work project to justify hiring more DNR personnel.

    Does anyone know the bill number of the legislation that authorized this fiasco?

    Posts: 6687

    I’ll be not complying until absolutely forced otherwise

    Posts: 1902

    Good thing I never applied the last sticker that was going to stop invasives.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    I sure hope no one in WI is foolish enough to try and copy this law in the future.

    Still can’t see how someone driving through the state on a federal highway can be stopped and ticketed for this. It would be like some small town deciding they want to have their own “additional” registration pass to drive on their roads.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    If it is required (as they say), eventually they will have a penalty or fine involved. I think the wording would be all different if they were not going add some enforcement leverage to it down the road.

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    The law: statute

    The DNR Facts: MN DNR INFO Here

    Although we only have ourselves to blame, this one sneaked by most if not all of us until it was law.

    It can be repealed, but one phone call or one email from me isn’t going to do it. crazy

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17577

    The law: statute

    The DNR Facts: MN DNR INFO Here

    Although we only have ourselves to blame, this one sneaked by most if not all of us until it was law.

    It can be repealed, but one phone call or one email from me isn’t going to do it. crazy

    Don’t sell yourself short. toast

    Spirit Lake, IA
    Posts: 124

    I think I will forego going to Minnesota this year, and go to South Dakota. I can take Highway 9 over to South Dakota and then get on Interstate 29 or 90 depending on where I am going. I live in Spirit Lake, IA. What a joke!!!

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 191


    Maybe an online petition is the way to go for this? I don’t know how it could hurt. I have no idea what it would take to do that. Just thinking that, that might be a way to speak in numbers. Instead of each individual person trying to contact the brainless powers to be. This has to be the MOST RIDICULOUS law, I have EVER heard of!! Just a thought, that’s all.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    If it is required (as they say), eventually they will have a penalty or fine involved. I think the wording would be all different if they were not going add some enforcement leverage to it down the road.

    Cycle, my interpretation of how the federal law reads for traveling between states makes this all a big joke. I’ll have a copy of the federal law to give then in lieu of receiving anything from MN. now boating in MN is completely different than driving through

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    What are they going to do about border waters? Try to ticket all the stickerless trailers on one side of the water but have no say from the other side? All that’s going to do is hurt the MN launches! And…… are we supposed to believe they’ll ever set up road blocks at the borders to nail all the tourists entering the state? NO WAY!

    I do wonder what the scenario might look like when entering MN from Canada. They might be able to bamboozle us over a barrel in that situation.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17577

    At some point they will ticket the wrong guy and find themselves in court defending this.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Ok ALL,

    We can fight this and get it repealed.
    1) Find your district and whom supposedly represents you with this link: http://www.gis.leg.mn/OpenLayers/districts/

    2) Use the list to get your State Senator & State Representative contact information here for house: http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/members/hmem.asp and here for Senate: http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/members/index.php then write or call them, be nice and to the point that this feel good law will only alienate watercraft users and will cut out of state people from coming with their tourism dollars.

    3) Contact other watercraft/boating groups and associations, dealer groups, resorts & other camping/lodging organizations, bait shops and sporting goods dealers, etc. urge them to contact their members and clients to call and write to get this Law Repealed.

    4) Write letters to the editors and call in to radio talk shows, etc. get this information out there and it will go away, just like the old sticker that this replaced.

    Posts: 210

    I guess MN does not need me to come over there any more to fish for sturgeon or any other species of better yet I DON’T HAVE TO SPEND MY MONEY THERE! HA HA.

    Posts: 210

    As I think about this a little more the question I have is, Will MN DNR have a full time CO sitting at the parking lot of Cabelas in East Grand Forks to get anyone who comes over the bridge from ND to buy some fishing items or anything else they may need? lets hear what you think!

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    In doing what I’ve suggested to others to do, this evening I wrote emails to a number of trade, Marine Dealers and Resorts and Campground Associations, requesting they urge their member to repeal Statute 86B.13

    In all I sent over 30 emails this evening.

    Here is my letter, modified slightly depending whom I was sending it too!

    I am writing this in hopes of getting all your support to repeal a “Fell Good Law” that supposedly was written in hope of preventing A.I.S. (Aquatic Invasive Species) infestations in Minnesota.
    Read the following and be aware of your responsibilities if this Law is not repealed: State Statute 86B.13 information is under this link: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=86B.13
    In my opinion and that of many others it will do very little in the way of educating people about A.I.S., It will cut Tourism when people from out of state learn of the hassles involved in coming here or just traveling thru MN. with no teeth/penalty for violating this statute, many will violate it and take the risk of being caught. The MnDNR still does not have this active online test active, even 2-1/2 years after the Law was passed. The DNR talks of potential fines even though NONE are allowed by Statute as written. Here is the MnDNR webpage on their take on this law: http://www.trailers.mndnr.gov/
    This LAW will make everyone whom owns a watercraft with a trailer pass this online test to be legal in transporting a watercraft within Minnesota, whether or not you plan to even launch your watercraft within Minnesota. This is simply put a law that will do very little in slowing the spread Aquatic Invasive Species and in no way will prevent it! With this Law, the Owner of the Watercraft/Trailer is required to pass this test.
    Enforcement will likely be a nightmare for Law Enforcement Officials and in the meantime, more and more lakes have become infested due to a lack of enforcement of existing laws and many others who don’t care.
    Please urge your Minnesota and other dealers to contact your State Representative & State Senator and ask them to “Repeal State Statute 86b.13”
    Use these links to find your elected officials with their contact information. If you’re from out of state, pick one in the areas you visit and spend your money.
    House members: http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/members/hmem.asp
    Senate members: http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/members/index.php

