2008 Optimax. Good, okay, or avoid?

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Give me the scoop on a 2008 Optimax 115 horsepower.

    Good motor? Okay motor? Avoid at all costs?

    Obviously this is on a used boat so “get a Brand x” comments are not helpful.



    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    The problem optis were the big blocks in the early 2000s. The big issues with those were the injectors, more than the motors themselves. I know a few people with the 115 optis in that 08/09 time frame and they all still like them.

    If the hours are high, it might be worth looking into having the injectors cleaned just to be safe, but other than that the 115s have always been a pretty strong motor in the opti line.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    I run the exact motor on a 17′ fiberglass Tuffy. It pushes the boat into the mid 40’s with a light load and has a solid hole shot. It has about 200 hours on it and I’ve never had a single issue. I’m the second owner and knew the first owner also. He did have a coil replaced under warranty years ago. My local mechanic gives it a once-over every Fall and changes the lower unit oil and checks prop, hub, etc.

    I do everything from running at ~80% throttle for miles on end to trolling for a couple hours at a time pulling cranks without any issues. I do let it idle at the dock for a couple minutes each outing to warm up as Mercury advises. It has had the AMSOIL injector oil run through it for its lifetime. This is supposedly good for eliminating fouled plugs (which I’ve never had to deal with).

    I’m a firm believer in most modern outboards are solid and reliable if they are taken care of and maintained. Shoot me a PM if you’ve got any questions. I wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger on one and expect it to be reliable.

    Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 216

    I had an 07 90 opti on a 1750 FishHawk. They are half of the 3 liter v-6 opti. No problems with it and the guy I sold it to loves it. Make sure and use the opti oil or one that is for direct injection and let it warm up before taking off. A buddy of mine had the early 115 opti that used the 150 block. That thing was a beast for a 115.

    Posts: 3913

    have a dealer hook it up to their computer and check it out,they will be able to see maximum rpms and for how long,over temps if any,etc.
    they can also see what if any maintenance work has be done and recorded as well.
    have them hook the gauges up and check fuel rail as well as air pressure readings.
    have them check the low and high pressure pumps out also.

    need to check the belt out while they are at it while the hood is off.
    the early ones had problems with the compressors failing on them but they have been redesigned with better oiling to the compressor main and rod bearings.
    if it has been replaced with the newer updated version you will be able to see the oil feed line tapped into the upper bearing housing,earlier ones had that oil line a little lower.

    good gas and oil is a must on those engines and the fuel pumps as well as the injectors will be the first thing to suffer if you dont.
    if it has had good care,good gas and oil in it,it should be a great motor.

    Paul Berger
    Posts: 36

    Had a 2007 opti-pop. 200hp. Took good care of it. Did all the maintenance on it when needed. Out of nowhere blows. Mechanic at nelsons says he sees about three a year. Exactly the same thing. Injectors get fouled or clogging and poof. I am not sure on the 115’s. My two cents. Keep looking.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Grouse, one of my best friends had that exact motor on a 1700 Lund Fisherman. Only issue he ever had was from mother nature as the paper wasps (or a like) wanted to keep plastering in the pee hole if he didn’t keep a gold tee plugged into it when parked @ his home. He bought it new and just sold it to two of my other friends.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    I had a 75 that was based on the same 3-cylinder 1.5L powerhead, and loved it. You might want to consider adding one of the SmartCraft tach or monitors to help keep track of temps, hours, fuel usage, etc.


    1. IMG_0117.jpg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Thanks for all the feedback guys. Really valuable info. If anyone else has feedback, keep it coming.

    Next question: Fuel consumption. Good? Bad? So-so?

    Many thanks.


    Brainerd-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 183

    I have a 07 150. I feel the fuel use is good! I had a 70 horse evinrude that use more than twice that! Been a good motor just need a good battery!

