2 Lures that interest me: Frostbite Dinner Bell & Simcoe Bug

  • usmarine0352
    Posts: 462

    I’ve seen the Dinner Bell used on quite a few Jay Siemen’s YouTube channel and he has a lot of success.

    I’ve also seen Simcoe bugs (single and treble hook) on Facebook.

    Was thinking about buying 2 or 3 of each for walleyes and panfish on Red Lake, Mille Lacs, maybe Winni.

    What sizes and colors would be good?

    Also, if you got the Simcoe bug would you get the single hook or treble hook version?

    Anyone have any experience with these?

    Thanks in advance.

    Posts: 4800

    I tried dinner bells of all sorts of colors last winter on red and didn’t have very good luck. I don’t really see the big hype with them but maybe it’s just me ??? .

    We caught more fish on a plain red hook and a red hook more than anything. Talked to a older fella one day out walking around on the ice and he swears by adding a white bead above a plain hook.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    I like to try new different concepts, even if just for fun.

    I had the Demon Tongue spoon before it became a Dinner Bell. It now sits in the benched forever tackle box. It’s a good concept idea, but far more successful lures out there. Even an old school weight with a blade outfishes it. But it doesn’t sound cool on youtube.

    Dash Adams
    Posts: 68

    IF Jay Siemens, the Minndak Bros, Clayton Schick, NB Edits and the rest of those Youtubers fished Northland, VMC, Acme or any other brand the success would likely be very similar.

    I’m not a huge fan of the Googans or Frostbite but they have utilized the audience they built on Youtube and have created a brand. Now they have extended there brand with the Utilization of other YouTubers.

    I Almost guarantee it those guys were offered a $100,000 a year to fish VMC they would empty there tacklebox in a heartbeat.

    Don’t Hate the Player Hate the Game. I’m not mad at em but there really isn’t anything special about alot of the Frostbite Lures.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    You want to try something different? Try a PK Flutter Fish. Seriously.

    Posts: 462

    You want to try something different? Try a PK Flutter Fish. Seriously.

    What size and color for my target fish?

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Boy those youtubers sure pump the crap out of those dinner bells. And evidently they manage to get people to buy em…..SMH? Every year it’s something new that people bite at because they think it will catch more fish😂
    I see northland has something out called a coffin spoon. Its a spoon like any other spoon but shaped like a stupid coffin!


    UPRL……anything works there. Those eyes will eat anything with a minnow on it……anything as long as it fits in their mouth.


    Plain hook and minnow. That water is so clear you can probably see 30 feet down. Sure you can jig em up when they are aggressive but plain hook will win for numbers every time.

    There I saved ya like $20, now go and find some cheap spoons and hooks and you will catch more fish!

    People see these guys catching fish with these fancy lures but these guys are in Canada where there isn’t nearly as much pressure as in the midwest so their little dinner bells work great as they should.

    Armchair Biologist
    Posts: 12

    UPRL……anything works there. Those eyes will eat anything with a minnow on it……anything as long as it fits in their mouth.


    Plain hook and minnow. That water is so clear you can probably see 30 feet down. Sure you can jig em up when they are aggressive but plain hook will win for numbers every time.

    While I agree on your URL suggestion, and I agree that a plain hook catches allot of walleyes on Mille Lacs, I disagree that a set line outproduces a jigging spoon on Mille Lacs.

    I grew up fishing the lake and lived on it for a few years. Day in and day out I catch more fish on a jigging spoon then a set line during an ice fishing season. The key is what type of spoon and your jigging cadence.

    For URL really anything will work. They seem to like rattles on that lake if they are aggressive.

    Mille Lacs- No rattles ever. You’ll get guys that claim to catch fish on a buckshot but a buckshot is the worst spoon I’ve ever used on Mille Lacs. It’s way too aggressive. I have caught a few fish on less aggressive rattling flutter spoons like the lindy rattl’n flyer but you’re better off just keeping a rattle spoon off your line. Swedish pimples, northland moxxie minow, and Lindy frostee spoons work well to name a few. Small size and natural colors are the key. If you buy a diner bell for Mille Lacs you can’t go wrong with perch. Anything in silver is good as well.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
    You want to try something different? Try a PK Flutter Fish. Seriously.

    What size and color for my target fish?