    Thank You
    Carroll Aasen,
    About me: A concerned Sportsman, Member of the Carver County Parks Commission, Member & Secretary/Treasurer of the Sportsmen Bassmasters of Minnesota.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Thanks for the links and info BK and Carroll58.

    Channel 5 did a story on this a few weeks ago with one of the points being that many people won’t even be aware of it. If not for the info I get here or that 60 second bit I happened to stumble upon I wouldn’t even know it was in the works.

    I just can’t wrap my head around this whole thing at all.

    Are they going to spend a half a million bucks to make all registered boat owners aware of this?
    This is going to be one of the biggest cluster F*#@s in the history of this states involvement in regulations, ever, and that’s saying quite a bit.

    I really wanted to go on the LOW get together but I’ll be home studying so I can pay for a shiny sticker

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>cycle wrote:</div>
    If it is required (as they say), eventually they will have a penalty or fine involved. I think the wording would be all different if they were not going add some enforcement leverage to it down the road.

    Cycle, my interpretation of how the federal law reads for traveling between states makes this all a big joke. I’ll have a copy of the federal law to give then in lieu of receiving anything from MN. now boating in MN is completely different than driving through

    The story I saw on Channel 5 said either for the remainder of 2015 or six months they will give warnings and after the “grace” period fines will be levied. I just don’t believe the people traveling thru the state will be required to have this let alone the residents. Makes me pine for the days of Governor turnbuckle.

    Evansville MN
    Posts: 278

    Please remember JOHN WARD as BK so noted .

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Randy Wieland wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>cycle wrote:</div>
    If it is required (as they say), eventually they will have a penalty or fine involved. I think the wording would be all different if they were not going add some enforcement leverage to it down the road.

    Cycle, my interpretation of how the federal law reads for traveling between states makes this all a big joke. I’ll have a copy of the federal law to give then in lieu of receiving anything from MN. now boating in MN is completely different than driving through

    The story I saw on Channel 5 said either for the remainder of 2015 or six months they will give warnings and after the “grace” period fines will be levied. I just don’t believe the people traveling thru the state will be required to have this let alone the residents. Makes me pine for the days of Governor turnbuckle.

    I do not see how they can state they will LEVY FINE$ as there is currently No Provision within this Law giving the DNR that Authority!

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>belletaine wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Randy Wieland wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>cycle wrote:</div>
    If it is required (as they say), eventually they will have a penalty or fine involved. I think the wording would be all different if they were not going add some enforcement leverage to it down the road.

    Cycle, my interpretation of how the federal law reads for traveling between states makes this all a big joke. I’ll have a copy of the federal law to give then in lieu of receiving anything from MN. now boating in MN is completely different than driving through

    The story I saw on Channel 5 said either for the remainder of 2015 or six months they will give warnings and after the “grace” period fines will be levied. I just don’t believe the people traveling thru the state will be required to have this let alone the residents. Makes me pine for the days of Governor turnbuckle.

    I do not see how they can state they will LEVY FINE$ as there is currently No Provision within this Law giving the DNR that Authority!

    That’s what they said on the news.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    I’ll bump this and comment later as I’ve been down for the count lately. Gladly irratate those that do not think its a big deal or those that will not take a stand.

    Edit: sorry no irratation intended, poor attempt at getting some involvement on the subject.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>carroll58 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>belletaine wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Randy Wieland wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>cycle wrote:</div>
    If it is required (as they say), eventually they will have a penalty or fine involved. I think the wording would be all different if they were not going add some enforcement leverage to it down the road.

    Cycle, my interpretation of how the federal law reads for traveling between states makes this all a big joke. I’ll have a copy of the federal law to give then in lieu of receiving anything from MN. now boating in MN is completely different than driving through

    The story I saw on Channel 5 said either for the remainder of 2015 or six months they will give warnings and after the “grace” period fines will be levied. I just don’t believe the people traveling thru the state will be required to have this let alone the residents. Makes me pine for the days of Governor turnbuckle.

    I do not see how they can state they will LEVY FINE$ as there is currently No Provision within this Law giving the DNR that Authority!

    That’s what they said on the news.

    Aside from citation issued or not do we agree the law should be repealed?

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