2004 fisherman

  • craig court
    Posts: 2

    The wife just inherited her dad’s ’04 Fisherman. I replaced all four batteries and both motors start and run great. Don’t have power anywhere else…no live well, lights, bilge etc.,The Master switch on the console does nothing.
    Any ideas?


    Twins Guy
    Posts: 114

    I wonder if there is an accessory kill switch installed to prevent things from being left on or voltage leak? Or bad fuses? Or possibly power cable to fuse panel wasn’t properly reinstalled?

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Look for one of these.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    One of these.

    1. 842BACE5-CA9C-4AC2-9BAB-26E719A6B5B3.jpeg

    Ivan Knapp
    Posts: 76

    I don’t have that model But if none of the above don’t work on the Pro V that I bought there was a inline fuse on the supply wire going to the control panel. It is located about 2 foot from the battery and looks to be from the factory. I have the owners manual for this boat and it does not say anything about this fuse.

    Posts: 314

    I don’t have that model But if none of the above don’t work on the Pro V that I bought there was a inline fuse on the supply wire going to the control panel. It is located about 2 foot from the battery and looks to be from the factory. I have the owners manual for this boat and it does not say anything about this fuse.

    Yes, there should be a wire off the battery positive that runs to the fuse panel up front. That wire is likely fused inline near the battery.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2026

    Look for a black switch box in each of your battery compartments. They will be in the upper portion of the compartment and kinda hard to see. The are normally mounted on top and against the gunwal sides. You should see a switch that says ON & Off. Hopefully that’s the trick as they may be both switched to off. If so, your bateeries may still need to be charged as those switches cut off all the juice coming in and going out from them.
    Good luck waytogo

    Posts: 647

    Bullcans has your answer. You will have one of these switches for your cranking battery and one for your trolling motor.

    craig court
    Posts: 2

    Ok, pulled fuses, all were good. Reinstalled them and now have power throughout.


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