    I dont know sizes. Sorry. You will have to determine that. I have caught perch on the perch sized and some walleye on the size or two above that. Unfortunately I dont walleye fish a lot in the winter. Its almost exclusively panfish. I have never used spoons for gills or crappies.

    Posts: 760

    I tried the Acme Sling Blade, now called the Pendu Jig, last season, and was very impressed. With a fine plastic tail and a spike added, I got bites from fish that wouldn’t bite anything else on multiple occasions – really convinced me. If you watch what it looks like in the water with small, slow to moderate jigging action, it really looks like an invertebrate moving through the water. This season they offer it in a smaller 2mm version, which makes it even more attractive to less active fish IMO.

    Cameron white
    Posts: 516

    I use the micro dinner bell for perch. Works well.

    Posts: 462

    I tried the Acme Sling Blade, now called the Pendu Jig, last season, and was very impressed. With a fine plastic tail and a spike added, I got bites from fish that wouldn’t bite anything else on multiple occasions – really convinced me. If you watch what it looks like in the water with small, slow to moderate jigging action, it really looks like an invertebrate moving through the water. This season they offer it in a smaller 2mm version, which makes it even more attractive to less active fish IMO.

    Do you mean 3G vs. 5G?

    Posts: 534

    IF Jay Siemens, the Minndak Bros, Clayton Schick, NB Edits and the rest of those Youtubers fished Northland, VMC, Acme or any other brand the success would likely be very similar.

    I’m not a huge fan of the Googans or Frostbite but they have utilized the audience they built on Youtube and have created a brand. Now they have extended there brand with the Utilization of other YouTubers.

    I Almost guarantee it those guys were offered a $100,000 a year to fish VMC they would empty there tacklebox in a heartbeat.

    Don’t Hate the Player Hate the Game. I’m not mad at em but there really isn’t anything special about alot of the Frostbite Lures.

    Is there a difference between youtuber’s or Tv Shows like In-Depth, Jason Mitchell, Clam Outdoors, Angling Buzz…? I mean it takes money to make the shows? They have to promote something because that something is paying for the show… I think that what we should take away from youtube and these shows are techniques and the areas they fish not what is on the end of their line… as there are many baits similar to whatever you see someone use on a show.

    And I don’t believe all YouTuber’s are paid to use certain products but I could be wrong.

    With that being said I have had good success with the dinner bell spoon. Get the small size for perch and the medium for walleye. Red golden shiner has been good for me and you can never go wrong with just the gold. The dinner bell is not really a flutter spoon so you don’t get the same action as with a slender spoon or something like that.

    Posts: 760

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mojo wrote:</div>
    I tried the Acme Sling Blade, now called the Pendu Jig, last season, and was very impressed. With a fine plastic tail and a spike added, I got bites from fish that wouldn’t bite anything else on multiple occasions – really convinced me. If you watch what it looks like in the water with small, slow to moderate jigging action, it really looks like an invertebrate moving through the water. This season they offer it in a smaller 2mm version, which makes it even more attractive to less active fish IMO.

    Do you mean 3G vs. 5G?

    It was available in 3g and 5g sizes previously, but this year Acme has it in a 2g version as well. Less active fish seem more likely to bite on smaller baits.

    I’m not a fan of using dimension for measurement over weight, but for some reason, the listings I saw described it as millimeters and not grams. It would sure be nice if they used fractions of an ounce across the board. But, in any case, the smaller 2g size looks to be a good idea for finicky fish.

    Posts: 539

    Do any retailers carry the Dinner Bell? I attempted to order 3 -3/16th ounce jigs for $14 and it was $10 shipping on the Frostbite website.

    Eric Hammerud
    Posts: 45

    I’ve had good luck on frostbite medium dinner spoons. I’m also becoming a fan of their rods as well. I order straight from the website. The Snyder’s lures death roll spoons have been working good as well…

    Menasha, WI
    Posts: 59

    I bought into the dinner bell hype last year. I absolutely crushed walleyes on the Winnebago system with them. Honestly, any gold or silver spoon will do the job but the dinner bell was on fire a few days!

    Ron Burgundy
    Utica MN
    Posts: 290

    That is a 7″ perch and the big dinner bell.

    1. Resized_20210219_125139.jpeg

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