1999 Johnson 40hp

  • G-raff
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 156

    I am looking at a boat with a 1999 Johnson 40hp motor. I know there were a bunch of issues around that time frame. Does anyone have any advice or experience with motor? Worth looking into or stay away from it? TIA

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6160

    I’d pass on that motor unless it comes with a couple spare lower units. (Fragile IMO)


    Posts: 601

    I had a 1997 40 hp on a pontoon. If I remember there were 3 and 4 cylinder models at least that year. I had a 4 cylinder and never had any problems with it. I only used a few years and sold it with the house. I believe they are oil injected.

    Posts: 601

    I was thinking of a Mercury. Sorry, I was distracted when reading your post.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    My mother had that engine on her lund. Her’s, and other people I know all had the same issues with the mid to late 90’s 40hp. The VRO pumps failed and didn’t get equal oil dispersed and fried the cylinders. Fortunately we caught it early on my mom’s. We disconnected the pump and just mixed oil/gas at the can. Very dependable motor. Just the issues with the oil pumps

    NW Iowa
    Posts: 680

    Just what Randy said… Disconnect the VRO and premix the gas and that motor will run for a long time. I had one on a 16.5 foot lund that I used as a duck boat as well. That motor was beat on, I fished alot and hunted hard. It sucked up more sand and mud in a season than most do in a lifetime. Changed the impeller and spark plugs twice a year, and run the hell out of it.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    I think a lot of motors in general were taken out due to crappy oil pump systems. If looking at that vintage just dump the oiling system and mix the gas as mentioned. Sounds like Jon had some bad experiences though, I personally had not heard of that.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6160

    My 98 was not a VRO. Went through 2 lower units in 3 years.


    Posts: 1282

    I’ve had a 1989 Evinrude 40hp (not VRO) for the last 10+ years. Thing is a tank and I’ve put it through the paces.

    Definitely have had to do some work to it – but all my buddies call it “the motor that will never die.”

    Posts: 1047

    I have a 1996 Evinrude that is still on my boat. Both were OMC engines. Bullet proof and refuse to die. I had a 1976 Johnson 25hp and that refused to die. Pre-FICHT there was nothing better than OMC.

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