2 lines in Large MN Rivers moving forward 3/9/23

  • buckybadger
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    The method of passing legislation is the issue. The people who we elect to “work for us” have developed ways of passing legislation that 98% of the population will never look at, question, or maybe even understand.

    A few dozen things could easily be included in one bill, rather than a few hundred. In a 20 minute scroll and read there are more things in there that one could question than things the average person says “Yes, absolutely. I agree with that.”

    People have long said (myself included) that they’d even support a small license add-on fee increase for a second line if that’s what it took. We’re getting that small add-on, along with x10s of millions more dollars.

    Enjoy that $260 “rebate” (if you make less than $75k) though that is expected to pass jester

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    Wouldn’t it just be cheaper to pay the fine for fishing the 2nd line?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Wouldn’t it just be cheaper to pay the fine for fishing the 2nd line?

    Good question! From my understanding, the second or third ticket (for any of the game laws) a person would forfeit their license to hunt and fish. I’m not sure what happens if a person is caught fishing after revocation. Loss of boat and equipment??

    Posts: 1122

    The method of passing legislation is the issue. The people who we elect to “work for us” have developed ways of passing legislation that 98% of the population will never look at, question, or maybe even understand.

    A few dozen things could easily be included in one bill, rather than a few hundred. In a 20 minute scroll and read there are more things in there that one could question than things the average person says “Yes, absolutely. I agree with that.”

    People have long said (myself included) that they’d even support a small license add-on fee increase for a second line if that’s what it took. We’re getting that small add-on, along with x10s of millions more dollars.

    Enjoy that $260 “rebate” (if you make less than $75k) though that is expected to pass jester

    Yeah, I totally get it and agree with you and I sure won’t be getting any rebate or refund from the State. Also, since the 2 line thing is actually part of a MNDNR policy package, it makes no sense to me that their changes need to get inserted into a large omnibus bill. Their proposed changes should be a completely separate bill. We’ve tried countless ways to try and get this passed (including adding a bonus line fee) and everything has failed. It’s this or nothing and this is better than nothing.
    I really hope 2 lines eventually gets passed for the entire State/all inland waters, but I won’t be fighting that fight. I’ll be watching from the cheap seats.

    A extra line ticket is not cheap. The actual fine is $40, but I think its around $120 depending what county you are in and after they add in their court/administrative fees. Then if you get caught a second time, you lose your license for a year. Then get caught a third and I think you lose it for 5 years. Not to mention they can take all your gear if they want. A little tip though, if you are going to use extra lines, might has well toss out a couple more as you don’t get charged additional administrative costs on those, plus anything over 2 is only an additional $30 ($70 total), so if you have 5 lines out, the 4th and 5th is free. LOL

    Posts: 1122

    2310 is being heard right now in the House. $35 million for boat accesses, and $10 million for fish hatcheries.

    Posts: 1122

    Last night by 3 votes the Senate passed the final portion of the Environmental Bill HF2310. With both the House and Senate now passing and Gov already saying he’ll sign the bill. This is a done deal!
    2 fishing lines will be legal on the Minnesota River from Granite Falls downstream to the confluence of the Mississippi and also the Mississippi from St Anthony Falls downstream.
    I don’t know exactly when this will take effect, but most likely March 1st of 2024.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I see the light at the end of this…LONG tunnel!

    Posts: 1279

    Good! I am happy for you guys.

    I wish we would see this statewide some day, but i don’t have my hopes too high. A 2nd rod endorsement could be a large revenue generator for the DNR.

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