2002 baron magnum 2150 list's to the left

  • douglas orton
    Posts: 9

    The boat is new to me it list’s to the left.i just put in a complete new floor and new paint there are no dent’s in the hull.i tried to adjust the motor trim tab no change. Thank’s doug.

    Posts: 1892

    Does it still do it when you trim up while on plane? My stepdad’s StarCraft leans to the left until you start to trim up. I seem to remember someone saying that is caused by the motor being mounted to low.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3913

    Motor trim, trim tabs and the round disk on the lower unit (also called a trim tab oddly) that can be adjusted L/R trim are all different things.

    Motor trim will raise or lower the bow on plane and take off.

    Trim tabs are mounted on the corners of the transom and will correct list on plane as well as raise and lower bow.

    And the disk style trim tab will limit wheel or tiller arm torque to the side AND on smaller boats CAN take away SOME list.

    I suspect your boat is a bit large to correct the issue by using the disk style trim tab. Can you give some specs about your boat?

    Is the boat an I/O or Outboard?
    Swim ladder/platform?
    Are you listing while at cruise or trolling or both?

    douglas orton
    Posts: 9

    21.5ft 9.9 merc left side 150 merc no ladder listing at cruiseing speed fine at trolling speed.i fill both live wells right side 3rd person sits right side nothing changes.

    James Wascko
    S.W Michigan for now.
    Posts: 202

    Do you know if the outboard has ever hit anything?
    A long time ago I had the same issue only on plane the boat would veer to the left slowly when I leveled out the boat and ran straight if I ran the boat on a lisp.

    Tried everything mentioned above to no avail. Well except added trim tabs.

    The out board got cocked at an angle. Not enough to notice just looking at it. Wind and waves pushed the back of yhe boat one time up on a concrete pad and step in high water. Was actually sitting on the outboard at that time.

    It slowly began to do this over time.

    On the other hand…..talked to many guys with bigger lunds such as the sport angler and such that said their boat leans a bit to port with a third person sitting over there.

    Did you add anything when you replaced the floor?

    douglas orton
    Posts: 9

    no just the floor all cut out’s were the same seat mount’s same hole’s. any one here ever use trim tab’s on a aluminum boat.

    James Wascko
    S.W Michigan for now.
    Posts: 202

    I have not ever used them but have known of some that did and the only regret they had was not doing it sooner.

    Note of Caution. …..
    Last winter a gentleman from Lund told me if I had trim tabs put on then it would Void any Warranty

    James W

    douglas orton
    Posts: 9

    Thank’s Jame’s it’s 2002 no warranty here

    James Wascko
    S.W Michigan for now.
    Posts: 202

    Douglas Hi,
    Yea I kind of figured the warranty might be run out but threw it out there just in case some one else might be thinking about it.

    That’s the reason I kind of walked away from the sport angler 20 footer. The lean to port.
    But man the space on the deck with full top and sides is hard to beat.

    Keep us informed in your progress in this.
    James W

    Posts: 7348

    My 2 cents.

    That boats a tank, nice rig, but when she’s at still in the water, and even at moderate trolling speeds its fine bc most of the boat is in the water with the water holding her up.

    What’s your top end with a 150 on it? I’m guessing at cruising speed that boat rises up out that water to have the weight distribution come into play by listing.

    Where’s the live well? That wouldn’t matter to much if up front on that big of boat. Unless a guy is hanging off the right side of transom, well, that’s an option…. devil

    Posts: 333

    Seems to me that I read a similar thread about a ranger boat with the same issue . Turns out to be the motor was not propped correctly and the prop was pulling the one side down ??
    Just what I read !

    Posts: 122

    Try adjusting the trim fin on the motor towards the list..

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1005

    Did it do this before the floor was replaced?

    Another possibility would be a bent or improperly replaced skeg.

    douglas orton
    Posts: 9

    after the floor was replaced skeg looks good

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1005

    after the floor was replaced skeg looks good

    If it didn’t do this before the floor was changed it sounds like the hull may be distorted from the new floor. Was the floor force-fit into place, a warp in the plywood, or a difference between the boat contour and the plywood that flattened out when the floor was screwed down? It may also have swelled after it was put in. That’s a BIG boat so a little force could make the aluminum move in odd ways.

    Unless it’s a safety issue, enjoy the boat and don’t worry about it. Just tell people you wanted it that way so that any spray from hitting waves goes on them instead of on you! If it really bothers you, try adjusting the floor to relieve any stress that’s being transferred from the floor to the hull – the aluminum will probably flex back into place.

    Good luck.


    douglas orton
    Posts: 9

    thanks dan i bought the boat in feb started on the floor new it was bad and it needed paint so i just started working on it took most of the summer. august was the first ride it no wood was forced each peice went in easy.its not a safety issue put 26 walleyes in the boat on sunday.

    Posts: 1892

    With it being over 20′ does it still have floatation in it? Any chance you checked to see if it was waterlogged? With the floor being bad it has spent some time outside in the elements.

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