    Posts: 3913

    like any boat,if it is propped right for the load as well as the boats hull design it will do fairly well on fuel,the 115 is easy on fuel compared to its bigger brothers but that goes without saying with any motor when you increase cubic inches and horsepower ratings.

    once you are on plane reduce the rpms enough that you can maintain it and that will help as well.
    I should add,those injectors DO NOT Like ethanol fuels,the tolerances on them are very tight and old,even thirty day old fuel will cause them to stick when that fuel starts to degrade and gets just the least bit gummy,trust me on that.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    I have a 20 gallon tank and top it off every third trip on P4 with about 10 gallons. I’m running 3-4 miles upriver, often trolling for a couple hours, running maybe a mile or two between spots, then the run back to the landing. To me, it seems efficient. I’m figuring less than 5 gallons per outing described above.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I have a 2000 Opti and it has never seen anything but 10% Ethanol gas some Seafoam and AmsOil HP I have roughly 600 hours on it and besides having spark plugs go bad been a great engine. Biggest thing with the Optis is be sure the engine is warmed up before putting the hammer down and change out the water pump regularly. Water pumps do not hold up well in the Optis, the impeller never looks worn but they get hard and take a set.Fuel mileage is pretty darn good until you run wide open for long periods but that is no different then any engine.

    I would buy another one in a heart beat, beats the heck out of the Evinrudes I have owned..

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    Ditto letting the engine warm up, doing the old start up, and then hammer down is why so many refer to the original big ones as Opti pops.

    That being said, I had a wonderfully awesome 2004 150 which served me well for years right up until last May when it hit the wall. Did all the required maintenance including no corn gas. It happens. I would have bought another but not an option, so now I have a Mercury 150 4 stroke, which has been very nice so far.

    Like many things in life, buying used has alot to do with how well the former owner maintained … Good luck


    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    We see them quite often on trade in’s. Generally speaking a very good motor. I encourage you have a diagnostic run on it, for your peace of mind and minimize any surprises.

    Posts: 1564

    Had an 03 Opti 135 on my last boat. LOVED that motor. Just take care of it, would own another in a heartbeat!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Have an 2003 150 Opti. Runs great. No issues.


    northeast SD
    Posts: 113

    I am no motor expert but I have 08 1775 lund explorer with side console and it is rigged with an 08 115 opti. I find it performs extremely well. Lots of power, hole shot is great! Top speed is low 40s but think I can troll down to 2.2 mph? It starts perfectly and has always run smooth. However I do baby my boat/motor. Never hammer throttle, change fluids regularly. I also don’t think it has 100 hours on it??

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    I am no motor expert but I have 08 1775 lund explorer with side console and it is rigged with an 08 115 opti. I find it performs extremely well. Lots of power, hole shot is great! Top speed is low 40s but think I can troll down to 2.2 mph? It starts perfectly and has always run smooth. However I do baby my boat/motor. Never hammer throttle, change fluids regularly. I also don’t think it has 100 hours on it??

    Appreciate the feedback. I’m looking at a similar rig and exact same motor. I also don’t think this rig has anything over 200 hours and probably a lot less just judging by the total absence of wear on the keel, skeg, prop, etc. The thing is mint.

    I kind of wanted to get away from 2 stroke oil, but from my reading the Optimax sips it so slowly that for most owners it’s a question of maybe buying a gallon every year. I can live with that.

    I’m very careful with equipment, I always warm up all motors before putting them to work.

    Appreciate all the feedback.


    northeast SD
    Posts: 113

    Yeah the motor is really pretty nice. Really does well on gas…just sips it. I just carry a jug of oil in boat. When i feel it could be getting low or even when low warning alarm goes off I top it off. Lasts a long time. I’m curious as to price you are looking at? maybe you could pm me? I have been debating selling mine. Sounds much like yours. Has double ips hull which makes it ride really nice. I also have a kicker motor and two humm. bird 898s, and a Ipilot. IF…big IF sell i am wondering what price these are pulling. Superb condition as well and very low hr motor. Just debating going back to tiller. I guess opti is a little louder than the 4 stroke but will have more power. Friend of mine has a 115 yam. on same type boat. We had a short race once just to see if much difference. Mine blew his outa water. But I sure I like how quiet his is. Sounds like a sewing machine.

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