2006 Mercury 115 4-stroke beep code reference

  • reb
    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 24

    Need beep code reference specific to this motor.
    I just want to know what 4 beeps, 2 min apart mean.
    Changed checked oil full and clear, no gas smell. Changed impeller, pissing hard before & after, checked thermostat, Blew water through passages to ensure clear, engine temp not hot to touch, just warm as normal. removed heat sensors while running and issue still present.

    starts and idles fine, troll speed and up to 2k runs fine. At 2k shuts down and holds no higher than 2-2.5k sputtering. 4 beeps every couple minutes. Back to lower than 2k beep stops. Fuel is non-ethanol 3-6 years old mix with Merc fuel conditioner every year. Probably not best fuel thinking of draining next. Meter checked the neutral/shift switch works fine.

    All I could find on beeps is that 4 beeps (did not specify engine in chart so not sure) is either overheat/low oil/pressure or water bad/fuel. I’m down to fuel if this beep reference is correct, but again not sure it’s for my engine.

    Thanks for any help on the beep code or this issue.

    Posts: 4501

    Neighbor had similar problem, ended up being a oil tank float or sensor on the motor. $400 fixed at the dealer. Your going to need to have it checked out on a scanner to find out what’s going on to get fix it right.

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