20′ Tiller

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17558

    Has anybody priced out a 20′ fiberglass tiller lately? 200+ hp. Just wondering where they are at now days. There are only a few companies left building 20′ tillers.


    Can anybody think of any others?

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4086

    Recon has one as well.

    A Warrior 2090 with a 250 is over 100k new.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17558

    I thought Recons was a 18′ or 18 1/2′?

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1394

    I’d be willing to bet that lund comes out with a pro v walleye one of these years. They have the bass and musky already and I could see them throwing it back to the old “Mr walleye” edition. Doubt it will be glass but maybe!! I know I would love to see one again. Their glass tillers were pretty sweet those few years.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1394

    Have you run a ranger tiller yet? Or are you only looking new now? I know Joe Scegura has one and speaks highly of it but they are tricky to find in this market.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    this is my favorite Dutchboy thread every winter.

    I thought Recons was a 18′ or 18 1/2′?

    the first 20’er just landed to a dealer in early December.
    scroll through their Facebook page and there are pics, specs, and video.
    looks like an exceptionally nice rig.

    Posts: 9330

    That’s quite the enclosure they have on that.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17558

    Thanks. Silly me for not keeping up to date.

    Posts: 13090

    That enclosure is pretty sweet but how the hell do you fish when the thing is in it’s stored position.
    I get you are not fishing when it’s snapped into place. I bet your passenger would love the ride across the lake though.

    Posts: 2872

    From the looks of their motor tests that hull runs out pretty damn good.
    I think my dog would love the enclosure that thing has.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17558

    Seems the support arm interferes with the graph but that just might be the picture. Might have to look and see where that dealer is and go take a lookie see.

    Jeffrey Trapp
    Milbank, SD
    Posts: 305

    I priced out a Yar fully loaded with garmin and it was 95k before any dealer prep. I also priced out a warrior with a 250 and not fully loaded and that was awfully close to 100k as well. I bought a year old 2090 for a considerable amount less.

    Posts: 1799

    Something I noticed on that boat that looked unusual to me — the electronics cluster is on the starboard side. I have seen guys who decide to mount their graph over there for whatever reason, but I haven’t seen many boats where they made the decision to place all the gauges and everything over there. That said, I haven’t looked at new boats in a long time and I fish a much simpler boat in general. Unless this is a customizable option I’d think that would turn a lot of buyers away just because they’re used to doing it the opposite way. Maybe that’s why I’ve never heard of Recon boats or seen one on the water.

    1. recon-scaled.jpg

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17558

    They did the same thing with their 18′ tiller. It’s something they decided to do for whatever reason. I’ll find a decent Recon dealer or maybe just go to the factory someday.

    Crucial Boats (former Backtroller Boats) just pulled their 20′ hull out of the mold so I’ll get a look at that one also.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    i mounted my graph on the starboard side of a 19′ tiller that i ran in 2010, it worked nicely for me there – but i don’t backtroll. i test drove the Recon 18′ tiller when it came out a couple years ago and it was the same deal – i found the starboard cluster to be a better location for running the boat on plane, forward trolling, and even casting from their generous back deck, but clearly would not be as good for backtrolling. would definitely add a different graph in the stern for that, the same as guys do in wheel boats.

    that dealer (Lakeside) serves a big-water area of Winnebago and Green Bay, so i suppose i understand the addition of the enclosure.

    i have a friend who is on his second 19′ Recon wheel boat. their hulls are lighter than comparable rigs and not quite as deep. a touch harder in rough conditions than a deeper hull but very capable, and they plane very quickly and run fast with a good ride and fishability. i envy the storage as that’s the one area my boat lacks.

    OG Net_Man
    Posts: 895

    Something I noticed on that boat that looked unusual to me — the electronics cluster is on the starboard side. I have seen guys who decide to mount their graph over there for whatever reason, but I haven’t seen many boats where they made the decision to place all the gauges and everything over there. That said, I haven’t looked at new boats in a long time and I fish a much simpler boat in general. Unless this is a customizable option I’d think that would turn a lot of buyers away just because they’re used to doing it the opposite way. Maybe that’s why I’ve never heard of Recon boats or seen one on the water.

    This lay out – what the he!!

    Some one will need to explain the wisdom behind this design. I would first think for a left handed person but they have the seat in the traditional location to run the motor with your left hand.

    You would have to be substantially lower in price to purchase this flawed boat design. And then the resale value…….

    I would hate to be the sales person trying to promote this design. I might have to stop in at a dealer just to hear their pitch.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    Some one will need to explain the wisdom behind this design.

    when you actually run a tiller rigged that way, it’s less crazy than it seems at first blush: it allows you to face forward while running the boat. if you’re like me and do a lot of zoom changes on the gps while running, this also puts the display closer so easier to reach, especially in a wide boat.

    1. starboardtiller.jpg

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