1st Timer Mille Lacs

  • curleytail
    Posts: 674

    Never been to Mille Lacs before, and thinking about trying to go up in the next week or two.

    Any tips for a 1st timer as far as is any portion of the lake better than the next or any access point more user friendly? An all day bite is appealing to me. Should I be focusing on the “mud flats” or does the shallower shoreline break still have a good day bite?

    I’ll be on a snowmobile so perfect plowed roads don’t concern me a lot. Also considering setting up a hub to camp in for a night. If I do that does anybody know if I pay for 2 access fees or does 1 access fee cover me for staying out there over night and fishing part of the next day?

    Posts: 4524

    I would set up your hub on the rocks 20-28fow then move around the flats during the day with the sled working the tops and side of the flats till you get into some fish. Set lines at prime time and at night on the rocks.

    Posts: 674

    Sounds like good advice, thank you. Is there there any reason to pick east side, south side, etc? Heading out of the east side of the lake would be the shortest drive from home for me.

    Also, are there any public launches I can use for free without too much worry? Don’t plan to stick to roads so if I can access the lake for free… I’m cheap.



    I know of some public accesses on the west end but the issue is they can have huge ice heaves onshore and it’s tough to get on. There are some cheaper options out there and do you plan on having sleds? Off road with truck could be tough.

    Posts: 674

    I will be travelling on the lake with a lightweight, long track snowmobile pulling an Otter Cabin or Lodge flipover.

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