2014 Deer season is over – Our first success as a team

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I headed up north yesterday with my two oldest in tow. The weather was perfect for making snowmen and getting some time on the lead sled. Got my 25-06 dialed in. Didn’t take a pic but my group at 100 was super good with all 3 in the same 1″ square. Then I broke out the 22-250. It was shooting about 2 inches to the right. Moved it back and had another nice group sub 1″. After shooting the 25-06, I continue to love this caliber more and more. So easy on the shoulder and just flat out deadly.

    We finished our bench session and headed to the woods and crawled in the box blind right at 2:00. By 2:20 both girls had to potty. Thankfully we brought the restroom, a home depot bucket. The girls had no more than settled back into their games when I spotted a nice mature doe entering the brassicas field. I knew she was old enough to shoot so I let the girls watch her for a bit. I asked if they wanted me to take the shot(95 yards tops). They both very enthusiastically said yes.

    I grabbed the 25-06 and settled the cross hairs on the front shoulder and slowly squeezed off a round. The doe went down in the scope. The girls both squealed with excitement and the box blind was full of energy. The high front shoulder shot ended things quickly. I explained to the girls we needed to wait 30 minutes normally but after packing stuff up, I could tell the girls weren’t gonna make it another 15 minutes. We got down and started heading towards the spot we shot. I could see the doe laying there 15 yards from the shot but I let the girls try to find blood when Jocelyn spotted her.

    So many great lessons we went through from (“It’s OK to be a little sad when you end something’s life). I showed the girls how to approach slowly and detect for any last life. My oldest help me field dress the deer and she was fascinated by the anatomy. My middle child showed less interest but I understand this is a pretty graphic experience. Field dressing done, we started the half mile drag back to the truck. Jocelyn is a real trooper. She helped drag the whole way and it sure helped this fat old guy.

    It’s now 4:00 and we are back at the truck. Everything packed up nicely. We celebrated with gummy worms, mint gum and a Mich light. We spent the rest of the night watching an open meadow on the north end of the property. Right before dark, another father in our party also took a doe with his daughter in the stand. All around a great day for us Dads.

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    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Jocelyn and I.

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    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Sam and I.

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    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Very cool congratulations on a great hunt. The time you spent with your kids is memories they will have for a lifetime . Cherish every minute of it my friend. Again congratulations !

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    PERFECT ABSALOTLY PERFECT.! None of you will ever forget that day.. …rrr

    Posts: 1279

    You’re a good dad. Well done.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Kooty, I think it’s so cool the quality time you invest with your kids. There is no buck big enough to out weigh the involvement of having your kids having fun and enjoying the sport. I catch a little flack for the over the top tower stand I built. At the end of the day I built a growing tradition that I hope continues with your kids. Yea, I could have gone and sit in a more productive spot. But I would not have the satisfaction of sizing my girls being typical sisters and sharing some see some time outdoors.

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    Posts: 1054

    Outstanding hunt that you all will remember. This year I hunted alone as both my boys had to work WI opening weekend. Where does the time go they are now 25 and 27 years old. We all remember their 1st time watching me shoot a doe. We also reminisce about their 1st doe and buck from there own tree stand even though I was only 100 yards away. Great memories. Thanks for sharing yours.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Very cool how you have the kids involved. I remember those days with a smile! Congrats Kooty!

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    Awesome! I took my son out last night with hopes of harvesting a doe. It didn’t pan out but he was asking when we can go again before we got back to the truck. Good times!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Way to go! I bet they were excited as all get out. Congrats on a great hunt!


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