The method of passing legislation is the issue. The people who we elect to “work for us” have developed ways of passing legislation that 98% of the population will never look at, question, or maybe even understand.
A few dozen things could easily be included in one bill, rather than a few hundred. In a 20 minute scroll and read there are more things in there that one could question than things the average person says “Yes, absolutely. I agree with that.”
People have long said (myself included) that they’d even support a small license add-on fee increase for a second line if that’s what it took. We’re getting that small add-on, along with x10s of millions more dollars.
Enjoy that $260 “rebate” (if you make less than $75k) though that is expected to pass 
Yeah, I totally get it and agree with you and I sure won’t be getting any rebate or refund from the State. Also, since the 2 line thing is actually part of a MNDNR policy package, it makes no sense to me that their changes need to get inserted into a large omnibus bill. Their proposed changes should be a completely separate bill. We’ve tried countless ways to try and get this passed (including adding a bonus line fee) and everything has failed. It’s this or nothing and this is better than nothing.
I really hope 2 lines eventually gets passed for the entire State/all inland waters, but I won’t be fighting that fight. I’ll be watching from the cheap seats.
A extra line ticket is not cheap. The actual fine is $40, but I think its around $120 depending what county you are in and after they add in their court/administrative fees. Then if you get caught a second time, you lose your license for a year. Then get caught a third and I think you lose it for 5 years. Not to mention they can take all your gear if they want. A little tip though, if you are going to use extra lines, might has well toss out a couple more as you don’t get charged additional administrative costs on those, plus anything over 2 is only an additional $30 ($70 total), so if you have 5 lines out, the 4th and 5th is free. LOL