So here’s one to keep an eye on!
Minnesota bills SF 1551 and HF 624 would allow anglers with a walleye stamp to use two lines when fishing in open water and four lines through the ice. These bills are part of the 94th Legislature (2025–2026).
How would the bill affect fishing?
The bill would allow anglers with a walleye stamp to use two lines when fishing in open water and four lines when ice fishing.
The bill would modify existing fishing law.
Proceeds from the sale of the walleye stamp are used to maintain and enhance Minnesota’s walleye fishing.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources stocks walleye in about 1,000 lakes.
Who sponsored the bill?
Senator Andrew Lang, R-Olivia, authored S.F. 1551.
I wonder what the stance of MN-Fish will be on this one?