sold20 Gauge Shotgun

  • dingerboy8292
    Posts: 52

    Looking for a 20 gauge shotgun for my 11 year old Son he’s left handed. Thinking maybe a Browning BPS . If anyone has a good shotgun for sale let me know. Thanks!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    I’m also left handed. Shooting right handed firearms especially shotguns is not a problem for me unless you are talking bolt action. All of my rifles except one of my AR’s are left handed. Left handed are harder to find and more expensive if you do. Hope this helps. Good Luck!!

    IGH, MN
    Posts: 161

    I could help you. I have a Browning BPS 20gauge. Straight stock, short barrels

    IGH, MN
    Posts: 161

    Browning BPS, 20ga. 21-1/2” barrel. $400.00

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    2. 72ACAC70-8F29-4752-A847-2900830CCE8A-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 31

    Take a look at the Savage 220’s if you dont do the Browning BPS. It can shoot very accurately out to 150 yards with the Remington Accutip Slugs. The slugs have been hard to find but the Remington Factory is producing them, just expect to pay $20 a box right now. The shotgun is a bolt action, so it has a bit more kick then a semi auto, but it could be a reliable shotgun for years for him and they make left handed versions.

    I have mine paired with a Vortex Diamondback 3x9x40 scope.

    eyota, mn
    Posts: 599

    PM inbound sharptailer

    David L Phares
    Posts: 5

    If your Browning BPS 20 ga is still available, I am looking fir that gun. You can text me directly at 480-540-1412 and we can arrange a purchase.

    David Phares
    Chandler, AZ

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